Optimal strategies for ecosystem services provision in Amazonian production forests
Piponiot C.; Rutishauser E.; Derroire G.; Putz F.E.; Sist P.; West T.A.P.; Descroix L.; Guedes M.C.; Coronado E.N.H.; Kanashiro M.; Mazzei L.; D'Oliveira M.V.N.; Pea-Claros M.; Rodney K.; Ruschel A.R.; De Souza C.R.; Vidal E.; Wortel V.; Hérault B.
英文摘要Although tropical forests harbour most of the terrestrial carbon and biological diversity on Earth they continue to be deforested or degraded at high rates. In Amazonia, the largest tropical forest on Earth, a sixth of the remaining natural forests is formally dedicated to timber extraction through selective logging. Reconciling timber extraction with the provision of other ecosystem services (ES) remains a major challenge for forest managers and policy-makers. This study applies a spatial optimisation of logging in Amazonian production forests to analyse potential trade-offs between timber extraction and recovery, carbon storage, and biodiversity conservation. Current logging regulations with unique cutting cycles result in sub-optimal ES-use efficiency. Long-term timber provision would require the adoption of a land-sharing strategy that involves extensive low-intensity logging, although high transport and road-building costs might make this approach economically unattractive. By contrast, retention of carbon and biodiversity would be enhanced by a land-sparing strategy restricting high-intensive logging to designated areas such as the outer fringes of the region. Depending on management goals and societal demands, either choice will substantially influence the future of Amazonian forests. Overall, our results highlight the need for revaluation of current logging regulations and regional cooperation among Amazonian countries to enhance coherent and trans-boundary forest management. © 2019 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.
英文关键词Amazonia; Biodiversity; Carbon; Ecosystem services; Multi-criteria optimisation; Selective logging; Timber production
scopus关键词Biodiversity; Carbon; Conservation; Economic and social effects; Ecosystems; Extraction; Multiobjective optimization; Timber; Tropics; Amazonia; Ecosystem services; Multi-criteria optimisation; Selective logging; Timber production; Logging (forestry); biodiversity; carbon sequestration; ecosystem service; forest management; forest product; long-term change; optimization; policy making; selective logging; timber; trade-off; tropical forest; Amazonia
来源期刊Environmental Research Letters
作者单位Université de Guyane, UMREcoFoG (Agroparistech, CNRS, Inra, Cirad), Kourou, French Guiana; Université des Antilles, Cirad, UMREcoFoG (Agroparistech, CNRS, Inra, Kourou, French Guiana; Université des Antilles, CNRS, UMREcoFoG (Agroparistech, Inra, Cirad), Kourou, French Guiana; Cirad, Univ Montpellier, URForests and Societies, Montpellier, France; CarboForExpert, Hermance, Switzerland; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Ancon, 03092, Panama; New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand; ONF-Guyane, Réserve de Montabo, Cayenne, F-97307, French Guiana; Embrapa Amapá, Macapá, Brazil; Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazoniá Peruana, Iquitos, Peru; Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, Brazil; Embrapa Acre, Rio Branco, Brazil; Wageningen University and Research, Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group, Wageningen, Netherlands; Iwokrama, Georgetown, Guyana; Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, Manaus, Brazil; Department of Forest Sciences, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University...
GB/T 7714
Piponiot C.,Rutishauser E.,Derroire G.,et al. Optimal strategies for ecosystem services provision in Amazonian production forests[J],2019,14(12).
APA Piponiot C..,Rutishauser E..,Derroire G..,Putz F.E..,Sist P..,...&Hérault B..(2019).Optimal strategies for ecosystem services provision in Amazonian production forests.Environmental Research Letters,14(12).
MLA Piponiot C.,et al."Optimal strategies for ecosystem services provision in Amazonian production forests".Environmental Research Letters 14.12(2019).
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