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Assessing the impact on crop modelling of multi- and uni-variate climate model bias adjustments 期刊论文
作者:  Galmarini, S.;  Solazzo, E.;  Ferrise, R.;  Srivastava, A. Kumar;  Ahmed, M.;  Asseng, S.;  Cannon, A. J.;  Dentener, F.;  De Sanctis, G.;  Gaiser, T.;  Gao, Y.;  Gayler, S.;  Gutierrez, J. M.;  Hoogenboom, G.;  Iturbide, M.;  Jury, M.;  Langes, S.;  Loukos, H.;  Maraun, D.;  Moriondo, M.;  McGinnis, S.;  Nendel, C.;  Padovan, G.;  Riccio, A.;  Ripoche, D.;  Stocklem, C. O.;  Supit, I.;  Thao, S.;  Trombi, G.;  Vrac, M.;  Webern, T. K. D.;  Zhaoj, C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Regional Climate Model Biases, Their Dependence on Synoptic Circulation Biases and the Potential for Bias Adjustment: A Process-Oriented Evaluation of the Austrian Regional Climate Projections 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, 卷号: 126, 期号: 6
作者:  Maraun D.;  Truhetz H.;  Schaffer A.
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The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation 期刊论文
Climate Dynamics, 2021
作者:  Ban N.;  Caillaud C.;  Coppola E.;  Pichelli E.;  Sobolowski S.;  Adinolfi M.;  Ahrens B.;  Alias A.;  Anders I.;  Bastin S.;  Belušić D.;  Berthou S.;  Brisson E.;  Cardoso R.M.;  Chan S.C.;  Christensen O.B.;  Fernández J.;  Fita L.;  Frisius T.;  Gašparac G.;  Giorgi F.;  Goergen K.;  Haugen J.E.;  Hodnebrog Ø.;  Kartsios S.;  Katragkou E.;  Kendon E.J.;  Keuler K.;  Lavin-Gullon A.;  Lenderink G.;  Leutwyler D.;  Lorenz T.;  Maraun D.;  Mercogliano P.;  Milovac J.;  Panitz H.-J.;  Raffa M.;  Remedio A.R.;  Schär C.;  Soares P.M.M.;  Srnec L.;  Steensen B.M.;  Stocchi P.;  Tölle M.H.;  Truhetz H.;  Vergara-Temprado J.;  de Vries H.;  Warrach-Sagi K.;  Wulfmeyer V.;  Zander M.J.
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A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean 期刊论文
Climate Dynamics, 2020, 卷号: 55
作者:  Coppola E.;  Sobolowski S.;  Pichelli E.;  Raffaele F.;  Ahrens B.;  Anders I.;  Ban N.;  Bastin S.;  Belda M.;  Belusic D.;  Caldas-Alvarez A.;  Cardoso R.M.;  Davolio S.;  Dobler A.;  Fernandez J.;  Fita L.;  Fumiere Q.;  Giorgi F.;  Goergen K.;  Güttler I.;  Halenka T.;  Heinzeller D.;  Hodnebrog Ø.;  Jacob D.;  Kartsios S.;  Katragkou E.;  Kendon E.;  Khodayar S.;  Kunstmann H.;  Knist S.;  Lavín-Gullón A.;  Lind P.;  Lorenz T.;  Maraun D.;  Marelle L.;  van Meijgaard E.;  Milovac J.;  Myhre G.;  Panitz H.-J.;  Piazza M.;  Raffa M.;  Raub T.;  Rockel B.;  Schär C.;  Sieck K.;  Soares P.M.M.;  Somot S.;  Srnec L.;  Stocchi P.;  Tölle M.H.;  Truhetz H.;  Vautard R.;  de Vries H.;  Warrach-Sagi K.
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Challenges to link climate change data provision and user needs: Perspective from the COST-action VALUE 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 39, 期号: 9, 页码: 3704-3716
作者:  Rossler, O.;  Fischer, A. M.;  Huebener, H.;  Maraun, D.;  Benestad, R. E.;  Christodoulides, P.;  Soares, P. M. M.;  Cardoso, R. M.;  Page, C.;  Kanamaru, H.;  Kreienkamp, F.;  Vlachogiannis, D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
climate change  climate services  downscaling  user needs  VALUE  
An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods over Europe: Results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross-validation experiment 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 39, 期号: 9, 页码: 3750-3785
作者:  Gutierrez, J. M.;  Maraun, D.;  Widmann, M.;  Huth, R.;  Hertig, E.;  Benestad, R.;  Roessler, O.;  Wibig, J.;  Wilcke, R.;  Kotlarski, S.;  San Martin, D.;  Herrera, S.;  Bedia, J.;  Casanueva, A.;  Manzanas, R.;  Iturbide, M.;  Vrac, M.;  Dubrovsky, M.;  Ribalaygua, J.;  Portoles, J.;  Raty, O.;  Raisanen, J.;  Hingray, B.;  Raynaud, D.;  Casado, M. J.;  Ramos, P.;  Zerenner, T.;  Turco, M.;  Bosshard, T.;  Stepanek, P.;  Bartholy, J.;  Pongracz, R.;  Keller, D. E.;  Fischer, A. M.;  Cardoso, R. M.;  Soares, P. M. M.;  Czernecki, B.;  Page, C.
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Process-based evaluation of the VALUE perfect predictor experiment of statistical downscaling methods 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 39, 期号: 9, 页码: 3868-3893
作者:  Soares, P. M. M.;  Maraun, D.;  Brands, S.;  Jury, M. W.;  Gutierrez, J. M.;  San-Martin, D.;  Hertig, E.;  Huth, R.;  Vozila, A. Belusic;  Cardoso, Rita M.;  Kotlarski, S.;  Drobinski, P.;  Obermann-Hellhund, A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:90/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
Increased probability of compound long-duration dry and hot events in Europe during summer (1950-2013) 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2019, 卷号: 14, 期号: 9
作者:  Manning C.;  Widmann M.;  Bevacqua E.;  Van Loon A.F.;  Maraun D.;  Vrac M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
Cross-validation of bias-corrected climate simulations is misleading 期刊论文
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 卷号: 22, 期号: 9
作者:  Maraun D.;  Widmann M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/06