An organizational approach for the assessment of DNA adduct data in risk assessment: case studies for aflatoxin B-1, tamoxifen and vinyl chloride
Pottenger, Lynn H.1; Andrews, Larry S.1,2; Bachman, Ammie N.3; Boogaard, Peter J.4; Cadet, Jean5,6; Embry, Michelle R.7; Farmer, Peter B.8,9; Himmelstein, Matthew W.10; Jarabek, Annie M.11; Martin, Elizabeth A.12; Mauthe, Robert J.13; Persaud, Rudranath14; Preston, R. Julian15; Schoeny, Rita16; Skare, Julie; Swenberg, James A.17; Williams, Gary M.18; Zeiger, Errol19; Zhang, Fagen1; Kim, James H.7

The framework analysis previously presented for using DNA adduct information in the risk assessment of chemical carcinogens was applied in a series of case studies which place the adduct information into context with the key events in carcinogenesis to determine whether they could be used to support a mutagenic mode of action (MOA) for the examined chemicals. Three data-rich chemicals, aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)), tamoxifen (Tam) and vinyl chloride (VCl) were selected for this exercise. These chemicals were selected because they are known human carcinogens and have different characteristics: AFB(1) forms a unique adduct and human exposure is through contaminated foods; Tam is a pharmaceutical given to women so that the dose and duration of exposure are known, forms unique adducts in rodents, and has both estrogenic and genotoxic properties; and VCl, to which there is industrial exposure, forms a number of adducts that are identical to endogenous adducts found in unexposed people. All three chemicals produce liver tumors in rats. AFB(1) and VCl also produce liver tumors in humans, but Tam induces human uterine tumors, only. To support a mutagenic MOA, the chemical-induced adducts must be characterized, shown to be pro-mutagenic, be present in the tumor target tissue, and produce mutations of the class found in the tumor. The adducts formed by AFB(1) and VCl support a mutagenic MOA for their carcinogenicity. However, the data available for Tam shows a mutagenic MOA for liver tumors in rats, but its carcinogenicity in humans is most likely via a different MOA.

英文关键词Biomarkers;cancer;DNA adducts;mode of action;risk assessment
作者单位1.Dow Chem Co USA, Midland, MI 48674 USA;
2.Rohm & Haas Co, Spring House, PA 19477 USA;
3.ExxonMobil Biomed Sci, Annandale, NJ USA;
4.Shell Int Bv, Shell Hlth, The Hague, Netherlands;
5.CEA Grenoble, DSM INAC SCIB UMR E CEA UJF 3, F-38054 Grenoble 9, France;
6.CEA Grenoble, FRE CNRS Les Acides Nucle 3200, F-38054 Grenoble 9, France;
7.ILSI Hlth & Environm Sci Inst, Washington, DC USA;
8.Univ Leicester, Dept Canc Studies & Mol Med, Bioctr, Leicester, Leics, England;
9.DuPont Haskell Global Ctr Hlth Sci, Newark, DE USA;
10.DuPont Haskell Global Ctr Environm Sci, Newark, DE USA;
11.US EPA, Natl Ctr Environm Assessment, Washington, DC 20460 USA;
12.AstraZeneca, Drug Safety & Metab, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England;
13.Pfizer Worldwide Res & Dev, Groton, CT USA;
14.LOreal USA, Clark, NJ USA;
15.US EPA, Natl Hlth & Environm Effects Res Lab, Res Triangle Pk, NC 27711 USA;
16.US EPA, Off Water, Washington, DC 20460 USA;
17.Univ N Carolina, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Chapel Hill, NC USA;
18.New York Med Coll, Dept Pathol, Valhalla, NY 10595 USA;
19.Errol Zeiger Consulting, Chapel Hill, NC USA
GB/T 7714
Pottenger, Lynn H.,Andrews, Larry S.,Bachman, Ammie N.,et al. An organizational approach for the assessment of DNA adduct data in risk assessment: case studies for aflatoxin B-1, tamoxifen and vinyl chloride[J]. 美国环保署,2014,44(4):348-391.
APA Pottenger, Lynn H..,Andrews, Larry S..,Bachman, Ammie N..,Boogaard, Peter J..,Cadet, Jean.,...&Kim, James H..(2014).An organizational approach for the assessment of DNA adduct data in risk assessment: case studies for aflatoxin B-1, tamoxifen and vinyl chloride.CRITICAL REVIEWS IN TOXICOLOGY,44(4),348-391.
MLA Pottenger, Lynn H.,et al."An organizational approach for the assessment of DNA adduct data in risk assessment: case studies for aflatoxin B-1, tamoxifen and vinyl chloride".CRITICAL REVIEWS IN TOXICOLOGY 44.4(2014):348-391.
[Pottenger, Lynn H.]的文章
[Andrews, Larry S.]的文章
[Bachman, Ammie N.]的文章
[Pottenger, Lynn H.]的文章
[Andrews, Larry S.]的文章
[Bachman, Ammie N.]的文章
[Pottenger, Lynn H.]的文章
[Andrews, Larry S.]的文章
[Bachman, Ammie N.]的文章
