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Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally 期刊论文
作者:  Smith, Melinda D.;  Wilkins, Kate D.;  Holdrege, Martin C.;  Wilfahrt, Peter;  Collins, Scott L.;  Knapp, Alan K.;  Sala, Osvaldo E.;  Dukes, Jeffrey S.;  Phillips, Richard P.;  Yahdjian, Laura;  Gherardi, Laureano A.;  Ohlert, Timothy;  Beier, Claus;  Fraser, Lauchlan H.;  Jentsch, Anke;  Loik, Michael E.;  Maestre, Fernando T.;  Power, Sally A.;  Yu, Qiang;  Felton, Andrew J.;  Munson, Seth M.;  Luo, Yiqi;  Abdoli, Hamed;  Abedi, Mehdi;  Alados, Concepcion L.;  Alberti, Juan;  Alon, Moshe;  An, Hui;  Anacker, Brian;  Anderson, Maggie;  Auge, Harald;  Bachle, Seton;  Bahalkeh, Khadijeh;  Bahn, Michael;  Batbaatar, Amgaa;  Bauerle, Taryn;  Beard, Karen H.;  Behn, Kai;  Beil, Ilka;  Biancari, Lucio;  Blindow, Irmgard;  Bondaruk, Viviana Florencia;  Borer, Elizabeth T.;  Bork, Edward W.;  Bruschetti, Carlos Martin;  Byrne, Kerry M.;  Cahill, James F., Jr.;  Calvo, Dianela A.;  Carbognani, Michele;  Cardoni, Augusto;  Carlyle, Cameron N.;  Castillo-Garcia, Miguel;  Chang, Scott X.;  Chieppa, Jeff;  Cianciaruso, Marcus V.;  Cohen, Ofer;  Cordeiro, Amanda L.;  Cusack, Daniela F.;  Dahlke, Sven;  Daleo, Pedro;  D'Antonio, Carla M.;  Dietterich, Lee H.;  Doherty, Tim S.;  Dubbert, Maren;  Ebeling, Anne;  Eisenhauer, Nico;  Fischer, Felicia M.;  Forte, T'ai G. W.;  Gebauer, Tobias;  Gozalo, Beatriz;  Greenville, Aaron C.;  Guidoni-Martins, Karlo G.;  Hannusch, Heather J.;  Haugum, Siri Vatso;  Hautier, Yann;  Hefting, Mariet;  Henry, Hugh A. L.;  Hoss, Daniela;  Ingrisch, Johannes;  Iribarne, Oscar;  Isbell, Forest;  Johnson, Yari;  Jordan, Samuel;  Kelly, Eugene F.;  Kimmel, Kaitlin;  Kreyling, Juergen;  Kroel-Dulay, Gyorgy;  Kropfl, Alicia;  Kubert, Angelika;  Kulmatiski, Andrew;  Lamb, Eric G.;  Larsen, Klaus Steenberg;  Larson, Julie;  Lawson, Jason;  Leder, Cintia V.;  Linstadter, Anja;  Liu, Jielin;  Liu, Shirong;  Lodge, Alexandra G.;  Longo, Grisel;  Loydi, Alejandro;  Luan, Junwei;  Lubbe, Frederick Curtis;  Macfarlane, Craig;  Mackie-Haas, Kathleen;  Malyshev, Andrey V.;  Maturano-Ruiz, Adrian;  Merchant, Thomas;  Metcalfe, Daniel B.;  Mori, Akira S.;  Mudongo, Edwin;  Newman, Gregory S.;  Nielsen, Uffe N.;  Nimmo, Dale;  Niu, Yujie;  Nobre, Paola;  O'Connor, Rory C.;  Ogaya, Roma;  Onatibia, Gaston R.;  Orban, Ildiko;  Osborne, Brooke;  Otfinowski, Rafael;  Partel, Meelis;  Penuelas, Josep;  Peri, Pablo L.;  Peter, Guadalupe;  Petraglia, Alessandro;  Picon-Cochard, Catherine;  Pillar, Valerio D.;  Pineiro-Guerra, Juan Manuel;  Ploughe, Laura W.;  Plowes, Robert M.;  Portales-Reyes, Cristy;  Prober, Suzanne M.;  Pueyo, Yolanda;  Reed, Sasha C.;  Ritchie, Euan G.;  Rodriguez, Dana Aylen;  Rogers, William E.;  Roscher, Christiane;  Sanchez, Ana M.;  Santo, Braulio A.;  Scarfo, Maria Cecilia;  Seabloom, Eric W.;  Shi, Baoku;  Souza, Lara;  Stampfi, Andreas;  Standish, Rachel J.;  Sternberg, Marcelo;  Sun, Wei;  Sunnemann, Marie;  Tedder, Michelle;  Thorvaldsen, Pal;  Tian, Dashuan;  Tielborger, Katja;  Valdecantos, Alejandro;  van den Brink, Liesbeth;  Vandvik, Vigdis;  Vankoughnett, Mathew R.;  Velle, Liv Guri;  Wang, Changhui;  Wang, Yi;  Wardle, Glenda M.;  Werner, Christiane;  Wei, Cunzheng;  Wiehl, Georg;  Williams, Jennifer L.;  Wolf, Amelia A.;  Zeiter, Michaela;  Zhang, Fawei;  Zhu, Juntao;  Zong, Ning;  Zuo, Xiaoan
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The value of values in climate science 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2022
作者:  Pulkkinen K.;  Undorf S.;  Bender F.;  Wikman-Svahn P.;  Doblas-Reyes F.;  Flynn C.;  Hegerl G.C.;  Jönsson A.;  Leung G.-K.;  Roussos J.;  Shepherd T.G.;  Thompson E.
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Governing for Transformative Change across the Biodiversity-Climate-Society Nexus 期刊论文
BIOSCIENCE, 2022, 卷号: 72, 期号: 7
作者:  Pascual, Unai;  McElwee, Pamela D.;  Diamond, Sarah E.;  Ngo, Hien T.;  Bai, Xuemei;  Cheung, William W. L.;  Lim, Michelle;  Steiner, Nadja;  Agard, John;  Donatti, Camila, I;  Duarte, Carlos M.;  Leemans, Rik;  Managi, Shunsuke;  Pires, Aliny P. F.;  Reyes-Garcia, Victoria;  Trisos, Christopher;  Scholes, Robert J.;  Portner, Hans-Otto
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2024/01/31
Multiple migrations to the Philippines during the last 50,000 years 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 13
作者:  Larena M.;  Sanchez-Quinto F.;  Sjödin P.;  McKenna J.;  Ebeo C.;  Reyes R.;  Casel O.;  Huang J.-Y.;  Hagada K.P.;  Guilay D.;  Reyes J.;  Allian F.P.;  Mori V.;  Azarcon L.S.;  Manera A.;  Terando C.;  Jamero L.;  Jr.;  Sireg G.;  Manginsay-Tremedal R.;  Labos M.S.;  Vilar R.D.;  Latiph A.;  Saway R.L.;  Marte E.;  Magbanua P.;  Morales A.;  Java I.;  Reveche R.;  Barrios B.;  Burton E.;  Salon J.C.;  Kels Ma.J.T.;  Albano A.;  Cruz-Angeles R.B.;  Molanida E.;  Granehäll L.;  Vicente M.;  Edlund H.;  Loo J.-H.;  Trejaut J.;  Ho S.Y.W.;  Rei L.;  Malmström H.;  Schlebusch C.;  Lambeck K.;  Endicott P.;  Jakobsson M.
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The genomic landscape of Mexican Indigenous populations brings insights into the peopling of the Americas 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  García-Ortiz H.;  Barajas-Olmos F.;  Contreras-Cubas C.;  Cid-Soto M.Á.;  Córdova E.J.;  Centeno-Cruz F.;  Mendoza-Caamal E.;  Cicerón-Arellano I.;  Flores-Huacuja M.;  Baca P.;  Bolnick D.A.;  Snow M.;  Flores-Martínez S.E.;  Ortiz-Lopez R.;  Reynolds A.W.;  Blanchet A.;  Morales-Marín M.;  Velázquez-Cruz R.;  Kostic A.D.;  Galaviz-Hernández C.;  García-Zapién A.G.;  Jiménez-López J.C.;  León-Reyes G.;  Salas-Bautista E.G.;  Lazalde-Ramos B.P.;  Jiménez-Ruíz J.L.;  Salas-Martínez G.;  Ramos-Madrigal J.;  Mirzaeicheshmeh E.;  Saldaña-Alvarez Y.;  del Carmen Abrahantes-Pérez M.;  Loeza-Becerra F.;  Mojica-Espinosa R.;  Sánchez-Quinto F.;  Rangel-Villalobos H.;  Sosa-Macías M.;  Sánchez-Corona J.;  Rojas-Martinez A.;  Martínez-Hernández A.;  Orozco L.
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Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of modern Neotropical rainforests 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 372, 期号: 6537
作者:  Carvalho M.R.;  Jaramillo C.;  de la Parra F.;  Caballero-Rodríguez D.;  Herrera F.;  Wing S.;  Turner B.L.;  D'Apolito C.;  Romero-Báez M.;  Narváez P.;  Martínez C.;  Gutierrez M.;  Labandeira C.;  Bayona G.;  Rueda M.;  Paez-Reyes M.;  Cárdenas D.;  Duque Á.;  Crowley J.L.;  Santos C.;  Silvestro D.
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Hemispheric asymmetry in ocean change and the productivity of ecosystem sentinels 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 372, 期号: 6545
作者:  Sydeman W.J.;  Schoeman D.S.;  Thompson S.A.;  Hoover B.A.;  García-Reyes M.;  Daunt F.;  Agnew P.;  Anker-Nilssen T.;  Barbraud C.;  Barrett R.;  Becker P.H.;  Bell E.;  Boersma P.D.;  Bouwhuis S.;  Cannell B.;  Crawford R.J.M.;  Dann P.;  Delord K.;  Elliott G.;  Erikstad K.E.;  Flint E.;  Furness R.W.;  Harris M.P.;  Hatch S.;  Hilwig K.;  Hinke J.T.;  Jahncke J.;  Mills J.A.;  Reiertsen T.K.;  Renner H.;  Sherley R.B.;  Surman C.;  Taylor G.;  Thayer J.A.;  Trathan P.N.;  Velarde E.;  Walker K.;  Wanless S.;  Warzybok P.;  Watanuki Y.
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Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory-overview and long-term comparison to other techniques 期刊论文
作者:  García O.E.;  Schneider M.;  Sepúlveda E.;  Hase F.;  Blumenstock T.;  Cuevas E.;  Ramos R.;  Gross J.;  Barthlott S.;  Röhling A.N.;  Sanromá E.;  González Y.;  Gómez-Peláez A.J.;  Navarro-Comas M.;  Puentedura O.;  Yela M.;  Redondas A.;  Carreño V.;  León-Luis S.F.;  Reyes E.;  García R.D.;  Rivas P.P.;  Romero-Campos P.M.;  Torres C.;  Prats N.;  Hernández M.;  López C.
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Recommendations for future research priorities for climate modeling and climate services 期刊论文
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2021, 卷号: 102, 期号: 3
作者:  Hewitt C.D.;  Guglielmo F.;  Joussaume S.;  Bessembinder J.;  Christel I.;  Doblas-Reyes F.J.;  Djurdjevic V.;  Garrett N.;  Kjellström E.;  Krzic A.;  Costa M.M.;  St. Clair A.L.
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An anatomy of Arctic sea ice forecast biases in the seasonal prediction system with EC-Earth 期刊论文
Climate Dynamics, 2021, 卷号: 56, 期号: 2021-05-06
作者:  Cruz-García R.;  Ortega P.;  Guemas V.;  Acosta Navarro J.C.;  Massonnet F.;  Doblas-Reyes F.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:49/0  |  提交时间:2021/06/28