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Data-centric species distribution modeling: Impacts of modeler decisions in a case study of invasive European frog-bit 期刊论文
作者:  Hansen, Sara E.;  Monfils, Michael J.;  Hackett, Rachel A.;  Goebel, Ryan T.;  Monfils, Anna K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Emergence and intensification of dairying in the Caucasus and Eurasian steppes 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2022
作者:  Scott A.;  Reinhold S.;  Hermes T.;  Kalmykov A.A.;  Belinskiy A.;  Buzhilova A.;  Berezina N.;  Kantorovich A.R.;  Maslov V.E.;  Guliyev F.;  Lyonnet B.;  Gasimov P.;  Jalilov B.;  Eminli J.;  Iskandarov E.;  Hammer E.;  Nugent S.E.;  Hagan R.;  Majander K.;  Onkamo P.;  Nordqvist K.;  Shishlina N.;  Kaverzneva E.;  Korolev A.I.;  Khokhlov A.A.;  Smolyaninov R.V.;  Sharapova S.V.;  Krause R.;  Karapetian M.;  Stolarczyk E.;  Krause J.;  Hansen S.;  Haak W.;  Warinner C.
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Spatial variation in the joint effect of extreme heat events and ozone on respiratory hospitalizations in California 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 22
作者:  Schwarz L.;  Hansen K.;  Alari A.;  Ilango S.D.;  Bernal N.;  Basu R.;  Gershunov A.;  Benmarhnia T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/25
Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 374, 期号: 6564
作者:  Kocher A.;  Papac L.;  Barquera R.;  Key F.M.;  Spyrou M.A.;  Hübler R.;  Rohrlach2 A.B.;  Aron F.;  Stahl R.;  Wissgott A.;  Van Bömme F.;  Pfefferkorn M.;  Alissa M.;  Villalba-Mouco V.;  Neumann G.U.;  Rivollat M.;  Van De Loosdrecht M.S.;  Majander K.;  Tukhbatova R.I.;  Musralina L.;  Ghalichi A.;  Penske S.;  Sabin S.;  Michel M.;  Gretzinger J.;  Nelson E.A.;  Ferraz T.;  Nägele K.;  Parker C.;  Keller M.;  Guevara E.K.;  Feldman M.;  Eisenmann S.;  Skourtanioti E.;  Giffin K.;  Gnecchi-Ruscone G.A.;  Friederich S.;  Schimmenti V.;  Khartanovich V.;  Karapetian M.K.;  Chaplygin M.S.;  Kufterin V.V.;  Khokhlov A.A.;  Chizhevsky A.A.;  Stashenkov D.A.;  Kochkina A.F.;  Tejedor-Rodríguez C.;  De Lagrán Í.G.-M.;  Arcusa-Magallón H.;  Garrido-Pena R.;  Royo-Guillén J.I.;  Nováček J.;  Rottier S.;  Kacki S.;  Saintot S.;  Kaverzneva E.;  Belinskiy A.B.;  Velemínský P.;  Limburský P.;  Kostka M.;  Loe L.;  Popescu E.;  Clarke R.;  Lyons A.;  Mortimer R.;  Sajantila A.;  Armas Y.C.D.;  Godoy S.T.H.;  Hernández-Zaragoza D.I.;  Pearson J.;  Binder D.;  Lefranc P.;  Kantorovich A.R.;  Maslov V.E.;  Lai L.;  Zoledziewska M.;  Beckett J.F.;  Langová M.;  Danielisová A.;  Ingman T.;  Atiénzar G.G.;  Ibáñez M.P.D.M.;  Romero A.;  Sperduti A.;  Beckett S.;  Salter S.J.;  Zilivinskaya E.D.;  Vasil'ev D.V.;  Heyking K.V.;  Burger R.L.;  Salazar L.C.;  Amkreutz L.;  Navruzbekov M.;  Rosenstock E.;  Alonso-Fernández C.;  Slavchev V.;  Kalmykov A.A.;  Atabiev B.Ch.;  Batieva E.;  Calmet M.A.;  Llamas B.;  Schultz M.;  Krauß R.;  Jiménez-Echevarría J.;  Francken M.;  Shnaider S.;  Knijff P.D.;  Altena E.;  Vijver K.V.D.;  Fehren-Schmitz L.;  Tung T.A.;  Lösch S.;  Dobrovolskaya M.;  Makarov N.;  Read C.;  Twest M.V.;  Sagona C.;  Ramsl P.C.;  Akar M.;  Yener K.A.;  Ballestero E.C.;  Cucca F.;  Mazzarello V.;  Utrilla P.;  Rademaker K.;  Fernández-Domínguez E.;  Baird D.;  Semal P.;  Márquez-Morfín L.;  Roksandic M.;  Steiner H.;  Salazar-García D.C.;  Shishlina N.;  Erdal Y.S.;  Hallgren F.;  Boyadzhiev Y.;  Boyadzhiev K.;  Küßner M.;  Sayer D.;  Onkamo P.;  Skeates R.;  Rojo-Guerra M.;  Buzhilova A.;  Khussainova E.;  Djansugurova L.B.;  Beisenov A.Z.;  Samashev Z.;  Massy K.;  Mannino M.;  Moiseyev V.;  Mannermaa K.;  Balanovsky O.;  Deguilloux M.-F.;  Reinhold S.;  Hansen S.;  Kitov E.P.;  Dobeš M.;  Ernée M.;  Meller H.;  Kurt A.W.;  Prüfer K.;  Warinner C.;  Schiffels S.;  Stockhammer P.W.;  Bos K.;  Posth C.;  Herbig A.;  Haak W.;  Krause2 J.;  Krause2 J.;  Kocher A.
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Context and agency in urban community energy initiatives: An analysis of six case studies from the Baltic Sea Region 期刊论文
Energy Policy, 2021, 卷号: 148
作者:  Ruggiero S.;  Busch H.;  Hansen T.;  Isakovic A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Citizens  Energy communities  Renewable energy  Sustainability transition  Urban energy systems  
Towards the molecular architecture of the peroxisomal receptor docking complex 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 117, 期号: 52
作者:  Lill P.;  Hansen T.;  Wendscheck D.;  Klink B.U.;  Jeziorek T.;  Vismpas D.;  Miehling J.;  Bender J.;  Schummer A.;  Drepper F.;  Girzalsky W.;  Warscheid B.;  Erdmann R.;  Gatsogiannis C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Reverse genetics systems for contemporary isolates of respiratory syncytial virus enable rapid evaluation of antibody escape mutants 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 14
作者:  Jo W.K.;  Schadenhofer A.;  Habierski A.;  Kaiser F.K.;  Saletti G.;  Ganzenmueller T.;  Hage E.;  Haid S.;  Pietschmann T.;  Hansen G.;  Schulz T.F.;  Rimmelzwaan G.F.;  Osterhaus A.D.M.E.;  Ludlow M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
A multiplier peroxiporin signal transduction pathway powers piscine spermatozoa 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 10
作者:  Chauvigné F.;  Ducat C.;  Ferré A.;  Hansen T.;  Carrascal M.;  Abián J.;  Finn R.N.;  Cerdà J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Quality of substrate and forest structure determine macrofungal richness along a gradient of management intensity in beech forests 期刊论文
Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 卷号: 478
作者:  Atrena A.;  Banelytė G.G.;  Læssøe T.;  Riis-Hansen R.;  Bruun H.H.;  Rahbek C.;  Heilmann-Clausen J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:209/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
15 priorities for wind-waves research: An Australian perspective 期刊论文
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2020, 卷号: 101, 期号: 4
作者:  Greenslade D.;  Hemer M.;  Babanin A.;  Lowe R.;  Turner I.;  Power H.;  Young I.;  Ierodiaconou D.;  Hibbert G.;  Williams G.;  Aijaz S.;  Albuquerque J.;  Allen S.;  Banner M.;  Branson P.;  Buchan S.;  Burton A.;  Bye J.;  Cartwright N.;  Chabchoub A.;  Colberg F.;  Contardo S.;  Dufois F.;  Earl-Spurr C.;  Farr D.;  Goodwin I.;  Gunson J.;  Hansen J.;  Hanslow D.;  Harley M.;  Hetzel Y.;  Hoeke R.;  Jones N.;  Kinsela M.;  Liu Q.;  Makarynskyy O.;  Marcollo H.;  Mazaheri S.;  McConochie J.;  Millar G.;  Moltmann T.;  Moodie N.;  Morim J.;  Morison R.;  Orszaghova J.;  Pattiaratchi C.;  Pomeroy A.;  Proctor R.;  Provis D.;  Reef R.;  Rijnsdorp D.;  Rutherford M.;  Schulz E.;  Shayer J.;  Splinter K.;  Steinberg C.;  Strauss D.;  Stuart G.;  Symonds G.;  Tarbath K.;  Taylor D.;  Taylor J.;  Thotagamuwage D.;  Toffoli A.;  Valizadeh A.;  Van Hazel J.;  Da Silva G.V.;  Wandres M.;  Whittaker C.;  Williams D.;  Winter G.;  Xu J.;  Zhong A.;  Zieger S.
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