Collaborative Research: Measurement of tritium, helium isotopes, and noble gases on GO-SHIP line P18
William Jenkins
项目主持机构Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
英文摘要The GO-SHIP program seeks to characterize the time-evolving global scale ocean distributions of heat, freshwater, carbon, oxygen, nutrients and other chemical tracers with a view to illuminating and quantifying important physical and biogeochemical processes and to document global change. As part of this international effort, the meridional section P18 was occupied in 2016 along approximately 110°W in the eastern Pacific and Southern Ocean (from Baja California to the ice edge off Antarctica). The grant will fund efforts to measure ocean tracers – tritium, 3He/4He isotope ratio, and the full suite of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) – on approximately 500 archived water samples collected on the 2016 P18 section. The tracer samples will be processed on specialized extraction systems and mass spectrometers at the WHOI Isotope Geochemistry Facility. Evolving ocean-climate systems present us with challenges that are never more important than now. Increased glacial and sea-ice melting, increasing sea level, ocean acidification, and deoxygenation are a few of the societally important effects that must be anticipated and if possible quantitatively predicted using global ocean circulation and biogeochemical models. Such models require a better understanding of the inherent processes, and because they are necessarily complex, yet incomplete abstractions of reality, they need observations for calibration, testing, and (if ever possible) verification. Evaluation and documentation of the distributions of these tracers and their evolution, within the context of many other observational data sets and theories, will provide valuable constraints on global ocean-climate physical and biogeochemical models that are key to understanding and dealing with global change. The new P18 tritium–3He and noble gas data will be made publicly available to any interested parties through the CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Office (CCHDO) site.

The project science objectives are to: (1) Document the evolving tritium and 3He distributions in 2016 on the P18 section relative to the earlier 1994 and 2008 occupations to illuminate decadal-scale patterns and possible climatic changes in ventilation and circulation in the eastern Pacific; (2) Make the first high quality noble gas measurements in the eastern Pacific and Southern Ocean to characterize air-sea exchange effects and diapycnal mixing on dissolved gases in the Pacific, and glacial melt contributions to the Circumpolar Deep Water. In the U.S. Global Ocean Carbon and Repeat Hydrography Program, tritium–3He is a Level 2 (“highly desirable”) data set that is funded separate from, but heavily leverages and adds to the measurements and ship time conducted by the core GO-SHIP program. The new tritium–3He and noble gas data will be interpreted in the context of the 2016 GO-SHIP P18 hydrographic and tracer observations (e.g., CFCs, SF6, O2), tritium–3He data from previous P18 occupations in 1994 and 2008, and Pacific basin-scale tritium–3He data from other GO-SHIP and GEOTRACES sections. The new tracer data offer unique and valuable information on physical and biogeochemical processes in the eastern Pacific and Southern Ocean: Tritium as a transient tracer has a unique hemispheric asymmetry that can be used as a diagnostic tracer of north vs south water mass provenance in the tropics. Tritium-helium dating provides a unique and sensitive measure of shallow ventilation and circulation on annual to decadal time-scales that is distinct from other tracers such as CFCs and SF6, giving estimates of water mass origins, ages, and modification in shallow waters. Helium Isotopes in the deep water provide important information regarding hydrothermal plume provenance, dispersion and dilution, and constraining deep-water circulation models. Noble gases are sensitive and unambiguous tracers of air-sea exchange, water mass provenance, ice-ocean interaction, upwelling, and in situ diapycnal mixing.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Standard Grant
GB/T 7714
William Jenkins.Collaborative Research: Measurement of tritium, helium isotopes, and noble gases on GO-SHIP line P18.2020.
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