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How Water Influences Our Lives 专著
:Springer Singapore, Springer, 2017
作者:  Sui Tongbo;  Jahren Per
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environment.  Renewable energy resources.  Water.  Cultural heritage.  Nature.  Renewable energy sources.  Alternate energy sources.  Green energy industries.  Marine sciences.  Freshwater.  Environment.  Marine & Freshwater Sciences.  Renewable and Green Energy.  Water, general.  Popular Science in Nature and Environment.  Cultural Heritage.  
Lakes of the World with Google Earth : Understanding our Environment 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Kelletat Dieter H;  Scheffers Anja M
收藏  |  浏览/下载:205/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environment.  Water.  Physical geography.  Science education.  Marine sciences.  Freshwater.  Environment.  Marine & Freshwater Sciences.  Physical Geography.  Water, general.  Science Education.  
Applied Geoinformatics for Sustainable Integrated Land and Water Resources Management (ILWRM) in the Brahmaputra River basin : Results from the EC-project BRAHMATWINN 专著
:Springer India, Springer, 2015
作者:  Sharma Nayan;  Flügel Wolfgang-Albert
收藏  |  浏览/下载:47/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environmental sciences.  Geography.  Computer science.  Sustainable development.  Social sciences.  Environment.  Sustainable Development.  Water, general.  Geography (general).  Computer Science, general.  Earth Sciences, general.  Social Sciences, general.  
Glaciation and Speleogenesis : Interpretations from the Northeastern United States 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Mylroie John E;  Cooper Max P
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Hydraulic engineering.  Geology.  Life sciences.  Earth Sciences.  Hydrogeology.  Geomorphology.  Hydrology/Water Resources.  Energy, general.  Popular Science in Nature and Environment.  
Environmental Indicators 专著
:Springer Netherlands, Springer, 2015
作者:  Armon Robert H;  Hänninen Osmo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environmental sciences.  Pollution.  Environmental pollution.  Environment.  Pollution, general.  Environmental Monitoring/Analysis.  Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution.  
Management of Water, Energy and Bio-resources in the Era of Climate Change: Emerging Issues and Challenges 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Gossel Wolfgang;  Ramanathan AL;  Sudhakar M;  Raju N. Janardhana
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environmental sciences.  Applied Ecology.  Environmental pollution.  Environment.  Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution.  Environment, general.  Earth System Sciences.  Energy Policy, Economics and Management.  Applied Ecology.  
Life-cycle Cost Approach for Management of Environmental Resources : A Primer 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Kurian Mathew;  Ardakanian Reza;  Reddy V. Ratna
收藏  |  浏览/下载:48/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environmental sciences.  Agriculture.  Sustainable development.  Environment.  Sustainable Development.  Environment, general.  Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management.  Agriculture.  Complex Systems.  
Water Governance in the Face of Global Change : From Understanding to Transformation 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Pahl-Wostl Claudia
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environment.  Environmental management.  Climate change.  Political science.  Geography.  Environmental law.  Environmental policy.  Sustainable development.  Environment.  Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice.  Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management.  Political Science.  Sustainable Development.  Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts.  Geography, general.  
How to Deal with Climate Change? : Institutional Adaptive Capacity as a Means to Promote Sustainable Water Governance 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Mosello Beatrice
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environmental sciences.  Environmental law.  Human Geography.  Environment.  Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice.  Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management.  Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts.  Political Science, general.  Human Geography.  
Use of Economic Instruments in Water Policy : Insights from International Experience 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Lago Manuel;  Mysiak Jaroslav;  Gómez Carlos M;  Delacámara Gonzalo;  Maziotis Alexandros
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environment.  Water.  Environmental management.  Environmental law.  Environmental policy.  Environmental economics.  Environment.  Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice.  Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management.  Environmental Economics.  Water, general.  Environment, general.