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The inclusion of Amazon mangroves in Brazil's REDD plus program 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2024, 卷号: 15, 期号: 1
作者:  Bernardino, Angelo F.;  Mazzuco, Ana Carolina A.;  Costa, Rodolfo F.;  Souza, Fernanda;  Owuor, Margaret A.;  Nobrega, Gabriel N.;  Sanders, Christian J.;  Ferreira, Tiago O.;  Kauffman, J. Boone
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: A cross-taxa test of the forage maturation hypothesis 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2021
作者:  Esmaeili S.;  Jesmer B.R.;  Albeke S.E.;  Aikens E.O.;  Schoenecker K.A.;  King S.R.B.;  Abrahms B.;  Buuveibaatar B.;  Beck J.L.;  Boone R.B.;  Cagnacci F.;  Chamaillé-Jammes S.;  Chimeddorj B.;  Cross P.C.;  Dejid N.;  Enkhbyar J.;  Fischhoff I.R.;  Ford A.T.;  Jenks K.;  Hemami M.-R.;  Hennig J.D.;  Ito T.Y.;  Kaczensky P.;  Kauffman M.J.;  Linnell J.D.C.;  Lkhagvasuren B.;  McEvoy J.F.;  Melzheimer J.;  Merkle J.A.;  Mueller T.;  Muntifering J.;  Mysterud A.;  Olson K.A.;  Panzacchi M.;  Payne J.C.;  Pedrotti L.;  Rauset G.R.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Sawyer H.;  Scasta J.D.;  Signer J.;  Songer M.;  Stabach J.A.;  Stapleton S.;  Strand O.;  Sundaresan S.R.;  Usukhjargal D.;  Uuganbayar G.;  Fryxell J.M.;  Goheen J.R.
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Equidae  forage biomass  hindgut fermentation  macroecology  ruminant  step-selection function  water requirements  
Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 372, 期号: 6542
作者:  Kauffman M.J.;  Cagnacci F.;  Chamaillé-Jammes S.;  Hebblewhite M.;  Hopcraft J.G.C.;  Merkle J.A.;  Mueller T.;  Mysterud A.;  Peters W.;  Roettger C.;  Steingisser A.;  Meacham J.E.;  Abera K.;  Adamczewski J.;  Aikens E.O.;  Bartlam-Brooks H.;  Bennitt E.;  Berger J.;  Boyd C.;  Côté S.D.;  Debeffe L.;  Dekrout A.S.;  Dejid N.;  Donadio E.;  Dziba L.;  Fagan W.F.;  Fischer C.;  Focardi S.;  Fryxell J.M.;  Fynn R.W.S.;  Geremia C.;  González B.A.;  Gunn A.;  Gurarie E.;  Heurich M.;  Hilty J.;  Hurley M.;  Johnson A.;  Joly K.;  Kaczensky P.;  Kendall C.J.;  Kochkarev P.;  Kolpaschikov L.;  Kowalczyk R.;  Langevelde F.V.;  Li B.V.;  Lobora A.L.;  Loison A.;  Madiri T.H.;  Mallon D.;  Marchand P.;  Medellin R.A.;  Meisingset E.;  Merrill E.;  Middleton A.D.;  Monteith K.L.;  Morjan M.;  Morrison T.A.;  Mumme S.;  Naidoo R.;  Novaro A.;  Ogutu J.O.;  Olson K.A.;  Oteng-Yeboah A.;  Ovejero R.J.A.;  Owen-Smith N.;  Paasivaara A.;  Packer C.;  Panchenko D.;  Pedrotti L.;  Plumptre A.J.;  Rolandsen C.M.;  Said S.;  Salemgareyev A.;  Savchenko A.;  Savchenko P.;  Sawyer H.;  Selebatso M.;  Skroch M.;  Solberg E.;  Stabach J.A.;  Strand O.;  Suitor M.J.;  Tachiki Y.;  Trainor A.;  Tshipa A.;  Virani M.Z.;  Vynne C.;  Ward S.;  Wittemyer G.;  Xu W.;  Zuther S.
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Mapping thins to identify active forest management in southern pine plantations using Landsat time series stacks 期刊论文
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 卷号: 252
作者:  Thomas V.A.;  Wynne R.H.;  Kauffman J.;  McCurdy W.;  Brooks E.B.;  Thomas R.Q.;  Rakestraw J.
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Carbon dynamics and land use carbon footprints in mangrove-converted aquaculture: The case of the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia 期刊论文
FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 2019, 卷号: 432, 页码: 17-29
作者:  Arifanti, Virni Budi;  Kauffman, J. Boone;  Hadriyanto, Deddy;  Murdiyarso, Daniel;  Diana, Rita
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
Carbon dynamics  Ecosystem carbon stocks  CO2 emissions  Emission factor  Mangroves  Aquaculture  Carbon footprint  Climate change  
Plasticity in elk migration timing is a response to changing environmental conditions 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 25, 期号: 7, 页码: 2368-2381
作者:  Rickbeil, Gregory J. M.;  Merkle, Jerod A.;  Anderson, Greg;  Atwood, M. Paul;  Beckmann, Jon P.;  Cole, Eric K.;  Courtemanch, Alyson B.;  Dewey, Sarah;  Gustine, David D.;  Kauffman, Matthew J.;  McWhirter, Douglas E.;  Mong, Tony;  Proffitt, Kelly;  White, Patrick J.;  Middleton, Arthur D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:57/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2017 annual report 科技报告
报告编号: 70201032, , 2019
作者:  Zeigenfuss, Linda C.;  Aikens, Ellen;  Aldridge, Cameron L.;  Anderson, Patrick J.;  Assal, Timothy J.;  Bowen, Zachary H.;  Chalfoun, Anna D.;  Chong, Geneva W.;  Eddy-Miller, Cheryl A.;  Germaine, Stephen S.;  Graves, Tabitha;  Homer, Collin G.;  Huber, Christopher C.;  Johnston, Aaron;  Kauffman, Matthew J.;  Manier, Daniel J.;  McShane, Ryan R.;  Miller, Kirk A.;  Monroe, Adrian P.;  Ortega, Anna;  Walters, Annika W.;  Wyckoff, Teal B.
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Characterization and occurrence of confined and unconfined aquifers in Quaternary sediments in the glaciated conterminous United States 科技报告
报告编号: 70198167, , 2019
作者:  Yager, Richard M.;  Kauffman, Leon J.;  Soller, David R.;  Haj, Adel E.;  Heisig, Paul M.;  Buchwald, Cheryl A.;  Westenbroek, Stephen, M.;  Reddy, James E.
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Forest structure and biomass reflects the variable effects of fire and land use 15 and 29 years following fire in the western Cascades, Oregon 期刊论文
Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 卷号: 453
作者:  Kauffman J.B.;  Ellsworth L.M.;  Bell D.M.;  Acker S.;  Kertis J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements 期刊论文
Science, 2018, 卷号: 359, 期号: 6374
作者:  Tucker M.A.;  Böhning-Gaese K.;  Fagan W.F.;  Fryxell J.M.;  Van Moorter B.;  Alberts S.C.;  Ali A.H.;  Allen A.M.;  Attias N.;  Avgar T.;  Bartlam-Brooks H.;  Bayarbaatar B.;  Belant J.L.;  Bertassoni A.;  Beyer D.;  Bidner L.;  Van Beest F.M.;  Blake S.;  Blaum N.;  Bracis C.;  Brown D.;  De Bruyn P.J.N.;  Cagnacci F.;  Calabrese J.M.;  Camilo-Alves C.;  Chamaillé-Jammes S.;  Chiaradia A.;  Davidson S.C.;  Dennis T.;  DeStefano S.;  Diefenbach D.;  Douglas-Hamilton I.;  Fennessy J.;  Fichtel C.;  Fiedler W.;  Fischer C.;  Fischhoff I.;  Fleming C.H.;  Ford A.T.;  Fritz S.A.;  Gehr B.;  Goheen J.R.;  Gurarie E.;  Hebblewhite M.;  Heurich M.;  Hewison A.J.M.;  Hof C.;  Hurme E.;  Isbell L.A.;  Janssen R.;  Jeltsch F.;  Kaczensky P.;  Kane A.;  Kappeler P.M.;  Kauffman M.;  Kays R.;  Kimuyu D.;  Koch F.;  Kranstauber B.;  LaPoint S.;  Leimgruber P.;  Linnell J.D.C.;  López-López P.;  Markham A.C.;  Mattisson J.;  Medici E.P.;  Mellone U.;  Merrill E.;  De MirandaMourão G.;  Morato R.G.;  Morellet N.;  Morrison T.A.;  Díaz-Muñoz S.L.;  Mysterud A.;  Nandintsetseg D.;  Nathan R.;  Niamir A.;  Odden J.;  O'Hara R.B.;  Oliveira-Santos L.G.R.;  Olson K.A.;  Patterson B.D.;  De Paula R.C.;  Pedrotti L.;  Reineking B.;  Rimmler M.;  Rogers T.L.;  Rolandsen C.M.;  Rosenberry C.S.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Safi K.;  Saïd S.;  Sapir N.;  Sawyer H.;  Schmidt N.M.;  Selva N.;  Sergiel A.;  Shiilegdamba E.;  Silva J.P.;  Singh N.;  Solberg E.J.;  Spiegel O.;  Strand O.;  Sundaresan S.;  Ullmann W.;  Voigt U.;  Wall J.;  Wattles D.;  Wikelski M.;  Wilmers C.C.;  Wilson J.W.;  Wittemyer G.;  Ziȩba F.;  Zwijacz-Kozica T.;  Mueller T.
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