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Fluid Flow in the Subsurface : History, Generalization and Applications of Physical Laws 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2017
作者:  Liu Hui-Hai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Geology.  Geophysics.  Hydrogeology.  Geotechnical engineering.  Fluids.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Earth Sciences.  Hydrogeology.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  Geophysics/Geodesy.  Geology.  Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences.  Fluid- and Aerodynamics.  
Groundwater Engineering 专著
:Springer Singapore, Springer, 2017
作者:  Zhou Jie;  Yang Ping;  Yan Jingjing;  Zhou Nianqing;  Tang Yiqun
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Hydrology.  Geotechnical engineering.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Pollution prevention.  Earth Sciences.  Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  Industrial Pollution Prevention.  Hydrology/Water Resources.  
New Frontiers in Oil and Gas Exploration 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Jin Congrui;  Cusatis Gianluca
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Energy.  Fossil fuels.  Geotechnical engineering.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Energy.  Fossil Fuels (incl. Carbon Capture).  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences.  
Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Yitayew Muluneh;  Waller Peter
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Water-supply.  Hydrogeology.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Soil science.  Soil conservation.  Earth Sciences.  Hydrogeology.  Water Industry/Water Technologies.  Soil Science & Conservation.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  
Single Piles in Liquefiable Ground : Seismic Response and Numerical Analysis Methods 专著
:Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 2016
作者:  Wang Rui
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Geotechnical engineering.  Continuum mechanics.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Earth Sciences.  Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  Continuum Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials.  
River Contracts and Integrated Water Management in Europe 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Scaduto Maria Laura
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Environmental management.  Regional planning.  Urban planning.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Water pollution.  Geography.  Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning.  Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution.  
Non-standard Problems in Basin Modelling 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Galushkin Yurii
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Fossil fuels.  Structural geology.  Geotechnical engineering.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Earth Sciences.  Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences.  Fossil Fuels (incl. Carbon Capture).  Structural Geology.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  
Aquifer Characterization Techniques : Schlumberger Methods in Water Resources Evaluation Series No. 4 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Maliva Robert G
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Hydrology.  Hydrogeology.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Earth Sciences.  Hydrogeology.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  Hydrology/Water Resources.  
Shallow Geophysical Mass Flows down Arbitrary Topography : Model Equations in Topography-fitted Coordinates, Numerical Simulation and Back-calculations of Disastrous Events 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Tai Yih-Chin;  Kuo Chih-Yu;  Luca Ioana
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Geology.  Geology--Statistical methods.  Natural disasters.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Earth Sciences.  Geology.  Quantitative Geology.  Natural Hazards.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  
Groundwater Prospecting and Management 专著
:Springer Singapore, Springer, 2016
作者:  Adhikari Shyamal Kumar;  Kunar Subrata;  Patra H. P
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Environmental management.  Geophysics.  Hydrogeology.  Engineering geology.  Engineering--Geology.  Foundations.  Hydraulics.  Earth Sciences.  Hydrogeology.  Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management.  Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics.  Geophysics/Geodesy.