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Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: A cross-taxa test of the forage maturation hypothesis 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2021
作者:  Esmaeili S.;  Jesmer B.R.;  Albeke S.E.;  Aikens E.O.;  Schoenecker K.A.;  King S.R.B.;  Abrahms B.;  Buuveibaatar B.;  Beck J.L.;  Boone R.B.;  Cagnacci F.;  Chamaillé-Jammes S.;  Chimeddorj B.;  Cross P.C.;  Dejid N.;  Enkhbyar J.;  Fischhoff I.R.;  Ford A.T.;  Jenks K.;  Hemami M.-R.;  Hennig J.D.;  Ito T.Y.;  Kaczensky P.;  Kauffman M.J.;  Linnell J.D.C.;  Lkhagvasuren B.;  McEvoy J.F.;  Melzheimer J.;  Merkle J.A.;  Mueller T.;  Muntifering J.;  Mysterud A.;  Olson K.A.;  Panzacchi M.;  Payne J.C.;  Pedrotti L.;  Rauset G.R.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Sawyer H.;  Scasta J.D.;  Signer J.;  Songer M.;  Stabach J.A.;  Stapleton S.;  Strand O.;  Sundaresan S.R.;  Usukhjargal D.;  Uuganbayar G.;  Fryxell J.M.;  Goheen J.R.
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Equidae  forage biomass  hindgut fermentation  macroecology  ruminant  step-selection function  water requirements  
Stewardship of global collective behavior 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 27
作者:  Bak-Coleman J.B.;  Alfano M.;  Barfuss W.;  Bergstrom C.T.;  Centeno M.A.;  Couzin I.D.;  Donges J.F.;  Galesic M.;  Gersick A.S.;  Jacquet J.;  Kao A.B.;  Moran R.E.;  Romanczuk P.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Tombak K.J.;  van Bavel J.J.;  Weber E.U.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:47/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/25
Multilevel Organisation of Animal Sociality 期刊论文
, 2020
作者:  Grueter C.C.;  Qi X.;  Zinner D.;  Bergman T.;  Li M.;  Xiang Z.;  Zhu P.;  Migliano A.B.;  Miller A.;  Krützen M.;  Fischer J.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Vidya T.N.C.;  Li B.;  Cantor M.;  Swedell L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:43/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
How ecology shapes exploitation: a framework to predict the behavioural response of human and animal foragers along exploration–exploitation trade-offs 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2018, 卷号: 21, 期号: 6
作者:  Monk C.T.;  Barbier M.;  Romanczuk P.;  Watson J.R.;  Alós J.;  Nakayama S.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Levin S.A.;  Arlinghaus R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:57/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/13
Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements 期刊论文
Science, 2018, 卷号: 359, 期号: 6374
作者:  Tucker M.A.;  Böhning-Gaese K.;  Fagan W.F.;  Fryxell J.M.;  Van Moorter B.;  Alberts S.C.;  Ali A.H.;  Allen A.M.;  Attias N.;  Avgar T.;  Bartlam-Brooks H.;  Bayarbaatar B.;  Belant J.L.;  Bertassoni A.;  Beyer D.;  Bidner L.;  Van Beest F.M.;  Blake S.;  Blaum N.;  Bracis C.;  Brown D.;  De Bruyn P.J.N.;  Cagnacci F.;  Calabrese J.M.;  Camilo-Alves C.;  Chamaillé-Jammes S.;  Chiaradia A.;  Davidson S.C.;  Dennis T.;  DeStefano S.;  Diefenbach D.;  Douglas-Hamilton I.;  Fennessy J.;  Fichtel C.;  Fiedler W.;  Fischer C.;  Fischhoff I.;  Fleming C.H.;  Ford A.T.;  Fritz S.A.;  Gehr B.;  Goheen J.R.;  Gurarie E.;  Hebblewhite M.;  Heurich M.;  Hewison A.J.M.;  Hof C.;  Hurme E.;  Isbell L.A.;  Janssen R.;  Jeltsch F.;  Kaczensky P.;  Kane A.;  Kappeler P.M.;  Kauffman M.;  Kays R.;  Kimuyu D.;  Koch F.;  Kranstauber B.;  LaPoint S.;  Leimgruber P.;  Linnell J.D.C.;  López-López P.;  Markham A.C.;  Mattisson J.;  Medici E.P.;  Mellone U.;  Merrill E.;  De MirandaMourão G.;  Morato R.G.;  Morellet N.;  Morrison T.A.;  Díaz-Muñoz S.L.;  Mysterud A.;  Nandintsetseg D.;  Nathan R.;  Niamir A.;  Odden J.;  O'Hara R.B.;  Oliveira-Santos L.G.R.;  Olson K.A.;  Patterson B.D.;  De Paula R.C.;  Pedrotti L.;  Reineking B.;  Rimmler M.;  Rogers T.L.;  Rolandsen C.M.;  Rosenberry C.S.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Safi K.;  Saïd S.;  Sapir N.;  Sawyer H.;  Schmidt N.M.;  Selva N.;  Sergiel A.;  Shiilegdamba E.;  Silva J.P.;  Singh N.;  Solberg E.J.;  Spiegel O.;  Strand O.;  Sundaresan S.;  Ullmann W.;  Voigt U.;  Wall J.;  Wattles D.;  Wikelski M.;  Wilmers C.C.;  Wilson J.W.;  Wittemyer G.;  Ziȩba F.;  Zwijacz-Kozica T.;  Mueller T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14