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Enhanced stratospheric intrusion at Lulin Mountain, Taiwan inferred from beryllium-7 activity 期刊论文
作者:  Huang S.;  Huang P.-R.;  Newman S.;  Li K.-F.;  Lin Y.-C.;  Huh C.-A.;  Lin N.-H.;  Hsu S.-C.;  Liang M.-C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Atmospheric transport  Cosmogenic 7Be  Monsoon  Stratospheric intrusion  Subtropical jet  Typhoon  
Tropical Atlantic stratification response to late Quaternary precessional forcing 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 568
作者:  Nascimento R.A.;  Venancio I.M.;  Chiessi C.M.;  Ballalai J.M.;  Kuhnert H.;  Johnstone H.;  Santos T.P.;  Prange M.;  Govin A.;  Crivellari S.;  Mulitza S.;  Albuquerque A.L.S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:236/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
ITCZ  precession  South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre  western tropical Atlantic stratification  
Atmospheric fluxes of soluble nutrients and Fe: More than three years of wet and dry deposition measurements at Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) 期刊论文
作者:  López-García P.;  Gelado-Caballero M.D.;  Patey M.D.;  Hernández-Brito J.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Aerosol  Deposition fluxes  Dust  Eastern subtropical north atlantic  Soluble iron  Soluble nutrients  
Diffusive CH4 fluxes from aquaculture ponds using floating chambers and thin boundary layer equations 期刊论文
作者:  Yang P.;  Huang J.;  Yang H.;  Peñuelas J.;  Tang K.W.;  Lai D.Y.F.;  Wang D.;  Xiao Q.;  Sardans J.;  Zhang Y.;  Tong C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Floating chambers  Methane fluxes  Shallow aquaculture pond  Subtropical estuary  Thin boundary layer models  Water-air interface  
Paleogeography control of Indian monsoon intensification and expansion at 41 Ma 期刊论文
Science Bulletin, 2021
作者:  Fang X.;  Yan M.;  Zhang W.;  Nie J.;  Han W.;  Wu F.;  Song C.;  Zhang T.;  Zan J.;  Yang Y.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:44/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Asia paleogeography  Driven factors and forcings  Eocene paleoenvironment  Indian tropical monsoon  Subtropical monsoon onset  
Quartz grain surface microtextural evidence for provenance of the Quaternary aggradation red earth deposit, southern China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE, 2021, 卷号: 18, 期号: 8
作者:  Fan Qing-bin;  Liao Jie;  Yan Li;  Ye Wei;  Wang Tao;  Feng Xiao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2022/04/28
Change in composition and function of microbial communities in an acid bamboo (Phyllostachys praecox) plantation soil with the addition of three different biochars 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 473
作者:  Liu Y.;  Guo K.;  Zhao Y.;  Li S.;  Wu Q.;  Liang C.;  Sun X.;  Xu Q.;  Chen J.;  Qin H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Bamboo  Biomass  Fatty acids  Feedstocks  Forestry  Microorganisms  Nutrients  Phosphatases  Phospholipids  Dissolved organic N  Metabolic function  Microbial communities  Microbial community composition  Microbial function  N-acetylglucosaminidase  Phospholipid fatty acids  Soil enzyme activity  Soils  bamboo  biochar  carbon sequestration  community composition  microbial community  plantation  soil carbon  soil quality  subtropical region  Bamboo  Biomass  Fatty Acids  Forestry  Microorganisms  Nutrients  Carya cathayensis  Phyllostachys praecox  Zea mays  
Influence of forest management activities on soil organic carbon stocks: A knowledge synthesis 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 466
作者:  Mayer M.;  Prescott C.E.;  Abaker W.E.A.;  Augusto L.;  Cécillon L.;  Ferreira G.W.D.;  James J.;  Jandl R.;  Katzensteiner K.;  Laclau J.-P.;  Laganière J.;  Nouvellon Y.;  Paré D.;  Stanturf J.A.;  Vanguelova E.I.;  Vesterdal L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Agricultural robots  Biodiversity  Ecosystems  Floors  Harvesting  Land use  Organic carbon  Reforestation  Agricultural land use  Forest management practices  Management activities  Soil organic Carbon stocks  Subtropical forests  Terrestrial ecosystems  Total Organic Carbon  Tree species diversity  Soils  afforestation  agricultural soil  carbon sequestration  disturbance  forest ecosystem  forest management  forest soil  herbivory  land use change  management practice  peatland  reforestation  soil carbon  soil organic matter  subtropical region  temperate forest  ungulate  Biodiversity  Ecosystems  Floors  Harvesting  Land Use  Reforestation  Ungulata  
Interspecific plant competition increases soil labile organic carbon and nitrogen contents 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Wang M.;  Yang J.;  Gao H.;  Xu W.;  Dong M.;  Shen G.;  Xu J.;  Xu X.;  Xue J.;  Xu C.-Y.;  Zhou X.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Ecosystems  Forestry  Mineralogy  Nitrogen  Organic carbon  Seed  C mineralization  Inter-specific competitions  N mineralization rate  Organic n  Tree species  Soils  forest soil  interspecific competition  mineralization  organic carbon  rhizosphere  soil carbon  soil nitrogen  subsoil  subtropical region  Biomass  Competition  Ecosystems  Forestry  Nitrogen  Plants  Soil  
The response of coarse woody debris decomposition and microbial community to nutrient additions in a subtropical forest 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  Wu C.;  Zhang Z.;  Shu C.;  Mo Q.;  Wang H.;  Kong F.;  Zhang Y.;  Geoff Wang G.;  Liu Y.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:43/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Bacteria  Debris  Decomposition  Fatty acids  Nutrients  Phospholipids  Tropics  Coarse woody debris  Cryptomeria japonica  Decomposition process  Environmental change  Fertilization experiment  Microbial communities  Phospholipid fatty acids  Subtropical forests  Forestry  bacterium  carbon cycle  carbon sequestration  coarse woody debris  decomposition  environmental change  experimental study  fatty acid  fertilizer application  forest soil  fungus  microbial community  nitrogen  nutrient dynamics  phosphorus  subtropical region  Bacteria  Fatty Acids  Forestry  Lipids  Nutrients  Tropics  Bacteria (microorganisms)  Cryptomeria japonica  Fungi  Platycarya strobilacea