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The Earth BioGenome Project 2020: Starting the clock 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 卷号: 119, 期号: 4
作者:  Lewin H.A.;  Richards S.;  Aiden E.L.;  Allende M.L.;  Archibald J.M.;  Bálint M.;  Barker K.B.;  Baumgartner B.;  Belov K.;  Bertorelle G.;  Blaxter M.L.;  Cai J.;  Caperello N.D.;  Carlson K.;  Castilla-Rubio J.C.;  Chaw S.-M.;  Chen L.;  Childers A.K.;  Coddington J.A.;  Conde D.A.;  Corominas M.;  Crandall K.A.;  Crawford A.J.;  DiPalma F.;  Durbin R.;  Ebenezer T.E.;  Edwards S.V.;  Fedrigo O.;  Flicek P.;  Formenti G.;  Gibbs R.A.;  Gilbert M.T.;  Goldstein M.M.;  Graves J.M.;  Greely H.T.;  Grigoriev I.V.;  Hackett K.J.;  Hall N.;  Haussler D.;  Helgen K.M.;  Hogg C.J.;  Isobe S.;  Jakobsen K.S.;  Janke A.;  Jarvis E.D.;  Johnson W.E.;  Jones S.J.M.;  Karlsson E.K.;  Kersey P.J.;  Kim J.-H.;  Kress W.J.;  Kuraku S.;  Lawniczak M.K.N.;  Leebens-Mack J.H.;  Li X.;  Lindblad-Toh K.;  Lopez J.V.;  Marques-Bonet T.;  Liu X.;  Mazard S.;  Mazet J.A.K.;  Mazzoni C.J.;  Myers E.W.;  O’Neill R.J.;  Paez S.;  Park H.;  Robinson G.E.;  Roquet C.;  Ryder O.A.;  Sabir J.S.M.;  Shaffer H.B.;  Shank T.M.;  Sherkow J.S.;  Soltis P.S.;  Tang B.;  Tedersoo L.;  Uliano-Silva M.;  Wang K.;  Wei X.;  Wetzer R.;  Wilson J.L.;  Xu X.;  Yang H.;  Yoder A.D.;  Zhang G.
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A salty deep ocean as a prerequisite for glacial termination 期刊论文
Nature Geoscience, 2021, 卷号: 14, 期号: 12
作者:  Knorr G.;  Barker S.;  Zhang X.;  Lohmann G.;  Gong X.;  Gierz P.;  Stepanek C.;  Stap L.B.
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Drought-induced biomass burning as a source of black carbon to the central Himalaya since 1781 CE as reconstructed from the Dasuopu ice core 期刊论文
作者:  Barker J.D.;  Kaspari S.;  Gabrielli P.;  Wegner A.;  Beaudon E.;  Roxana Sierra-Hernández M.;  Thompson L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning 期刊论文
作者:  Wu H.;  Taylor J.W.;  Langridge J.M.;  Yu C.;  Allan J.D.;  Szpek K.;  Cotterell M.I.;  Williams P.I.;  Flynn M.;  Barker P.;  Fox C.;  Allen G.;  Lee J.;  Coe H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:46/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Author Correction: Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness (Nature Geoscience, (2019), 12, 4, (247-252), 10.1038/s41561-019-0330-x) 期刊论文
Nature Geoscience, 2020, 卷号: 13, 期号: 11
作者:  Barnouin O.S.;  Daly M.G.;  Palmer E.E.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Weirich J.R.;  Johnson C.L.;  Al Asad M.M.;  Roberts J.H.;  Perry M.E.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Daly R.T.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Neumann G.A.;  Ernst C.M.;  Boynton W.V.;  Nolan M.C.;  Adam C.D.;  Moreau M.C.;  Rizk B.;  Drouet D’Aubigny C.Y.;  Jawin E.R.;  Walsh K.J.;  Michel P.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Scheeres D.J.;  McMahon J.W.;  Bottke W.F.;  Sugita S.;  Hirata N.;  Hirata N.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Burke K.N.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Bennett C.A.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Highsmith D.E.;  Small J.;  Vokrouhlický D.;  Bowles N.E.;  Brown E.;  Donaldson Hanna K.L.;  Warren T.;  Brunet C.;  Chicoine R.A.;  Desjardins S.;  Gaudreau D.;  Haltigin T.;  Millington-Veloza S.;  Rubi A.;  Aponte J.;  Gorius N.;  Lunsford A.;  Allen B.;  Grindlay J.;  Guevel D.;  Hoak D.;  Hong J.;  Schrader D.L.;  Bayron J.;  Golubov O.;  Sánchez P.;  Stromberg J.;  Hirabayashi M.;  Hartzell C.M.;  Oliver S.;  Rascon M.;  Harch A.;  Joseph J.;  Squyres S.;  Richardson D.;  Emery J.P.;  McGraw L.;  Ghent R.;  Binzel R.P.;  Asad M.M.A.;  Johnson C.L.;  Philpott L.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Cloutis E.A.;  Hanna R.D.;  Connolly H.C.;  Jr.;  Ciceri F.;  Hildebrand A.R.;  Ibrahim E.-M.;  Breitenfeld L.;  Glotch T.;  Rogers A.D.;  Clark B.E.;  Ferrone S.;  Thomas C.A.;  Campins H.;  Fernandez Y.;  Chang W.;  Cheuvront A.;  Trang D.;  Tachibana S.;  Yurimoto H.;  Brucato J.R.;  Poggiali G.;  Pajola M.;  Dotto E.;  Epifani E.M.;  Crombie M.K.;  Lantz C.;  Izawa M.R.M.;  de Leon J.;  Licandro J.;  Garcia J.L.R.;  Clemett S.;  Thomas-Keprta K.;  Van wal S.;  Yoshikawa M.;  Bellerose J.;  Bhaskaran S.;  Boyles C.;  Chesley S.R.;  Elder C.M.;  Farnocchia D.;  Harbison A.;  Kennedy B.;  Knight A.;  Martinez-Vlasoff N.;  Mastrodemos N.;  McElrath T.;  Owen W.;  Park R.;  Rush B.;  Swanson L.;  Takahashi Y.;  Velez D.;  Yetter K.;  Thayer C.;  Adam C.;  Antreasian P.;  Bauman J.;  Bryan C.;  Carcich B.;  Corvin M.;  Geeraert J.;  Hoffman J.;  Leonard J.M.;  Lessac-Chenen E.;  Levine A.;  McAdams J.;  McCarthy L.;  Nelson D.;  Page B.;  Pelgrift J.;  Sahr E.;  Stakkestad K.;  Stanbridge D.;  Wibben D.;  Williams B.;  Williams K.;  Wolff P.;  Hayne P.;  Kubitschek D.;  Barucci M.A.;  Deshapriya J.D.P.;  Fornasier S.;  Fulchignoni M.;  Hasselmann P.;  Merlin F.;  Praet A.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Billett O.;  Boggs A.;  Buck B.;  Carlson-Kelly S.;  Cerna J.;  Chaffin K.;  Church E.;  Coltrin M.;  Daly J.;  Deguzman A.;  Dubisher R.;  Eckart D.;  Ellis D.;  Falkenstern P.;  Fisher A.;  Fisher M.E.;  Fleming P.;  Fortney K.;  Francis S.;  Freund S.;  Gonzales S.;  Haas P.;  Hasten A.;  Hauf D.;  Hilbert A.;  Howell D.;  Jaen F.;  Jayakody N.;  Jenkins M.;  Johnson K.;  Lefevre M.;  Ma H.;  Mario C.;  Martin K.;  May C.;  McGee M.;  Miller B.;  Miller C.;  Miller G.;  Mirfakhrai A.;  Muhle E.;  Norman C.;  Olds R.;  Parish C.;  Ryle M.;  Schmitzer M.;  Sherman P.;  Skeen M.;  Susak M.;  Sutter B.;  Tran Q.;  Welch C.;  Witherspoon R.;  Wood J.;  Zareski J.;  Arvizu-Jakubicki M.;  Asphaug E.;  Audi E.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Bandrowski R.;  Becker K.J.;  Becker T.L.;  Bendall S.;  Bennett C.A.;  Bloomenthal H.;  Blum D.;  Boynton W.V.;  Brodbeck J.;  Burke K.N.;  Chojnacki M.;  Colpo A.;  Contreras J.;  Cutts J.;  d’Aubigny C.Y.D.;  Dean D.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Diallo B.;  Drinnon D.;  Drozd K.;  Enos H.L.;  Enos R.;  Fellows C.;  Ferro T.;  Fisher M.R.;  Fitzgibbon G.;  Fitzgibbon M.;  Forelli J.;  Forrester T.;  Galinsky I.;  Garcia R.;  Gardner A.;  Golish D.R.;  Habib N.;  Hamara D.;  Hammond D.;  Hanley K.;  Harshman K.;  Hergenrother C.W.;  Herzog K.;  Hill D.;  Hoekenga C.;  Hooven S.;  Howell E.S.;  Huettner E.;  Janakus A.;  Jones J.;  Kareta T.R.;  Kidd J.;  Kingsbury K.;  Balram-Knutson S.S.;  Koelbel L.;  Kreiner J.;  Lambert D.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Lewin C.;  Lovelace B.;  Loveridge M.;  Lujan M.;  Maleszewski C.K.;  Malhotra R.;  Marchese K.;  McDonough E.;  Mogk N.;  Morrison V.;  Morton E.;  Munoz R.;  Nelson J.;  Nolan M.C.;  Padilla J.;  Pennington R.;  Polit A.;  Ramos N.;  Reddy V.;  Riehl M.;  Rizk B.;  Roper H.L.;  Salazar S.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Selznick S.;  Shultz N.;  Smith P.H.;  Stewart S.;  Sutton S.;  Swindle T.;  Tang Y.H.;  Westermann M.;  Wolner C.W.V.;  Worden D.;  Zega T.;  Zeszut Z.;  Bjurstrom A.;  Bloomquist L.;  Dickinson C.;  Keates E.;  Liang J.;  Nifo V.;  Taylor A.;  Teti F.;  Caplinger M.;  Bowles H.;  Carter S.;  Dickenshied S.;  Doerres D.;  Fisher T.;  Hagee W.;  Hill J.;  Miner M.;  Noss D.;  Piacentine N.;  Smith M.;  Toland A.;  Wren P.;  Bernacki M.;  Munoz D.P.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Sandford S.A.;  Aqueche A.;  Ashman B.;  Barker M.;  Bartels A.;  Berry K.;  Bos B.;  Burns R.;  Calloway A.;  Carpenter R.;  Castro N.;  Cosentino R.;  Donaldson J.;  Dworkin J.P.;  Cook J.E.;  Emr C.;  Everett D.;  Fennell D.;  Fleshman K.;  Folta D.;  Gallagher D.;  Garvin J.;  Getzandanner K.;  Glavin D.;  Hull S.;  Hyde K.;  Ido H.;  Ingegneri A.;  Jones N.;  Kaotira P.;  Lim L.F.;  Liounis A.;  Lorentson C.;  Lorenz D.;  Lyzhoft J.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Mink R.;  Moore W.;  Moreau M.;  Mullen S.;  Nagy J.;  Neumann G.;  Nuth J.;  Poland D.;  Reuter D.C.;  Rhoads L.;  Rieger S.;  Rowlands D.;  Sallitt D.;  Scroggins A.;  Shaw G.;  Simon A.A.;  Swenson J.;  Vasudeva P.;  Wasser M.;  Zellar R.;  Grossman J.;  Johnston G.;  Morris M.;  Wendel J.;  Burton A.;  Keller L.P.;  McNamara L.;  Messenger S.;  Nakamura-Messenger K.;  Nguyen A.;  Righter K.;  Queen E.;  Bellamy K.;  Dill K.;  Gardner S.;  Giuntini M.;  Key B.;  Kissell J.;  Patterson D.;  Vaughan D.;  Wright B.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Le Corre L.;  Li J.-Y.;  Molaro J.L.;  Palmer E.E.;  Siegler M.A.;  Tricarico P.;  Weirich J.R.;  Zou X.-D.;  Ireland T.;  Tait K.;  Bland P.;  Anwar S.;  Bojorquez-Murphy N.;  Christensen P.R.;  Haberle C.W.;  Mehall G.;  Rios K.;  Franchi I.;  Rozitis B.;  Beddingfield C.B.;  Marshall J.;  Brack D.N.;  French A.S.;  McMahon J.W.;  Scheeres D.J.;  Jawin E.R.;  McCoy T.J.;  Russell S.;  Killgore M.;  Bottke W.F.;  Hamilton V.E.;  Kaplan H.H.;  Walsh K.J.;  Bandfield J.L.;  Clark B.C.;  Chodas M.;  Lambert M.;  Masterson R.A.;  Daly M.G.;  Freemantle J.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Barnouin O.S.;  Craft K.;  Daly R.T.;  Ernst C.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Holdridge M.;  Jones M.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Peachey J.;  Perry M.E.;  Plescia J.;  Roberts J.H.;  Steele R.;  Turner R.;  Backer J.;  Edmundson K.;  Mapel J.;  Milazzo M.;  Sides S.;  Manzoni C.;  May B.;  Delbo’ M.;  Libourel G.;  Michel P.;  Ryan A.;  Thuillet F.;  Marty B.;  The OSIRIS-REx Team
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A cell atlas of human thymic development defines T cell repertoire formation 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 367, 期号: 6480
作者:  Park J.-E.;  Botting R.A.;  Conde C.D.;  Popescu D.-M.;  Lavaert M.;  Kunz D.J.;  Goh I.;  Stephenson E.;  Ragazzini R.;  Tuck E.;  Wilbrey-Clark A.;  Roberts K.;  Kedlian V.R.;  Ferdinand J.R.;  He X.;  Webb S.;  Maunder D.;  Vandamme N.;  Mahbubani K.T.;  Polanski K.;  Mamanova L.;  Bolt L.;  Crossland D.;  De Rita F.;  Fuller A.;  Filby A.;  Reynolds G.;  Dixon D.;  Saeb-Parsy K.;  Lisgo S.;  Henderson D.;  Vento-Tormo R.;  Bayraktar O.A.;  Barker R.A.;  Meyer K.B.;  Saeys Y.;  Bonfanti P.;  Behjati S.;  Clatworthy M.R.;  Taghon T.;  Haniffa M.;  Teichmann S.A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:69/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
T lymphocyte receptor  cell component  developmental biology  differentiation  genomics  recombination  RNA  adaptive immunity  Article  CD4+ T lymphocyte  CD8+ T lymphocyte  cell fate  cell maturation  cell selection  controlled study  developmental stage  gene  gene expression  gene expression profiling  GNG4 gene  human  human cell  human tissue  lymphocyte differentiation  priority journal  protein expression  regulatory T lymphocyte  RNA sequencing  sequence analysis  T lymphocyte  T lymphocyte activation  thymic medulla  thymocyte  thymus  XCL1 gene  
Technical note: Mobile open dynamic chamber measurement of methane macroseeps in lakes 期刊论文
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020, 卷号: 24, 期号: 12
作者:  Thalasso F.;  Walter Anthony K.;  Irzak O.;  Chaleff E.;  Barker L.;  Anthony P.;  Hanke P.;  Gonzalez-Valencia R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/06
Early atmospheric contamination on the top of the Himalayas since the onset of the European Industrial Revolution 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 卷号: 117, 期号: 8
作者:  Gabrielli P.;  Wegner A.;  Roxana Sierra-Hernández M.;  Beaudon E.;  Davis M.;  Barker J.D.;  Thompson L.G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/06
Spatial pattern of accumulation at Taylor Dome during Marine Isotope Stage 4: stratigraphic constraints from Taylor Glacier 期刊论文
CLIMATE OF THE PAST, 2019, 卷号: 15, 期号: 4, 页码: 1537-1556
作者:  Menking, James A.;  Brook, Edward J.;  Shackleton, Sarah A.;  Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.;  Dyonisius, Michael N.;  Petrenko, Vasilii;  McConnell, Joseph R.;  Rhodes, Rachael H.;  Bauska, Thomas K.;  Baggenstos, Daniel;  Marcott, Shaun;  Barker, Stephen
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Range contraction to a higher elevation: the likely future of the montane vegetation in South Africa and Lesotho 期刊论文
BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 2019, 卷号: 28, 期号: 1, 页码: 131-153
作者:  Bentley, Luke K.;  Robertson, Mark P.;  Barker, Nigel P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
Climate change  Drakensberg  Montane vegetation  Range contraction  Species distribution modelling  Southern Africa