Trends and source apportionment of atmospheric heavy metals at a subarctic site during 1996–2018
Kyllönen K.; Vestenius M.; Anttila P.; Makkonen U.; Aurela M.; Wängberg I.; Nerentorp Mastromonaco M.; Hakola H.
英文摘要Atmospheric trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in particulate matter have been measured since 1996 at Pallas, a subarctic site in Finland. The results indicate a very low level of pollution as the concentrations were among the lowest measured in Europe. The annual average concentration during the whole time series (1996–2018), from the lowest values to the highest, was Co < Cd < Cr < As < V < Ni < Cu < Mn < Pb < Zn < Al < Fe, ranging from 0.02 to 20 ng m−3. For the priority elements As, Cd, Ni and Pb, the annual average concentration was 0.10, 0.02, 0.21 and 0.65 ng m−3, respectively, in 2018. The concentrations were compared with the results from three other sites in Finland, and a clear south-to-north decreasing gradient was found for most elements except for Ni, which was found to be mostly associated with emissions from the Kola Peninsula together with the trace elements of Cu, As and Co, as confirmed by the source apportionment analysis using positive matrix factorization. Cd, Pb, V and Zn were attributed to long-range transported (LRT) pollutants originating from combustion while Al, Fe and Mn were related to the soil origin. Gaseous Hg was included in the source analysis and was found in a separate LRT and marine factors. Considering the full time series, a trend analysis showed statistically significant decreasing trends for As, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and V up to 64% in the whole period. Since 2010, six elements (Cd, Co, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) have continued the positive development of declining trends (P < 0.05) with changes between 25% and 53% during the period. No statistically significant increasing trends were observed for the studied elements. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
关键词PallasPM10PMFSource apportionmentTrace elementsTrends
scopus关键词Factorization; Heavy metals; Time series; Time series analysis; Trace elements; Annual average concentration; Atmospheric heavy metals; Atmospheric trace elements; Particulate Matter; Positive Matrix Factorization; Source analysis; Source apportionment; South-to-North; Pollution; aluminum; arsenic; cadmium; chromium; cobalt; cuprous ion; heavy metal; iron; lead; manganese; nickel; vanadium; zinc; concentration (composition); heavy metal; long range transport; particulate matter; source apportionment; spatiotemporal analysis; subarctic region; trace element; trend analysis; air pollution; ambient air; Article; atmosphere; combustion; controlled study; density gradient; energy yield; Europe; Finland; forest fire; industrial area; particle size; particulate matter; priority journal; time series analysis; Finland; Kola Peninsula; Lappi [Finland]; Murmansk [Russian Federation]; Pallas; Russian Federation
作者单位Finnish Meteorological Institute, Air Quality, P.O. Box 503, Helsinki, FI-00101, Finland; IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Gothenburg, 41133, Sweden; Finnish Meteorological Institute, Aerosol Composition, P.O. Box 503, Helsinki, FI-00101, Finland; Finnish Meteorological Institute, Atmospheric Composition Research, P.O. Box 503, Helsinki, FI-00101, Finland
GB/T 7714
Kyllönen K.,Vestenius M.,Anttila P.,等. Trends and source apportionment of atmospheric heavy metals at a subarctic site during 1996–2018[J],2020,236.
APA Kyllönen K..,Vestenius M..,Anttila P..,Makkonen U..,Aurela M..,...&Hakola H..(2020).Trends and source apportionment of atmospheric heavy metals at a subarctic site during 1996–2018.ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,236.
MLA Kyllönen K.,et al."Trends and source apportionment of atmospheric heavy metals at a subarctic site during 1996–2018".ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 236(2020).
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