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Rational policymaking during a pandemic 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 4
作者:  Berger L.;  Berger N.;  Bosetti V.;  Gilboa I.;  Hansen L.P.;  Jarvis C.;  Marinacci M.;  Smith R.D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:38/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 environmental effects, public safety, and issues associated with justice and rehabilitadisaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya tion (19, 20). On 7 February 2021, a massive rock and ice 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 373, 期号: 6552
作者:  Shugar D.H.;  Jacquemart M.;  Shean D.;  Bhushan S.;  Upadhyay K.;  Sattar A.;  Schwanghart W.;  McBride S.;  van Wyk de Vries M.;  Mergili M.;  Emmer A.;  Deschamps-Berger C.;  McDonnell M.;  Bhambri R.;  Allen S.;  Berthier E.;  Carrivick J.L.;  Clague J.J.;  Dokukin M.;  Dunning S.A.;  Frey H.;  Gascoin S.;  Haritashya U.K.;  Huggel C.;  Kääb A.;  Kargel J.S.;  Kavanaugh J.L.;  Lacroix P.;  Petley D.;  Rupper S.;  Azam M.F.;  Cook S.J.;  Dimri A.P.;  Eriksson M.;  Farinotti D.;  Fiddes J.;  Gnyawali K.R.;  Harrison S.;  Jha M.;  Koppes M.;  Kumar A.;  Leinss S.;  Majeed U.;  Mal S.;  Muhuri A.;  Noetzli J.;  Paul F.;  Rashid I.;  Sain K.;  Steiner J.;  Ugalde F.;  Watson C.S.;  Westoby M.J.
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Free fatty acid binding pocket in the locked structure of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 370, 期号: 6517
作者:  Toelzer C.;  Gupta K.;  Yadav S.K.N.;  Borucu U.;  Davidson A.D.;  Williamson M.K.;  Shoemark D.K.;  Garzoni F.;  Staufer O.;  Milligan R.;  Capin J.;  Mulholland A.J.;  Spatz J.;  Fitzgerald D.;  Berger I.;  Schaffitzel C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
A history of the rehabilitation of mangroves and an assessment of their diversity and structure using Landsat annual composites (1987–2019) and transect plot inventories 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Pimple U.;  Simonetti D.;  Hinks I.;  Oszwald J.;  Berger U.;  Pungkul S.;  Leadprathom K.;  Pravinvongvuthi T.;  Maprasoap P.;  Gond V.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Ecosystems  Engines  Shore protection  Time series analysis  Google earths  LANDSAT  Mangrove diversity  Monitoring algorithms  Rehabilitated mangroves  Thailand  Reforestation  automation  carbon sequestration  forest inventory  Landsat  line transect  regrowth  satellite altimetry  software  time series analysis  Data  Ecosystems  Engines  Inventories  Mangrove  Reforestation  Thailand  Time Series Analysis  Thailand  Rhizophoraceae  
Impacts of extremely asymmetrical polar ice sheets on the East Asian summer monsoon during the MIS-13 interglacial 期刊论文
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020, 卷号: 230
作者:  Shi F.;  Yin Q.;  Nikolova I.;  Berger A.;  Ramstein G.;  Guo Z.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:204/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
A history of the rehabilitation of mangroves and an assessment of their diversity and structure using Landsat annual composites (1987–2019) and transect plot inventories 期刊论文
Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Pimple U.;  Simonetti D.;  Hinks I.;  Oszwald J.;  Berger U.;  Pungkul S.;  Leadprathom K.;  Pravinvongvuthi T.;  Maprasoap P.;  Gond V.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
Atmospheric Dynamics Patterns in Southern Central Asia Since 800 ka Revealed by Loess-Paleosol Sequences in Tajikistan 期刊论文
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 卷号: 47, 期号: 17
作者:  Lu H.;  Jia J.;  Yin Q.;  Xia D.;  Gao F.;  Liu H.;  Fan Y.;  Li Z.;  Wang X.;  Berger A.;  Oimuhammadzoda I.;  Gadoev M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:25/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/01
Amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic and ongoing loss of biodiversity 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 363, 期号: 6434
作者:  Scheele B.C.;  Pasmans F.;  Skerratt L.F.;  Berger L.;  Martel A.;  Beukema W.;  Acevedo A.A.;  Burrowes P.A.;  Carvalho T.;  Catenazzi A.;  De La Riva I.;  Fisher M.C.;  Flechas S.V.;  Foster C.N.;  Frías-Álvarez P.;  Garner T.W.J.;  Gratwicke B.;  Guayasamin J.M.;  Hirschfeld M.;  Kolby J.E.;  Kosch T.A.;  Marca E.L.;  Lindenmayer D.B.;  Lips K.R.;  Longo A.V.;  Maneyro R.;  McDonald C.A.;  Mendelson J.;  Palacios-Rodriguez P.;  Parra-Olea G.;  Richards-Zawacki C.L.;  Rödel M.-O.;  Rovito S.M.;  Soto-Azat C.;  Toledo L.F.;  Voyles J.;  Weldon C.;  Whitfield S.M.;  Wilkinson M.;  Zamudio K.R.;  Canessa S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:231/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Salamander chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans) in the United States—Developing research, monitoring, and management strategies 科技报告
报告编号: 70160037, 页数: 26, 2016
作者:  Campbell Grant, Evan H.;  Muths, Erin L.;  Katz, Rachel A.;  Canessa, Stefano;  Adams, M.J.;  Ballard, Jennifer R.;  Berger, Lee;  Briggs, Cheryl J.;  Coleman, Jeremy;  Gray, Matthew J.;  Harris, M. Camille;  Harris, Reid N.;  Hossack, Blake R.;  Huyvaert, Kathryn P.;  Kolby, Jonathan E.;  Lips, Karen R.;  Lovich, Robert E.;  McCallum, Hamish I.;  Mendelson, Joseph R. III;  Nanjappa, Priya;  Olson, Deanna H.;  Powers, Jenny G.;  Richgels, Katherine L. D.;  Russell, Robin E.;  Schmidt, Benedikt R.;  Spitzen-van der Sluijs, Annemarieke;  Watry, Mary Kay;  Woodhams, Douglas C.;  White, C. LeAnn
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