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Applicability of seasonal forecasts from dynamical models for reservoir management practices 期刊论文
MAUSAM, 2024, 卷号: 75, 期号: 2
作者:  Dhage, Pradnya M.;  Srivastava, Ankur;  Rao, Suryachandra A.;  Soni, Aarti;  Pradhan, Maheswar
收藏  |  浏览/下载:1/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Re-evaluating soil moisture-based drought criteria for rainfed crops in peninsular India 期刊论文
作者:  Bal, Santanu Kumar;  Shivaramu, Huchahanumegowdanapalya S.;  Vijaya Kumar, Puppala;  Lingaraj, Huggi;  Sandeep, Vadakkemethel M.;  Subba Rao, A. V. M.;  Sarath Chandran, Malamal Alickal;  Manikandan, Narayanan;  Thimmegowda, Matadadoddi N.;  Manjunatha, Melekote H.;  Malleswari, Sadhineni N.;  Tupe, Arvind;  Sudhakar, Gunasekaran;  Dakhore, Kailash K.;  Subbulakshmi, Sundararaj;  Minhas, Paramjit Singh;  Singh, Vinod Kumar;  Singh, Rajbir
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Evaluating different lightning parameterization schemes to simulate lightning flash counts over Maharashtra, India 期刊论文
Atmospheric Research, 2021, 卷号: 255
作者:  Mohan G.M.;  Gayatri Vani K.;  Hazra A.;  Mallick C.;  Chaudhari H.S.;  Pokhrel S.;  Pawar S.D.;  Konwar M.;  Saha S.K.;  Das S.K.;  Deshpande S.;  Ghude S.;  Barth M.C.;  Rao S.A.;  Nanjundiah R.S.;  Rajeevan M.
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A township-level exposure model of residential buildings for mainland China 期刊论文
Natural Hazards, 2021, 卷号: 108, 期号: 1
作者:  Ma J.;  Rao A.;  Silva V.;  Liu K.;  Wang M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
China mainland  Exposure model  Residential buildings  Township level  
Vertical distributions and columnar properties of the aerosols during different seasons over Kattankulathur (12.82oN, 80.04oE): A semi-urban tropical coastal station 期刊论文
作者:  Ananthavel A.;  Mehta S.K.;  Reddy T.V.R.;  Ali S.;  Rao D.N.
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Aerosols  Lidar  North-east monsoon region  Pollution  
A cross-sectional analysis of meteorological factors and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in 409 cities across 26 countries 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  Sera F.;  Armstrong B.;  Abbott S.;  Meakin S.;  O’Reilly K.;  von Borries R.;  Schneider R.;  Royé D.;  Hashizume M.;  Pascal M.;  Tobias A.;  Vicedo-Cabrera A.M.;  Hu W.;  Tong S.;  Lavigne E.;  Correa P.M.;  Meng X.;  Kan H.;  Kynčl J.;  Urban A.;  Orru H.;  Ryti N.R.I.;  Jaakkola J.J.K.;  Cauchemez S.;  Dallavalle M.;  Schneider A.;  Zeka A.;  Honda Y.;  Ng C.F.S.;  Alahmad B.;  Rao S.;  Di Ruscio F.;  Carrasco-Escobar G.;  Seposo X.;  Holobâcă I.H.;  Kim H.;  Lee W.;  Íñiguez C.;  Ragettli M.S.;  Aleman A.;  Colistro V.;  Bell M.L.;  Zanobetti A.;  Schwartz J.;  Dang T.N.;  Scovronick N.;  de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coélho M.;  Diaz M.H.;  Zhang Y.;  Russell T.W.;  Koltai M.;  Kucharski A.J.;  Barnard R.C.;  Quaife M.;  Jarvis C.I.;  Lei J.;  Munday J.D.;  Chan Y.-W.D.;  Quilty B.J.;  Eggo R.M.;  Flasche S.;  Foss A.M.;  Clifford S.;  Tully D.C.;  Edmunds W.J.;  Klepac P.;  Brady O.;  Krauer F.;  Procter S.R.;  Jombart T.;  Rosello A.;  Showering A.;  Funk S.;  Hellewell J.;  Sun F.Y.;  Endo A.;  Williams J.;  Gimma A.;  Waterlow N.R.;  Prem K.;  Bosse N.I.;  Gibbs H.P.;  Atkins K.E.;  Pearson C.A.B.;  Jafari Y.;  Villabona-Arenas C.J.;  Jit M.;  Nightingale E.S.;  Davies N.G.;  van Zandvoort K.;  Liu Y.;  Sandmann F.G.;  Waites W.;  Abbas K.;  Medley G.;  Knight G.M.;  Gasparrini A.;  Lowe R.;  MCC Collaborative Research Network;  CMMID COVID-19 Working Group
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Evaluating the climate impact of aviation emission scenarios towards the Paris agreement including COVID-19 effects 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  Grewe V.;  Gangoli Rao A.;  Grönstedt T.;  Xisto C.;  Linke F.;  Melkert J.;  Middel J.;  Ohlenforst B.;  Blakey S.;  Christie S.;  Matthes S.;  Dahlmann K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:208/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 6
作者:  Vicedo-Cabrera A.M.;  Scovronick N.;  Sera F.;  Royé D.;  Schneider R.;  Tobias A.;  Astrom C.;  Guo Y.;  Honda Y.;  Hondula D.M.;  Abrutzky R.;  Tong S.;  Coelho M.S.Z.S.;  Saldiva P.H.N.;  Lavigne E.;  Correa P.M.;  Ortega N.V.;  Kan H.;  Osorio S.;  Kyselý J.;  Urban A.;  Orru H.;  Indermitte E.;  Jaakkola J.J.K.;  Ryti N.;  Pascal M.;  Schneider A.;  Katsouyanni K.;  Samoli E.;  Mayvaneh F.;  Entezari A.;  Goodman P.;  Zeka A.;  Michelozzi P.;  de’Donato F.;  Hashizume M.;  Alahmad B.;  Diaz M.H.;  Valencia C.D.L.C.;  Overcenco A.;  Houthuijs D.;  Ameling C.;  Rao S.;  Di Ruscio F.;  Carrasco-Escobar G.;  Seposo X.;  Silva S.;  Madureira J.;  Holobaca I.H.;  Fratianni S.;  Acquaotta F.;  Kim H.;  Lee W.;  Iniguez C.;  Forsberg B.;  Ragettli M.S.;  Guo Y.L.L.;  Chen B.Y.;  Li S.;  Armstrong B.;  Aleman A.;  Zanobetti A.;  Schwartz J.;  Dang T.N.;  Dung D.V.;  Gillett N.;  Haines A.;  Mengel M.;  Huber V.;  Gasparrini A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/15
Influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on entry stratospheric water vapor in coupled chemistry-ocean CCMI and CMIP6 models 期刊论文
作者:  Garfinkel C.I.;  Harari O.;  Ziskin Ziv S.;  Rao J.;  Morgenstern O.;  Zeng G.;  Tilmes S.;  Kinnison D.;  O'Connor F.M.;  Butchart N.;  Deushi M.;  Jöckel P.;  Pozzer A.;  Davis S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Mutational signatures impact the evolution of anti-EGFR antibody resistance in colorectal cancer 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 7
作者:  Woolston A.;  Barber L.J.;  Griffiths B.;  Pich O.;  Lopez-Bigas N.;  Matthews N.;  Rao S.;  Watkins D.;  Chau I.;  Starling N.;  Cunningham D.;  Gerlinger M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:48/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13