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Silvicultural treatment effects on commercial timber volume and functional composition of a selectively logged Australian tropical forest over 48 years 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 457
作者:  Hu J.;  Herbohn J.;  Chazdon R.L.;  Baynes J.;  Vanclay J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiversity  Economic and social effects  Functional groups  Growth (materials)  Hardwoods  Reforestation  Timber  Tropics  Functional compositions  Silvicultural treatments  Species composition  Thinning  Timber stocks  Tropical forest  Tropical forest management  Wood density  Logging (forestry)  biodiversity  biomass  forest cover  forest management  forestry production  growth  selective logging  silviculture  thinning  timber  trade-off  tree  tropical forest  wood  Biodiversity  Functional Groups  Hardwoods  Reforestation  Thinning  Tropics  Australia  
Post-wildfire straw mulching and salvage logging affects initial pine seedling density and growth in two Mediterranean contrasting climatic areas in Spain 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 474
作者:  Lucas-Borja M.E.;  Plaza-Álvarez P.A.;  González-Romero J.;  Miralles I.;  Sagra J.;  Molina-Peña E.;  Moya D.;  de las Heras J.;  Fernández C.
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Erosion  Fires  Plants (botany)  Seed  Soil mechanics  Soil moisture  Experimental conditions  Light availability  Logging operations  Mediterranean climates  Mediterranean pines  Pinus pinaster ait  Seedling recruitment  Soil organic matter contents  Forestry  coniferous tree  forest management  humid environment  light availability  logging (timber)  Mediterranean environment  mulching  salvaging  seasonality  seedling establishment  straw  water availability  Erosion  Fires  Forestry  Logging  Pinus  Salvage  Soil Mechanics  Spain  
Post-fire salvage logging reduces snowshoe hare and red squirrel densities in early seral stages 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 473
作者:  Kelly A.J.;  Hodges K.E.
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Ecosystems  Mammals  Reforestation  British Columbia , Canada  Interior Douglas-fir  Mature forest  Natural disturbance  North American  Pseudotsuga menziesii  Salvage logging  Seral stages  Fires  canopy  environmental disturbance  fire history  lagomorph  logging (timber)  population decline  population density  rodent  salvaging  wildfire  Ecosystems  Fires  Forests  Logging  Mammals  Pseudotsuga Menziesii  Reforestation  Salvage  British Columbia  Canada  Aves  Lepus  Lepus americanus  Mammalia  Pseudotsuga  Pseudotsuga menziesii  Sciuridae  Tamiasciurus  Tamiasciurus hudsonicus  
Forest disturbances affect functional groups of macrofungi in young successional forests – harvests and fire lead to different fungal assemblages 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 463
作者:  Kouki J.;  Salo K.
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Biodiversity  Fires  Harvesting  Logging (forestry)  Timber  Green-tree retention  Prescribed burning  Retention forestries  Scots pine  Young successional forest  Fungi  biomass  coniferous tree  disturbance  forest ecosystem  forestry  functional group  fungus  prescribed burning  timber harvesting  Biodiversity  Fires  Fungi  Harvesting  Pinus Sylvestris  Prescribed Burning  Fungi  Pinus sylvestris  
Relationships between white-footed mice and logging residue: Informing the sustainability of potential wood bioenergy harvests 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 457
作者:  Boggs A.D.;  Moorman C.E.;  Hazel D.W.;  Greenberg C.H.;  Pacifici K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:164/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Debris  Harvesting  Logging (forestry)  Mammals  Timber  Appalachia  Clearcut  Coarse woody debris  Peromyscus leucopus  Small mammals  Hardwoods  bioenergy  clearcutting  coarse woody debris  energy market  plant residue  rodent  small mammal  sustainability  Appalachia  Ground Cover  Hardwoods  Harvesting  Logging Residues  Mammals  Pinus Strobus  Appalachians  Mammalia  Mus  Peromyscus  Peromyscus leucopus  
Global estimation of the climate change impact of logging residue utilization for biofuels 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Liu W.;  Hou Y.;  Liu W.;  Yang M.;  Yan Y.;  Peng C.;  Yu Z.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiesel  Biomass  Carbon dioxide  Compensation (personnel)  Decomposition  Emission control  Energy security  Ethanol  Fossil fuels  Greenhouse gases  Integrated control  Land use  Biomass utilization  Carbon sequestration  Climate change impact  Climate change mitigation  CO2 emissions  Forest resources assessments  Global climate change impact  Logging residues  Climate change  bioenergy  biofuel  carbon dioxide  climate change  compensation  ethanol  global climate  land use  logging (timber)  plant residue  reduction  regrowth  Biomass  Carbon Dioxide  Ethanol  Fossil Fuels  Greenhouse Gases  Land Use  
Relations between forestry and reindeer husbandry in northern Finland – Perspectives of science and practice 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 457
作者:  Turunen M.T.;  Rasmus S.;  Järvenpää J.;  Kivinen S.
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Cutting  Economics  Forestry  Fungi  Investments  Land use  Logging (forestry)  Timber  Boreal forests  Dispute  Felling  Herding  Reconciliation  Regeneration  Reindeer husbandry  Soil preparation  Winter pasture  Reforestation  animal husbandry  boreal forest  cutting (process)  deer  epiphyte  forestry  holistic approach  lichen  literature review  livelihood  logging (timber)  old-growth forest  pasture  regeneration  Cutting  Economics  Felling  Forestry  Fungi  Land Use  Finland  Rangifer tarandus  
Interventions have limited effects on the population dynamics of Ips typographus and its natural enemies in the Western Carpathians (Central Europe) 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 470-471
作者:  Vanická H.;  Holuša J.;  Resnerová K.;  Ferenčík J.;  Potterf M.;  Véle A.;  Grodzki W.
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Biodiversity  Conservation  Dynamics  Ecology  Environmental protection  Plants (botany)  Population dynamics  Breeding performance  Control measures  Dominant species  Ecological process  Ecosystem functioning  Intraspecific competition  Spruce bark beetles  Western carpathians  Forestry  beetle  breeding  coniferous forest  egg production  intraspecific competition  legislation  logging (timber)  mortality  mountain region  natural enemy  parasite infestation  parasitism  population density  population dynamics  protected area  salvaging  sex ratio  Biodiversity  Conservation  Dynamics  Ecology  Forestry  Forests  Management  Picea Abies  Carpathians  Western Carpathians  Coleoptera  Ips typographus  Picea  Picea abies  Scolytinae  Thanasimus  
Does stump removal reduce pine weevil and other damage in Norway spruce regenerations? – Results of a 12-year monitoring period 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 465
作者:  Piri T.;  Viiri H.;  Hyvönen J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Animals  Ecosystems  Health  Investments  Plants (botany)  Reforestation  Heterobasidion  Hylastes spp  Hylobius abietis  Mounding  Picea abies  Stump harvesting  Harvesting  beetle  bioenergy  coniferous tree  forest ecosystem  forest management  growth rate  logging (timber)  pest damage  quantitative analysis  regeneration  seedling  stand structure  survival  Animals  Ecosystems  Harvesting  Health  Picea Abies  Reforestation  Coleoptera  Heterobasidion  Hylastes  Hylobius abietis  Muridae  Picea  Picea abies  
Logging intensity drives variability in carbon stocks in lowland forests in Vietnam 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  Stas S.M.;  Le T.C.;  Tran H.D.;  Hoang T.T.H.;  van Kuijk M.;  Le A.V.;  Ngo D.T.;  van Oostrum A.;  Phillips O.L.;  Rutishauser E.;  Spracklen B.D.;  Tran T.T.A.;  Le T.T.;  Spracklen D.V.
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Biomass  Carbon  Digital storage  Soils  Topography  Tropics  Dead wood  Forest carbons  Forest degradation  LANDSAT  Southeast Asia  Tree census  Forestry  belowground biomass  carbon sequestration  census  dead wood  forest soil  Landsat  logging (timber)  soil organic matter  topography  Biomass  Carbon  Dead Wood  Southeast Asia  Topography  Tropics  Viet Nam