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Genesis and tectonic magmatic evolution of Carboniferous granites in the Hongliuhecao-Yuejinshan area of Beishan orogenic belt 期刊论文
ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2022, 卷号: 38, 期号: 3
作者:  Bai RongLong;  Hu JinRong;  Zhao FuFeng;  Yue YaHui;  Zhou HuiLing
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Chromium isotope systematics and the diagenesis of marine carbonates 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 562
作者:  Wang C.;  Reinhard C.T.;  Rybacki K.S.;  Hardisty D.S.;  Ossa Ossa F.;  Wang X.;  Hofmann A.;  Asael D.;  Robbins L.J.;  Zhang L.;  Planavsky N.J.
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atmospheric oxygen abundance  Cenozoic and Archean  chromium isotope  diagenesis  marine carbonates  
Theoretical versus empirical secular change in zircon composition 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 554
作者:  Kirkland C.L.;  Yakymchuk C.;  Olierook H.K.H.;  Hartnady M.I.H.;  Gardiner N.J.;  Moyen J.-F.;  Hugh Smithies R.;  Szilas K.;  Johnson T.E.
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Archean  geochronology  magma  petrology  phase equilibrium  zircon  
The coupled Hf-Nd isotope record of the early Earth in the Pilbara Craton 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 572
作者:  Salerno R.;  Vervoort J.;  Fisher C.;  Kemp A.;  Roberts N.
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apatite  Archean  Hf and Nd isotope decoupling  Pilbara  Sm-Nd geochronology  titanite  
On Archean craton growth and stabilisation: Insights from lithospheric resistivity structure of the Superior Province 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 562
作者:  Hill G.J.;  Roots E.A.;  Frieman B.M.;  Haugaard R.;  Craven J.A.;  Smith R.S.;  Snyder D.B.;  Zhou X.;  Sherlock R.
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Abitibi  Archean crustal formation  craton  geodynamics  magnetotellurics  superior province  
Constraints on Archean crust recycling and the origin of mantle redox variability from the δ44/40Ca – δ18O – fO2 signatures of cratonic eclogites 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 556
作者:  Smart K.A.;  Tappe S.;  Woodland A.B.;  Greyling D.R.;  Harris C.;  Gussone N.
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Archean oceanic crust  calcium and oxygen isotopes  craton formation  mantle redox  metasomatism  subduction recycling  
Global zircon analysis records a gradual rise of continental crust throughout the Neoarchean 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 554
作者:  Reimink J.R.;  Davies J.H.F.L.;  Ielpi A.
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Archean Earth  continental crust  continental emergence  continental freeboard  detrital zircon  
Archean dome-and-basin style structures form during growth and death of intraoceanic and continental margin arcs in accretionary orogens 期刊论文
Earth Science Reviews, 2021, 卷号: 220
作者:  Kusky T.;  Windley B.F.;  Polat A.;  Wang L.;  Ning W.;  Zhong Y.
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Accretionary orogen  Archean plate tectonics  Dome-and-basin structure  Gneiss dome  Pilbara craton  
Geodynamic processes inferred from Moho and Curie depths in Central and Southern African Archean Cratons 期刊论文
Tectonophysics, 2021, 卷号: 815
作者:  Akinrinade O.J.;  Li C.-F.;  Afelumo A.J.
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Archean Craton  crustal composition  Curie depth  Moho depth  Southern Africa  thermal perturbation  
Evolution of the early to late Archean mantle from Hf-Nd-Ce isotope systematics in basalts and komatiites from the Pilbara Craton 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021, 卷号: 553
作者:  Hasenstab E.;  Tusch J.;  Schnabel C.;  Marien C.S.;  Van Kranendonk M.J.;  Smithies H.;  Howard H.;  Maier W.D.;  Münker C.
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Archean  komatiites  La-Ce  Lu-Hf  Pilbara  Sm-Nd