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Urban Centres in Asia and Latin America : Heritage and Identities in Changing Urban Landscapes 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2017
作者:  Sandholz Simone
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Cultural heritage.  Cities and towns--History.  Urban geography.  Sustainable development.  Human geography.  Geography.  Urban Geography / Urbanism (inc. megacities, cities, towns).  Cultural Heritage.  Human Geography.  Urban History.  Sustainable Development.  
Religious Tourism and Heritage in Brazil 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2017
作者:  de Oliveira Christian Dennys Monteiro
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Religion and sociology.  Cultural heritage.  Physical geography.  Geography.  World Regional Geography (Continents, Countries, Regions).  Religion and Society.  Cultural Heritage.  
How Water Influences Our Lives 专著
:Springer Singapore, Springer, 2017
作者:  Sui Tongbo;  Jahren Per
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environment.  Renewable energy resources.  Water.  Cultural heritage.  Nature.  Renewable energy sources.  Alternate energy sources.  Green energy industries.  Marine sciences.  Freshwater.  Environment.  Marine & Freshwater Sciences.  Renewable and Green Energy.  Water, general.  Popular Science in Nature and Environment.  Cultural Heritage.  
Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley : Final Report of the Regional NGO Master Plan 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Kool Jeroen
收藏  |  浏览/下载:205/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Environmental management.  Cultural heritage.  Tourism.  Management.  Nature conservation.  Sustainable development.  Development economics.  Economics.  Development Economics.  Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management.  Sustainable Development.  Nature Conservation.  Cultural Heritage.  Tourism Management.  
Understanding Ethiopia : Geology and Scenery 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Williams Frances M
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Earth sciences.  Cultural heritage.  Geomorphology.  Earth Sciences.  Earth Sciences, general.  Geomorphology.  Cultural Heritage.  
The Impact of International Migration : Process and Contemporary Trends in Kyrgyzstan 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016
作者:  Sagynbekova Lira
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Cultural heritage.  Economic geography.  Physical geography.  Population.  Emigration and immigration.  Human geography.  Geography.  Economic Geography.  World Regional Geography (Continents, Countries, Regions).  Human Geography.  Migration.  Cultural Heritage.  Population Economics.  
Ruptured Landscapes electronic resource : Landscape, Identity and Social Change 专著
:Springer Netherlands, Springer, 2015
作者:  Sooväli-Sepping Helen;  Reinert Hugo;  Miles-Watson Jonathan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Cultural heritage.  Regional planning.  Urban planning.  Landscape ecology.  Anthropology.  Geography.  Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning.  Anthropology.  Landscape Ecology.  Geography, general.  Cultural Heritage.  
Camille Flammarion''s The Planet Mars : As Translated by Patrick Moore 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Sheehan William;  Flammarion Camille
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Planetology.  Astrophysics.  Astronomy.  Humanities.  Earth Sciences.  Planetology.  Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences.  Cultural Heritage.  Popular Science in Astronomy.  History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics.  
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8 : Preservation of Cultural Heritage 专著
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2015
作者:  Giordan Daniele;  Marunteanu Cristian;  Christaras Basiles;  Yoshinori Iwasaki;  Margottini Claudio;  ...
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25
Geography.  Regional planning.  Civil engineering.  Humanities.  Earth Sciences.  Geotechnical Engineering & Applied Earth Sciences.  Cultural Heritage.  Civil Engineering.  Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning.