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Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2022, 卷号: 6, 期号: 2
作者:  Chaplin-Kramer R.;  Brauman K.A.;  Cavender-Bares J.;  Díaz S.;  Duarte G.T.;  Enquist B.J.;  Garibaldi L.A.;  Geldmann J.;  Halpern B.S.;  Hertel T.W.;  Khoury C.K.;  Krieger J.M.;  Lavorel S.;  Mueller T.;  Neugarten R.A.;  Pinto-Ledezma J.;  Polasky S.;  Purvis A.;  Reyes-García V.;  Roehrdanz P.R.;  Shannon L.J.;  Shaw M.R.;  Strassburg B.B.N.;  Tylianakis J.M.;  Verburg P.H.;  Visconti P.;  Zafra-Calvo N.
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The persistent threat of emerging plant disease pandemics to global food security 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 23
作者:  Ristaino J.B.;  Anderson P.K.;  Bebber D.P.;  Brauman K.A.;  Cunniffe N.J.;  Fedoroff N.V.;  Finegold C.;  Garrett K.A.;  Gilligan C.A.;  Jones C.M.;  Martin M.D.;  MacDonald G.K.;  Neenan P.;  Records A.;  Schmale D.G.;  Tateosian L.;  Wei Q.
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Unique water scarcity footprints and water risks in US meat and ethanol supply chains identified via subnational commodity flows 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 卷号: 15, 期号: 10
作者:  Brauman K.A.;  Goodkind A.L.;  Kim T.;  Pelton R.E.O.;  Schmitt J.;  Smith T.M.
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Global trends in nature's contributions to people 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 卷号: 117, 期号: 51
作者:  Brauman K.A.;  Garibaldi L.A.;  Polasky S.;  Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y.;  Brancalion P.H.S.;  DeClerck F.;  Jacob U.;  Mastrangelo M.E.;  Nkongolo N.V.;  Palang H.;  Perez-Mendez N.;  Shannon L.J.;  Shrestha U.B.;  Strombom E.;  Verma M.
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Global modeling of nature’s contributions to people 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 366, 期号: 6462
作者:  Chaplin-Kramer R.;  Sharp R.P.;  Weil C.;  Bennett E.M.;  Pascual U.;  Arkema K.K.;  Brauman K.A.;  Bryant B.P.;  Guerry A.D.;  Haddad N.M.;  Hamann M.;  Hamel P.;  Johnson J.A.;  Mandle L.;  Pereira H.M.;  Polasky S.;  Ruckelshaus M.;  Shaw M.R.;  Silver J.M.;  Vogl A.L.;  Daily G.C.
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Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 366, 期号: 6471
作者:  Díaz S.;  Settele J.;  Brondízio E.S.;  Ngo H.T.;  Agard J.;  Arneth A.;  Balvanera P.;  Brauman K.A.;  Butchart S.H.M.;  Chan K.M.A.;  Lucas A.G.;  Ichii K.;  Liu J.;  Subramanian S.M.;  Midgley G.F.;  Miloslavich P.;  Molnár Z.;  Obura D.;  Pfaff A.;  Polasky S.;  Purvis A.;  Razzaque J.;  Reyers B.;  Chowdhury R.R.;  Shin Y.-J.;  Visseren-Hamakers I.;  Willis K.J.;  Zayas C.N.
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Social-ecological and technological factors moderate the value of urban nature 期刊论文
Nature Sustainability, 2019, 卷号: 2, 期号: 1
作者:  Keeler B.L.;  Hamel P.;  McPhearson T.;  Hamann M.H.;  Donahue M.L.;  Meza Prado K.A.;  Arkema K.K.;  Bratman G.N.;  Brauman K.A.;  Finlay J.C.;  Guerry A.D.;  Hobbie S.E.;  Johnson J.A.;  MacDonald G.K.;  McDonald R.I.;  Neverisky N.;  Wood S.A.
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Assessing nature’s contributions to people: Recognizing culture, and diverse sources of knowledge, can improve assessments 期刊论文
Science, 2018, 卷号: 359, 期号: 6373
作者:  Díaz S.;  Pascual U.;  Stenseke M.;  Martín-López B.;  Watson R.T.;  Molnár Z.;  Hill R.;  Chan K.M.A.;  Baste I.A.;  Brauman K.A.;  Polasky S.;  Church A.;  Lonsdale M.;  Larigauderie A.;  Leadley P.W.;  Van Oudenhoven A.P.E.;  Van Der Plaat F.;  Schröter M.;  Lavorel S.;  Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y.;  Bukvareva E.;  Davies K.;  Demissew S.;  Erpul G.;  Failler P.;  Guerra C.A.;  Hewitt C.L.;  Keune H.;  Lindley S.;  Shirayama Y.
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Progress towards sustainable intensification in China challenged by land-use change 期刊论文
Nature Sustainability, 2018, 卷号: 1, 期号: 6
作者:  Zuo L.;  Zhang Z.;  Carlson K.M.;  MacDonald G.K.;  Brauman K.A.;  Liu Y.;  Zhang W.;  Zhang H.;  Wu W.;  Zhao X.;  Wang X.;  Liu B.;  Yi L.;  Wen Q.;  Liu F.;  Xu J.;  Hu S.;  Sun F.;  Gerber J.S.;  West P.C.
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Leverage points for improving global food security and the environment 期刊论文
Science, 2014, 卷号: 345, 期号: 6194
作者:  West P.C.;  Gerber J.S.;  Engstrom P.M.;  Mueller N.D.;  Brauman K.A.;  Carlson K.M.;  Cassidy E.S.;  Johnston M.;  MacDonald G.K.;  Ray D.K.;  Siebert S.
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