Response of forest and peatland ecosystems in the cryolithozone of Central Siberia to the Holocene climate changes: retrospective analysis, modern stat and prognosis
Novenko Elena
项目主持机构Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University,
英文摘要The main goal of the project is to acquire new knowledge concerning effect of climate changes on forest and peatland ecosystem dynamics in the permafrost zone of Central Siberia during the Holocene. The importance and relevance of this study is due to the need for a comprehensive analysis of the current state and functioning of the natural ecosystems in Central Siberia, their stability and vulnerability to environmental changes, as well as their response to natural and anthropogenic factors. The results of such retrospective analysis of vegetation changes will allow us to identify and quantify the main trends of the natural ecosystems in the region due to natural and anthropogenic factors and to predict the possible response of forest and peatland ecosystems in the permafrost zone of Central Siberia to climate changes in the future using obtained spatiotemporal reconstructions. One of the main objectives of the project is aimed at investigating the frequency of forest and peat fires in the permafrost zone of Central Siberia during the Holocene. Numerous available data demonstrate significant impact of natural fires on the modern dynamics of the forest and peatland ecosystems, as well as on regional climatic and weather conditions. Hence the reconstruction of the natural fire regimes in various regions of Central Siberia during the Holocene in the periods with both warmer or colder and with drier or wetter climatic conditions then the modern ones is an urgent scientific problem. It is very important for a better understanding of the fire influence on the species composition, structure and dynamics of the vegetation cover. The project studies will be carried out in 5 key target (model) areas located in various latitudinal zones of the Krasnoyarsk region spread from the forest-tundra to the middle taiga. The work plan of the project includes both experimental field and laboratory studies. Within each model area, the present structure and dynamics of forest and wetland complexes will be analyzed using the results of both field observations and remote sensing data. As part of the field work, a large collection of surface samples will be collected at each selected experimental area. Moreover the vertical profiles of several typical peat bogs situted at the sites with various geomorphological and landscape conditions will be sampled and analyzed. For each profile the pollen, non-pollen palynomorths, plant macrofossil, testate amoebae, macro-charcoal concentration analysis, as well as the analysis of the physicochemical properties of the peat deposit, and the elemental and isotopic composition of peat will be provided. The age of deposits and the rate of peat accumulation will be determined using detailed radiocarbon dating. On the basis of the obtained data sets, detailed paleoecological and paleoclimatic reconstructions will be performed for each model territory, and the changes in the frequency of natural fires in different periods of the Holocene will be revealed. The area of Central Siberia remains one of the least explored regions of Russia in respect of evidence of climate and vegetation changes in past epochs. The project will allow to obtain new data on vegetation and climate dynamics for the permafrost area of Central Siberia during the Holocene using the high resolution multy-proxy data for five model areas, and to find interregional correlations of the main Holocene paleogeographic events. Another important result of the project will be a detailed analysis of the fire regimes in the study region during the Holocene. Moreover, the scenarios for the potential changes of forest and peatland ecosystems in the permafrost zone of Central Siberia under the influence of current climatic changes and increased human impact will be also first developed using both paleoecological information and data on modern ecosystem dynamics.
英文关键词Palaeoclimate;palaevegetation;the Holocene;fire frequencies;forest and peatland ecosystems;pollen analysis;testate amoebae;macro-charcoal;permafrost zone;Central Siberia
学科分类08 - 地球科学
GB/T 7714
Novenko Elena.Response of forest and peatland ecosystems in the cryolithozone of Central Siberia to the Holocene climate changes: retrospective analysis, modern stat and prognosis.2020.
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