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魏达:“碳”究青藏高原植被的“呼吸” 科技资讯
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魏达  青藏高原  碳汇研究  
云南宁蒗5.5级地震造成15人受伤 当地已启动三级应急响应 科技资讯
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地震  应急响应  
云南哀牢山4名遇难地质队员遗体已移交其所在单位 科技资讯
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遇难  地质队员  遗体  
用时40小时 4名失联人员从遇难点转运至殡仪馆 科技资讯
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失联人员  遇难点  转运  殡仪馆  
云南哀牢山4名失联地质人员已找到 均已遇难 科技资讯
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失联  地质人员  遇难  
Air pollution interacts with genetic risk to influence cortical networks implicated in depression 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 46
作者:  Li Z.;  Yan H.;  Zhang X.;  Shah S.;  Yang G.;  Chen Q.;  Han S.;  Zhang D.;  Weinberger D.R.;  Yue W.;  Tan H.Y.
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Cag rnas induce dna damage and apoptosis by silencing nudt16 expression in polyglutamine degeneration 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 19
作者:  Peng S.;  Guo P.;  Lin X.;  An Y.;  Sze K.H.;  Lau M.H.Y.;  Chen Z.S.;  Wang Q.;  Li W.;  Sun J.K.-L.;  Ma S.Y.;  Chan T.-F.;  Lau K.-F.;  Ngo J.C.K.;  Kwan K.M.;  Wong C.-H.;  Lam S.L.;  Zimmerman S.C.;  Tuccinardi T.;  Zuo Z.;  Au-Yeung H.Y.;  Chow H.-M.;  Chan H.Y.E.
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Reciprocal antagonistic regulation of E3 ligases controls ACC synthase stability and responses to stress 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 34
作者:  Lee H.Y.;  Park H.L.;  Park C.;  Chen Y.-C.;  Yoon G.M.
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Transient rest restores functionality in exhausted CAR-T cells through epigenetic remodeling 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 372, 期号: 6537
作者:  Weber E.W.;  Parker K.R.;  Sotillo E.;  Lynn R.C.;  Anbunathan H.;  Lattin J.;  Good Z.;  Belk J.A.;  Daniel B.;  Klysz D.;  Malipatlolla M.;  Xu P.;  Bashti M.;  Heitzeneder S.;  Labanieh L.;  Vandris P.;  Majzner R.G.;  Qi Y.;  Sandor K.;  Chen L.-C.;  Prabhu S.;  Gentles A.J.;  Wandless T.J.;  Satpathy A.T.;  Chang H.Y.;  Mackall C.L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Metalens-array-based high-dimensional and multiphoton quantum source 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 368, 期号: 6498
作者:  Li L.;  Liu Z.;  Ren X.;  Wang S.;  Su V.-C.;  Chen M.-K.;  Chu C.H.;  Kuo H.Y.;  Liu B.;  Zang W.;  Guo G.;  Zhang L.;  Wang Z.;  Zhu S.;  Tsai D.P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:50/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
article  crystal  photon