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Nature-dependent people: Mapping human direct use of nature for basic needs across the tropics 期刊论文
Global Environmental Change, 2021, 卷号: 71
作者:  Fedele G.;  Donatti C.I.;  Bornacelly I.;  Hole D.G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Ecosystems services  Human well-being  Land uses  Nature contributions to people  Social-ecological systems  
Litter share and clay content determine soil restoration effects of rich litter tree species in forests on acidified sandy soils 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 474
作者:  Desie E.;  Vancampenhout K.;  van den Berg L.;  Nyssen B.;  Weijters M.;  den Ouden J.;  Muys B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:37/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Acidification  Conservation  Ecosystems  Nutrients  Restoration  Sand  Soils  Chemical conditions  Ecosystem functioning  Ecosystem services  European forests  Organic matter content  Research questions  Soil acidifications  Soil restoration  Forestry  acidification  deciduous tree  dominance  ecosystem function  forest floor  litter  mixed forest  organic matter  saturation  soil degradation  soil nutrient  topsoil  Acidification  Conservation  Ecosystems  Nutrients  Restoration  Sand  Belgium  Germany  Netherlands  Prunus serotina  Quercus robur  
Effect of charcoal production and woodland type on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in drylands of southern Mozambique 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 457
作者:  Lisboa S.N.;  Woollen E.;  Grundy I.M.;  Ryan C.M.;  Smith H.E.;  Zorrilla-Miras P.;  Baumert S.;  Ribeiro N.;  Vollmer F.;  Holland M.;  Sitoe A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:43/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Brickmaking  Charcoal  Ecosystems  Magnesium  Nitrogen  Organic carbon  Soil surveys  Charcoal production  Ecological factors  Ecosystem functions  Mopane woodland  Payments for ecosystem services  Soil carbon  Soil organic carbon  Southern Mozambique  Soils  charcoal  dryland farming  ecosystem function  soil carbon  soil nitrogen  vegetation type  woodland  Carbon  Charcoal  Ecosystems  Guibourtia  Magnesium  Nitrogen  Production  Soil  Gaza  Mabalane  Mozambique  Androstachys  Colophospermum mopane  Combretum  
Call for a collaborative management at Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia: An assessment from local stakeholders’ view point 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 458
作者:  Martínez-Espinosa C.;  Wolfs P.;  Vande Velde K.;  Satyanarayana B.;  Dahdouh-Guebas F.;  Hugé J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Behavioral research  Charcoal  Economics  Ecosystems  Forestry  Surveys  Sustainable development  Timber  Collaborative management  Ecosystem services  Local populations  Participatory management  Silvicultural management  Socio-ecological systems  Stakeholder involvement  Stakeholder perception  Decision making  assessment method  economic analysis  ecosystem service  forest management  forestry production  management practice  mangrove  participatory approach  perception  questionnaire survey  stakeholder  Charcoal  Decision Making  Economics  Ecosystems  Forestry  Surveys  Malaysia  Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve  Perak  West Malaysia  
From the ground up: Managing young forests for a range of ecosystem outcomes 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 464
作者:  Kroll A.J.;  Johnston J.D.;  Stokely T.D.;  Meigs G.W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiversity  Climate change  Conservation  Fires  Forestry  Sustainable development  Timber  Biological legacies  Douglas fir  Early-successional  Ecosystem services  Pacific Northwest  Tree plantations  Ecosystems  biodiversity  conceptual framework  coniferous forest  ecosystem service  forest management  plantation forestry  sustainability  Biodiversity  Conservation  Fires  Forestry  Pacific Northwest  Pseudotsuga  Pacific Northwest  Pseudotsuga  Pseudotsuga menziesii  
Afforestation promotes the enhancement of forest LAI and NPP in China 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Chen Y.;  Chen L.;  Cheng Y.;  Ju W.;  Chen H.Y.H.;  Ruan H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Ecosystems  Remote sensing  Biogeochemical modeling  Ecosystem services  Interannual variability  Leaf Area Index  Net primary productivity  Plantation forests  Spatially explicit  Spatiotemporal patterns  Reforestation  afforestation  annual variation  data set  ecosystem service  leaf area index  net primary production  remote sensing  spatiotemporal analysis  sustainability  trend analysis  twenty first century  China  Ecosystems  Forests  Mongolia  Patterns  Ratios  Reforestation  Remote Sensing  China  Nei Monggol  
Association of a threatened forest ungulate with the treeless herriza or Mediterranean heathland in southern Spain 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 468
作者:  Selwyn M.;  Ojeda F.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiversity  Conservation  Forestry  Biodiversity values  Biological features  Capreolus capreolus  Conservation values  Ecosystem services  Relative abundance  Spatially explicit  Strait of Gibraltar  Ecosystems  biodiversity  deer  ecosystem service  endangered species  forest ecosystem  heathland  hunting  Mediterranean environment  ungulate  Area  Biodiversity  Conservation  Data  Ecosystems  Forestry  Mediterranean  Spain  Andalucia  Cadiz [Andalucia]  Spain  Strait of Gibraltar  Capreolus  Capreolus capreolus  Cervus elaphus  Ungulata  
Bedrock type drives forest carbon storage and uptake across the mid-Atlantic Appalachian Ridge and Valley, U.S.A. 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  Reed W.P.;  Kaye M.W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiversity  Digital storage  Ecosystems  Landforms  Lithology  Physical properties  Productivity  Sandstone  Shale  Site selection  Topography  Above-ground carbons  Appalachian mountains  Available water capacities  Ecosystem services  Forest inventory data  Forest productivity  Management strategies  Soil physical property  Forestry  bedrock  carbon sink  carbon storage  community composition  ecosystem structure  forest ecosystem  forest inventory  forest management  GIS  landscape  sandstone  Biodiversity  Ecosystems  Physical Properties  Productivity  Topography  Appalachians  Pennsylvania  United States  Quercus  Quercus montana  Quercus prinus  Quercus rubra  
Economic valuation of ecosystem services from secondary tropical forests: trade-offs and implications for policy making 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 473
作者:  Naime J.;  Mora F.;  Sánchez-Martínez M.;  Arreola F.;  Balvanera P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Carbon  Climate change  Conservation  Costs  Curricula  Economic analysis  Economic and social effects  Ecosystems  Financial markets  Land use  Secondary recovery  Tropics  Climate change mitigation  Contingent valuations  Natural regeneration  Natural regeneration process  Regulation services  Secondary tropical forests  Social cost of carbon  Tropical dry forest  Reforestation  carbon sink  climate change  contingent valuation  ecosystem service  environmental restoration  igneous province  incentive  mitigation  old-growth forest  policy making  regeneration  secondary forest  service provision  trade-off  tropical forest  Carbon  Conservation  Costs  Economic Analysis  Ecosystems  Land Use  Mexico [North America]  Pacific Coast [Mexico]  Pacific Coast [North America]  
Sugar maple responses to climate change: We'll boil it down for you 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 458
作者:  Rapp J.M.;  Lutz D.A.;  Huish R.D.;  Dufour B.;  Ahmed S.;  Lyn Morelli T.;  Stinson K.A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:38/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Aggregates  Climate models  Ecosystems  Extraction  Forestry  Population statistics  Trees (mathematics)  Tubing  Climate condition  Collection methods  Ecological modeling  Ecosystem services  Extraction method  Individual tree  Latitudinal range  Sugar concentration  Climate change  Acer  Acer saccharum