Cliff-edge forests: Xerothermic hotspots of local biodiversity and models for future climate change
英文摘要Cliffs are remarkable environments that enable the existence of microclimates. These small, isolated sites, decoupled from the regional macroclimate, play a significant role in maintaining species biodiversity, particularly in topographically homogeneous landscapes. Our study investigated the microclimate of south-exposed forests situated at the edge of sandstone cliffs in the western part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin in Switzerland and its role in local forest community composition. Using direct measurements from data loggers, as well as vegetation analyses, it was possible to quantify the microclimate of the cliff-edge forests and compare it with that of the surrounding forests. Our results highlighted the significant xerothermic and more variable nature of the cliff-edge forest microclimate, with a mean soil temperature up to 3.72 degrees C warmer in the summer, higher annual (+28%) and daily (+250%) amplitudes of soil temperature, which frequently expose vegetation to extreme temperatures, and an 83% higher soil drying rate. These differences have a distinct influence on forest communities: cliff-edge forests are significantly different from surrounding forests. The site particularities of cliff edges support the presence of locally rare species and forest types, particularly of Scots pine. Cliff edges must therefore be considered microrefugia with a high conservation value for both xerothermic species and flora adapted to more continental climates. Moreover, the microclimate of cliff-edge forests could resemble the future climate in many ways. We argue that these small areas, which are already experiencing the future climate, can be seen as natural laboratories to better answer the following question: what will our forests look like in a few decades with accelerated climate change? Les falaises sont des milieux remarquables qui permettent l'existence de microclimats. Ces petites surfaces, aux conditions eloignees du climat regional, jouent un role important pour la biodiversite, en particulier dans les paysages topographiquement homogenes. Notre etude a porte sur le microclimat de forets exposees au sud, situees au bord de falaises de molasse, sur le plateau suisse, et sur son role dans la composition de la communaute vegetale locale. En utilisant des mesures directes provenant d'enregistreurs automatiques de donnees, ainsi que des analyses de la vegetation, il a ete possible de quantifier le microclimat des forets de bord de falaise et de le comparer a celui des forets environnantes. Nos resultats ont mis en evidence la nature significativement xerothermique et plus variable du microclimat des forets de bord de falaise, avec une temperature moyenne du sol jusqu'a 3.72 degrees C plus elevee en ete, des amplitudes accrues annuelles (+28%) et journalieres (+250%) de la temperature du sol, qui exposent frequemment la vegetation a des temperatures extremes, et un taux d'assechement du sol 83% plus eleve. Ces differences ont une influence marquee sur les communautes forestieres: les forets de bord de falaise sont tres differentes des forets environnantes. Elles permettent la presence d'especes et de types de forets localement rares, notamment des pinedes. Les bords de falaise doivent donc etre consideres comme des microrefuges a haute valeur de conservation pour les especes xerothermiques et la flore adaptee a des climats plus continentaux. En outre, le microclimat des forets de bord de falaise pourrait ressembler au climat futur a bien des egards. Nous soutenons que ces petites zones, qui connaissent deja le climat futur, peuvent etre considerees comme des laboratoires naturels permettant de mieux repondre a la question suivante: a quoi ressembleront nos forets dans quelques decennies, suite aux changements climatiques? South-exposed forests located at the edge of cliffs benefit from a significantly different microclimate (warmer and more continental) than the other nearby forests. This has a significant influence on the forest community: cliff-edge areas play an important role as biodiversity hotspots on a local scale. These small areas, which are already somewhat experiencing the future climate, can be seen as models. This study was carried out on sandstone cliffs of the Swiss Plateau.image
英文关键词azonal forests; escarpments; microclimate; microrefugia; natural experiment; sandstone cliffs; Switzerland
WOS研究方向Biodiversity & Conservation ; Environmental Sciences & Ecology
WOS类目Biodiversity Conservation ; Ecology ; Environmental Sciences
作者单位University of Fribourg; University of Fribourg; Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Domain; Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape Research; Chinese Academy of Sciences
GB/T 7714
. Cliff-edge forests: Xerothermic hotspots of local biodiversity and models for future climate change[J],2024,30(2).
APA (2024).Cliff-edge forests: Xerothermic hotspots of local biodiversity and models for future climate change.GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY,30(2).
MLA "Cliff-edge forests: Xerothermic hotspots of local biodiversity and models for future climate change".GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 30.2(2024).
