Belmont Forum Collaborative Research: Land to Sea
Edward Barbier
项目主持机构Colorado State University
英文摘要Innovative research on the complex interaction of socio-economic and global environmental trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services is needed to help develop more informative scenarios for addressing environmental and human development challenges. To overcome these challenges coupled natural-human systems approaches and analyses are needed. These provide improved scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services that couple the outputs of direct and indirect drivers such as land use, invasive species, overexploitation, biodiversity, environmental change, and pollution. The resulting models provide a methodological state-of-the art that results in more accurate quantitative assessments, better land use, and more effective ecosystem services. Using this methodology and via an international coalition of investigators from the US and four other countries in the Northern Hemisphere, this research involves integrating the economic, social, and natural sciences in a comprehensive framework to examine the consequences of human activities in coastal settings on terrestrial and nearshore marine water quality and coastal marine biodiversity. Such input is critical to ecosystem health and human well-being because many of our coastal fisheries, recreational activities, and nearshore marine ecosystems depend on the quality of freshwater that flows from the land to the sea. The US component of this international research consortium develops the economic/valuation component of the larger, coupled, modeling system that will be used to examine how changes in freshwater flows and water quality in coastal systems impact fisheries and fishing communities. The Estuary and Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada serve as case studies. Collaborators from outside the US and their parts of the project are funded through their associated national funding agencies. Project objectives are aligned with work of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. This entity encourages the integration of economic, social, and natural sciences to understand the complexities and linkages of human impacts on ecosystems. In addition to the valuation module, the US research team will help develop the decision support framework that can be used to inform policy and ecosystem service choices for coastal regions. Broader impacts of the work include international collaboration, between the US and Germany, Ireland, Sweden, and Canada. The research also has potential health implications for coastal populations and communities increasingly impacted by deterioration in freshwater sources, water quality, and loss of coastal marine biodiversity as a result of increases in coastal population pressure and habitation in a world subjected to rising sea level, increasing temperatures, and evaporation resulting from global warming. Study results will be useful to policy makers and resource managers of marine-freshwater ecosystems, with the modeling component providing useful input on possible coastal adaption strategies to climate change. Additional impacts include use of multiple communications platforms to reach out to stakeholders, the public, and policy makers to maximize utilization of and provide broad accessibility to research results. The Project also provides valuable student training in terms of becoming international scholars.

This award supports U.S. researchers participating in a project competitively selected by a coalition of 26 funding agencies from 23 countries through the Belmont Forum call for proposals on "Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services". The call was a multilateral initiative designed to support research projects that contributed to the development of scenarios, models, and decision-support tools for understanding and solving critical issues facing our planet. The goal of the competition was to improve and apply participatory scenario methods to enhance research relevance and its acceptance and to address gaps in methods for modelling impact drivers and policy interventions. It was also to develop and communicate levels of uncertainty associated with the models to improve data accessibility and fill gaps in knowledge. Using this methodology, a five-party, international, collaborative research project, in which investigators from the US are involved, focuses on developing an integrated framework of coupled models for predicting the immediate and long-term consequences of land-use and climate change on water quality, biodiversity, and ecosystems processes related to freshwater (surface and groundwater) and nearshore marine ecosystems. The process starts with engaging a broad spectrum of stakeholders to co-design scenarios of human and global change-associated pressures on terrestrial freshwater and marine ecosystems. From this input, conceptual models and mechanistic frameworks that can explore the impacts of multiple terrestrially-derived pressures on freshwater and marine biodiversity and ecosystem processes can be constructed and coded. The work of the US team focuses on providing modules to determine economic and other impacts, as a function of one or more stressors, on habitat and with regard to regulatory functions (e.g., changes in freshwater flows or/and quality/health of coastal systems). The US contribution will also provide critical input into the decision support component of the project. Overall project goals are to create effective and realistic decision support tools from which recommendations can be made that can be used by policy and decision makers, land use and resource managers, urban planners, and those examining possible mitigation and/or adaptation strategies to global change impacts in coastal areas.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Continuing Grant
GB/T 7714
Edward Barbier.Belmont Forum Collaborative Research: Land to Sea.2019.
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