MSA: Evaluating the continuity of NEON and AmeriFlux data streams recorded at collocated sites from tundra to subtropics
Andrew Richardson
项目主持机构Northern Arizona University
英文摘要Understanding the impact of changes in climate, land use, and species distribution on our natural world is a grand challenge for Macrosystems Biology. Long-term observations are needed to detect ecological changes, and to confidently make predictions about the future. Construction of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), a 30-year project, was completed in 2019. Most data sets are currently less than five years in length. This project will evaluate the continuity between new measurements conducted at recently-instrumented NEON sites across the United States, and longer-term measurements already conducted at pre-existing, nearby, AmeriFlux sites. The analysis leverages data from 11 sites across 8 NEON domains from Alaska to Florida. A key emphasis is on data characterizing the rhythmic ‘breathing’ of these ecosystems (i.e. how they exchange carbon dioxide and water vapor with the atmosphere) over days, seasons, and years. The analysis serves as an independent and fundamental cross-check of NEON data quality, thereby increasing the usefulness and value of NEON data to user communities. Broader impacts will accrue through outreach activities emphasizing formal and informal science education, and offering hands-on training for the next generation of scientific leaders. The project leverages Northern Arizona University’s geographic location to provide learning opportunities for Native American communities traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields.

Consistency and continuity in long-term ecological data sets are essential so that the fingerprints of global change can be reliably detected. While NEON will run for 30 y, the environmental challenges posed by global change are pressing enough that neither scientists nor society can wait that long. Better understanding of the trajectory of ecosystem change will be attainable sooner if new data sets from NEON can be integrated with pre-existing long-term data sets from other observation networks. This project asks “can existing AmeriFlux data be used to extend, back in time, NEON datasets that did not begin until 2017?” The study will determine whether agreement in these overlapping data sets is dependent on both the temporal scale being considered and the spatial scales on which site heterogeneity occurs. The project adopts a multi-scale approach that incorporates frequency-domain and geospatial analyses across sites spanning a broad climatic gradient. For each site, a “continuity scorecard” will provide diagnostic information needed to ensure valid inferences can be derived from integrated time series. Demonstration of robust continuity will enable scientists to leverage the power of longer observational records. Outreach efforts will include workshops, guest lectures, classroom visits, and community demonstrations highlighting the role of “big data” in understanding the ecological impacts, at regional to continental scale, of global change. Two community college students from underrepresented minority groups will be recruited as research assistants on this project, providing valuable training as they transition to Bachelor of Science programs at Northern Arizona University.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Standard Grant
GB/T 7714
Andrew Richardson.MSA: Evaluating the continuity of NEON and AmeriFlux data streams recorded at collocated sites from tundra to subtropics.2021.
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