Small islands addressing climate change: towards storylines of risk and adaptation
Madame Virginie DUVAT
项目主持机构UMR 7266 Laboratoire Littoral Environnement et Sociétés - Équipe "Approche géographie îles et littoraux"
英文摘要The STORISK project (48 months) aims to develop a transdisciplinary and innovative methodological protocol to improve knowledge and understanding of small island societies’ vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities to the impacts of both climate-related extreme events (i.e., tropical cyclones, distant-source swells and ENSO) and gradual changes in climate/ocean parameters (i.e., sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification).
In this perspective, this project relies on two complementary approaches based on concepts developed by its main contributing teams, those of Chains of impacts and Trajectories of vulnerability, which have led to the development of a first methodological protocol that will be refined in STORISK. This protocol will allow the reconstruction of both comprehensive Chains of impacts of climate-related extreme events and climate change, and of Trajectories of vulnerability for small tropical islands (both mountainous and low-lying). These two approaches are complementary, as the former allows apprehend vulnerability through an in-depth analysis of the impacts of extreme events (including resilience) while the latter focuses on a territory’s development to capture, through the analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, the root causes of its vulnerability. The key hypothesis on which the STORISK project is based on is that small islands have differentiated vulnerability profiles and will therefore experience diversified “storylines of risk” under climate change.
The two key scientific challenges of this methodological development are first, to integrate in a coherent way all research areas concerned with the assessment of current and future risks (from climate and marine inundation modelling to risk perception and to the assessment of the risk of maladaptation), and second to consider and evaluate uncertainty (i.e., sources, extent and implications on island systems’ vulnerability) in order to build realistic scenarios at the local scale. Based on a dynamic approach of vulnerability (i.e., reconstructing trajectories of vulnerability on empirical bases instead of considering the current state of vulnerability) integrating both the driving factors and processes controlling changes in vulnerability, STORISK intends to move knowledge (and methodologies) on future vulnerability a step forward. Beyond its specific benefits for the selected small islands, it will indeed bring more general outcomes on how to apprehend future vulnerability to support the design of robust adaptation strategies in coastal areas at large.
The STORISK approach will thus allow translate both current climate-related risks and future risks induced by climate change in “storylines of risk”. These concrete and robust “storylines” that are rooted in the past and current features of small islands will allow engage a fruitful dialogue with local to national and regional stakeholders on risk reduction strategies and adaptation pathways.
This project mainly focuses on French overseas territories of the South-Western Indian Ocean (Reunion Island and the Eparses Islands) and the Central Pacific Ocean (French Polynesia). It considers both undisturbed and little disturbed environments (i.e., uninhabited and rural settings) and highly disturbed environments (atoll capitals) to better investigate the contribution of nature- and human-related drivers to island vulnerability and to highlight the high diversity of island systems and of their future responses to climate stressors in a changing climate. Because the results obtained from case studies will be put into perspective with the situation of neighbouring islands, STORISK will bring general insights on the situation of small islands.
项目类型Les sociétés face aux changements environnementaux (DS0103) 2015
GB/T 7714
Madame Virginie DUVAT.Small islands addressing climate change: towards storylines of risk and adaptation.2015.
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