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Embryos of TTGs in Gore Mountain garnet megacrysts from water-fluxed melting of the lower crust 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 569
作者:  Ferrero S.;  Wannhoff I.;  Laurent O.;  Yakymchuk C.;  Darling R.;  Wunder B.;  Borghini A.;  O'Brien P.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
crustal melting  garnet  megacrysts  nanogranitoids  trondhjemite  TTG  
Generation of Eoarchean continental crust from altered mafic rocks derived from a chondritic mantle: The ∼3.72 Ga Aktash gneisses, Tarim Craton (NW China) 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 卷号: 538
作者:  Ge R.;  Wilde S.A.;  Kemp A.I.S.;  Jeon H.;  Martin L.A.J.;  Zhu W.;  Wu H.
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crust – mantle differentiation  Eoarchean  isotopes  Tarim Craton  TTG gneisses  
Petrogenetic processes at the tipping point of plate tectonics: Hf-O isotope ternary modelling of Earth's last TTG to sanukitoid transition 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 卷号: 551
作者:  Moreira H.;  Storey C.;  Fowler M.;  Seixas L.;  Dunlop J.
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Hf-O zircon modelling  plate tectonics  subduction  TTG-sanukitoid transition  
Peel-back controlled lithospheric convergence explains the secular transitions in Archean metamorphism and magmatism 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 卷号: 538
作者:  Chowdhury P.;  Chakraborty S.;  Gerya T.V.;  Cawood P.A.;  Capitanio F.A.
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Archean geodynamics  Lithospheric peeling (/delamination)  Paired metamorphism  Secular changes  Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite (TTG)  
TTG generation by fluid-fluxed crustal melting: Direct evidence from the Proterozoic Georgetown Inlier, NE Australia 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 卷号: 550
作者:  Pourteau A.;  Doucet L.S.;  Blereau E.R.;  Volante S.;  Johnson T.E.;  Collins W.J.;  Li Z.-X.;  Champion D.C.
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amphibolite  continental crust formation  fluid-fluxed melting  phase equilibrium and trace-element modelling  Proterozoic  TTG  
贵州省典型点源、面源镉污染区镉的同位素特征及其来源示踪 项目
项目编号: 41673017, 资助机构: CN-NSFC, 2017-2020
负责人:  朱建明
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金红石  TTG熔体  Nb  Ta分配  实验  
江西赣州地区恐龙动物群研究 项目
项目编号: 41672019, 资助机构: CN-NSFC, 2017-2020
负责人:  吕君昌
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华北克拉通  相平衡  TTG片麻岩  深熔作用  钾质花岗岩  
富长石砂岩油气藏中长石蚀变作用及其与烃类裂解的相关性研究 项目
项目编号: 41602138, 资助机构: CN-NSFC, 2017-2019
负责人:  远光辉
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最古陆地壳性质  TTG片麻岩成因  麻粒岩相变质作用  早前寒武纪  华北克拉通  
神农架大九湖泥炭藓共生/附生微生物功能群及其对环境因子变化的响应 项目
项目编号: 41572325, 资助机构: CN-NSFC, 2016-2019
负责人:  王红梅
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146Sm-142Nd  147Sm-143Nd  太古代科马提岩  鞍山TTG  
高寒区冻融条件下煤矸石中典型重金属元素释放及迁移机制研究 项目
项目编号: 41502336, 资助机构: CN-NSFC, 2016-2018
负责人:  刘玲霞
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赞皇  TTG  岩石化学  同位素地球化学  年代学