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The impact of structural complexity, fault segmentation, and reactivation on seismotectonics: Constraints from the upper crust of the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence area 期刊论文
Tectonophysics, 2021, 卷号: 810
作者:  Buttinelli M.;  Petracchini L.;  Maesano F.E.;  D'Ambrogi C.;  Scrocca D.;  Marino M.;  Capotorti F.;  Bigi S.;  Cavinato G.P.;  Mariucci M.T.;  Montone P.;  Di Bucci D.
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3D geological model  Central apennines  Earthquakes  Inherited faults  Normal faults  Thrust sheets  
Stable isotope evidence for rapid uplift of the central Apennines since the late Pliocene 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 卷号: 544
作者:  San Jose M.;  Caves Rugenstein J.K.;  Cosentino D.;  Faccenna C.;  Fellin M.G.;  Ghinassi M.;  Martini I.
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authigenic carbonates  central Apennines  stable isotope paleoaltimetry  subduction zone orogeny  surface uplift  
A reappraisal of the 1599 earthquake in Cascia (Italian Central Apennines): Hypothesis on the seismogenic source 期刊论文
Tectonophysics, 2020, 卷号: 774
作者:  Galli P.;  Galderisi A.;  Marinelli R.;  Messina P.;  Peronace E.;  Polpetta F.
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1599 earthquake  Active tectonics  Alvagnano-Cascia fault system  Central Apennines  Earthquake recurrence  
Concurrent deformation processes in the Matese massif area (Central-Southern Apennines, Italy) 期刊论文
Tectonophysics, 2020, 卷号: 774
作者:  Esposito A.;  Galvani A.;  Sepe V.;  Atzori S.;  Brandi G.;  Cubellis E.;  De Martino P.;  Dolce M.;  Massucci A.;  Obrizzo F.;  Pietrantonio G.;  Riguzzi F.;  Tammaro U.
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Central-Southern Apennines  Geodetic strain rate  GPS networks  Matese massif