Collaborative Research: Importance of the subtropical gyre and North Atlantic Current in interglacial warmth
Katharina Billups
项目主持机构University of Delaware
英文摘要Microscopic organisms called foraminifera live in the ocean, in shells of calcium carbonate the size of a small grain of sand. Every foraminifer has its own living preferences - surface or deep ocean, warm or cold water, the amount of food or the availability of light. In seafloor sediments the foraminifers’ shells become fossils; they provide a record of the living conditions in the overlying water. One such species called Globorolatia truncatulinoides looks like little party hats made from coiling paper either to the right or the left. The left coilers like it warm. They prefer to live in areas where a layer of warm water extends from the surface to a water depth as deep as 300 m, including waters that today are found off the coast of Florida in the Gulf Stream. Their fossil record tells scientist about one aspect of climate - the presence of warm waters in a particular location. This project will study changes in the abundance of fossil remains of these left coilers along the path of the Gulf Stream from the east coast of North America, turning east toward Europe, and then traveling north past Ireland. Imagine finding a whole bunch of these left coiling party hats in ocean sediments as far north as Ireland! It would mean that oceanic conditions and hence climate in the past may have been similar to Florida. Finding these fossil remains requires laboratory work involving sieving deep-sea mud to isolate foraminifera, in which the party hats can be identified and counted. The laboratory work will provide undergraduate research experience to undergraduates at both PI’s schools. It will give the students an opportunity for hands-on work in a laboratory setting, including dividing up the sampling locations and time intervals so that each student can “own” a portion of the data. The students will then be responsible for interpreting their data with respect to past oceanic and climate change. In this manner each student can develop their own success story and present their results at a professional meeting. The project will also support a graduate student at the University of Delaware.

This project aims to provide a record of low to high latitude oceanographic links during intervals of global warmth. The study will test the hypothesis that poleward extension of the subtropical gyre and enhanced warm water transport in the North Atlantic Current contributed to the warmth of the past five interglacial intervals, and in particular, their maxima (MIS 1, 5e, 7a-c, 7e, 9e, 11c, PAGES et al., 2016). Each of the interglacial maxima corresponds to different boundary conditions (e.g., insolation, CO2, ice volume, PAGES et al., 2016), yet there is no relationship between the degree of warming and the amplitude of the forcing (PAGES et al., 2016). The proposed study contributes another climate parameter, warm water advection, that may have played a role in amplifying high latitude warmth during these intervals of time. To reconstruct warm water advection, the study will use the coiling direction of Globorolatia truncatulinoides as a proxy for upper water column structure at three sites in the North Atlantic Ocean spanning the past 450 kyr. It will focus on Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1, 5, 7, 9, and 11 in order to resolve differences in upper ocean hydrography that may relate to the relative warmth reconstructed for these intervals of time. Three proposed study sites provide a spatial transect between the northern subtropical and subpolar North Atlantic Ocean (U1313, U1308, and Site 980), and published orbital-scale age models provide a means for temporal correlations. The abundance of G. truncatulinoides (sinistral) in relation to total G. truncatulinoides (sinistral plus dextral) reflects the relative depth of the permanent thermocline and hence the relative size of the heat reservoir in the upper ocean of the subtropical to subpolar North Atlantic. An increase in the ratio of sinistral to total G. truncatulinoides tests at U1313 would reflect a northward expansion of the subtropical gyre. Such an increase in sinistral tests at U1308 would suggest enhanced warm water transport in the North Atlantic Current, and if the influence of this current is significant at subpolar Site 980, sinistral tests will increase there as well. The proposed records will have a temporal resolution of 0.5 kyr in order to monitor the relative stability of warm water advection in the northern gyre and the North Atlantic Current during the interglacial intervals. The proposed project is a collaboration between professors at a Hispanic serving small liberal arts college for women and gender nonbinary students (Mills) and a major research University (University of Delaware). The project will provide a concrete research experience to two undergraduate students from Mills by having them participate in the University of Delaware’s NSF sponsored REU site. The laboratory work is designed to provide the undergraduates with a meaningful research experience, with the goal of solidifying their interest in a STEM related career. The project will also support a graduate student and an undergraduate student assistant at the University of Delaware.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Standard Grant
GB/T 7714
Katharina Billups.Collaborative Research: Importance of the subtropical gyre and North Atlantic Current in interglacial warmth.2021.
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