NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology FY 2019: Resurrecting natural history collections to assess evolutionary responses to climate change
Kyle Christie
项目主持机构Christie, Kyle
英文摘要This action funds an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology for FY 2019, Research Using Biological Collections. The fellowship supports research and training of the fellow that will utilize biological collections in innovative ways. Understanding how organisms cope with environmental change is a fundamental goal in biology, and one that is increasingly pressing in the arid Southwestern U.S., where severe drought over the past several decades has challenged organisms in unprecedented ways. There are generally two ways that organisms can acclimate to a changing climate: Non-genetic changes and genetic changes. Genetic changes are passed down across generations, allowing offspring to be more successful in the future. This research will use preserved seed collections, together with natural populations that have descended from these same ancestors, to create an 'evolutionary time machine'. By resurrecting seeds of dormant plant ancestors, and growing them together with their offspring under common conditions, this research will expose evolution in action. Determining whether adaptation can keep pace with a rapidly changing climate has major implications for predicting the future of biodiversity, and the fate of individual populations and species. This work will advance a basic understanding of adaptation, and will also inform management decisions, promoting ecosystem health and preserving biodiversity.

In investigating adaptation we are often limited to the endpoints of past processes, however resurrection experiments allow us to leverage preserved propagules to quantify evolutionary change across time. The fellow will resurrect dormant seeds of Plantago patagonica, a widespread annual plant, from herbarium collections, and will compare them to contemporary genotypes collected from the same locations in a series of common gardens. By replicating resurrections across an environmental gradient in northern Arizona, this work will simulate future drying and warming, and will assess how patterns of local adaptation might constrain adaptive potential. This framework facilitates an understanding of the role of gene by environment interactions, and provides a framework for predicting future responses to climate change. This work expands past resurrection implementations by growing ancestors and descendants in natural field environments, across a gradient of abiotic conditions, and by combining experimental data on phenotypic responses with genetic data documenting the demographic implications of selection. In addition to its contributions to basic science, this work will promote a better understanding of evolutionary biology in the local community through collaborations with a non-profit STEM center. The fellow will also lead undergraduates and members of the community in collecting seeds for a seed bank repository associated with the Southwest Experimental Garden Array; this effort will foster an appreciation for local plant biodiversity, and will amass seed resources from across a remarkable environmental gradient in northern Arizona to be used for future local adaptation and resurrection experiments.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Fellowship Award
GB/T 7714
Kyle Christie.NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology FY 2019: Resurrecting natural history collections to assess evolutionary responses to climate change.2019.
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