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Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in Boston highlights the impact of superspreading events 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 371, 期号: 6529
作者:  Lemieux J.E.;  Siddle K.J.;  Shaw B.M.;  Loreth C.;  Schaffner S.F.;  Gladden-Young A.;  Adams G.;  Fink T.;  Tomkins-Tinch C.H.;  Krasilnikova L.A.;  DeRuff K.C.;  Rudy M.;  Bauer M.R.;  Lagerborg K.A.;  Normandin E.;  Chapman S.B.;  Reilly S.K.;  Anahtar M.N.;  Lin A.E.;  Carter A.;  Myhrvold C.;  Kemball M.E.;  Chaluvadi S.;  Cusick C.;  Flowers K.;  Neumann A.;  Cerrato F.;  Farhat M.;  Slater D.;  Harris J.B.;  Branda J.A.;  Hooper D.;  Gaeta J.M.;  Baggett T.P.;  O'Connell J.;  Gnirke A.;  Lieberman T.D.;  Philippakis A.;  Burns M.;  Brown C.M.;  Luban J.;  Ryan E.T.;  Turbett S.E.;  LaRocque R.C.;  Hanage W.P.;  Gallagher G.R.;  Madoff L.C.;  Smole S.;  Pierce V.M.;  Rosenberg E.;  Sabeti P.C.;  Park D.J.;  MacInnis B.L.
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Climate impact on fluvial-lake system evolution, Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, USA 期刊论文
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 2020, 卷号: 132, 期号: 2021-03-04
作者:  Birgenheier L.P.;  Berg M.D.V.;  Plink-Björklund P.;  Gall R.D.;  Rosencrans E.;  Rosenberg M.J.;  Toms L.C.;  Morris J.
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Groundwater level changes with a focus on agricultural areas in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, 2002-2016 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2019, 卷号: 171, 页码: 193-203
作者:  Dong, Yan;  Jiang, Chengsheng;  Suri, Mayhah R.;  Pee, Daphne;  Meng, Lingkui;  Goldstein, Rachel E. Rosenberg
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Groundwater  Water-level change  Mid-Atlantic  Agriculture  Climate change  
US farmers' opinions on the use of nontraditional water sources for agricultural activities 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2019, 卷号: 172, 页码: 345-357
作者:  Suri, Mayhah R.;  Dery, Jessica L.;  Perodin, Joanne;  Brassill, Natalie;  He, Xin;  Ammons, Samantha;  Gerdes, Megan E.;  Rock, Channah;  Goldstein, Rachel E. Rosenberg
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
Use of stochastic patch occupancy models in the California red-legged frog for Bayesian inference regarding past events and future persistence 期刊论文
CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 33, 期号: 3, 页码: 685-696
作者:  Alcala, Nicolas;  Launer, Alan E.;  Westphal, Michael F.;  Seymour, Richard;  Cole, Esther M.;  Rosenberg, Noah A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:41/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
Close Cassini flybys of Saturn’s ring moons Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Pandora, and Epimetheus 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 364, 期号: 6445
作者:  Buratti B.J.;  Thomas P.C.;  Roussos E.;  Howett C.;  Seiß M.;  Hendrix A.R.;  Helfenstein P.;  Brown R.H.;  Clark R.N.;  Denk T.;  Filacchione G.;  Hoffmann H.;  Jones G.H.;  Khawaja N.;  Kollmann P.;  Krupp N.;  Lunine J.;  Momary T.W.;  Paranicas C.;  Postberg F.;  Sachse M.;  Spahn F.;  Spencer J.;  Srama R.;  Albin T.;  Baines K.H.;  Ciarniello M.;  Economou T.;  Hsu H.-W.;  Kempf S.;  Krimigis S.M.;  Mitchell D.;  Moragas-Klostermeyer G.;  Nicholson P.D.;  Porco C.C.;  Rosenberg H.;  Simolka J.;  Soderblom L.A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:63/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Sea Ice Meltwater and Circumpolar Deep Water Drive Contrasting Productivity in Three Antarctic Polynyas 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 2019, 卷号: 124, 期号: 5, 页码: 2943-2968
作者:  Moreau, S.;  Lannuzel, D.;  Janssens, J.;  Arroyo, M. C.;  Corkill, M.;  Cougnon, E.;  Genovese, C.;  Legresy, B.;  Lenton, A.;  Puigcorbe, V.;  Ratnarajah, L.;  Rintoul, S.;  Roca-Marti, M.;  Rosenberg, M.;  Shadwick, E. H.;  Silvano, A.;  Strutton, P. G.;  Tilbrook, B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:48/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
The Partners in Flight handbook on species assessment Version 2017 科技报告
报告编号: 70191331, , 2017
作者:  Panjabi, Arvind O.;  Blancher, Peter J.;  Easton, Wendy E.;  Stanton, J.C.;  Demarest, Dean W.;  Dettmers, Randy;  Rosenberg, Kenneth V.;  Partners in Flight Science Committee
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Extended gamma-ray sources around pulsars constrain the origin of the positron flux at Earth 期刊论文
Science, 2017, 卷号: 358, 期号: 6365
作者:  Abeysekara A.U.;  Albert A.;  Alfaro R.;  Alvarez C.;  Álvarez J.D.;  Arceo R.;  Arteaga-Velázquez J.C.;  Avila Rojas D.;  Ayala Solares H.A.;  Barber A.S.;  Bautista-Elivar N.;  Becerril A.;  Belmont-Moreno E.;  BenZvi S.Y.;  Berley D.;  Bernal A.;  Braun J.;  Brisbois C.;  Caballero-Mora K.S.;  Capistrán T.;  Carramiñana A.;  Casanova S.;  Castillo M.;  Cotti U.;  Cotzomi J.;  Coutiño De León S.;  De León C.;  De La Fuente E.;  Dingus B.L.;  DuVernois M.A.;  Díaz-Vélez J.C.;  Ellsworth R.W.;  Engel K.;  Enríquez-Rivera O.;  Fiorino D.W.;  Fraija N.;  García-González J.A.;  Garfias F.;  Gerhardt M.;  González Muñoz A.;  González M.M.;  Goodman J.A.;  Hampel-Arias Z.;  Harding J.P.;  Hernández S.;  Hernández-Almada A.;  Hinton J.;  Hona B.;  Hui C.M.;  Hüntemeyer P.;  Iriarte A.;  Jardin-Blicq A.;  Joshi V.;  Kaufmann S.;  Kieda D.;  Lara A.;  Lauer R.J.;  Lee W.H.;  Lennarz D.;  León Vargas H.;  Linnemann J.T.;  Longinotti A.L.;  Luis Raya G.;  Luna-García R.;  López-Coto R.;  Malone K.;  Marinelli S.S.;  Martinez O.;  Martinez-Castellanos I.;  Martínez-Castro J.;  Martínez-Huerta H.;  Matthews J.A.;  Miranda-Romagnoli P.;  Moreno E.;  Mostafá M.;  Nellen L.;  Newbold M.;  Nisa M.U.;  Noriega-Papaqui R.;  Pelayo R.;  Pretz J.;  Pérez-Pérez E.G.;  Ren Z.;  Rho C.D.;  Rivière C.;  Rosa-González D.;  Rosenberg M.;  Ruiz-Velasco E.;  Salazar H.;  Salesa Greus F.;  Sandoval A.;  Schneider M.;  Schoorlemmer H.;  Sinnis G.;  Smith A.J.;  Springer R.W.;  Surajbali P.;  Taboada I.;  Tibolla O.;  Tollefson K.;  Torres I.;  Ukwatta T.N.;  Vianello G.;  Weisgarber T.;  Westerhoff S.;  Wisher I.G.;  Wood J.;  Yapici T.;  Yodh G.;  Younk P.W.;  Zepeda A.;  Zhou H.;  Guo F.;  Hahn J.;  Li H.;  Zhang H.
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Development of a QSAR Model for thyroperoxidase inhibition and screening of 72,526 REACH substances 期刊论文
TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 2016, 卷号: 258, 页码: S116-S117
作者:  Rosenberg, S. A.;  Nikolov, N. G.;  Dybdahl, M.;  Simmons, S.;  Crofton, K. M.;  Watt, E. D.;  Friedmann, K. Paul;  Judson, R.;  Wedebye, E. B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2019/05/04