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Monitoring and modelling marine zooplankton in a changing climate 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2023, 卷号: 14, 期号: 1
作者:  Ratnarajah, Lavenia;  Abu-Alhaija, Rana;  Atkinson, Angus;  Batten, Sonia;  Bax, Nicholas J.;  Bernard, Kim S.;  Canonico, Gabrielle;  Cornils, Astrid;  Everett, Jason D.;  Grigoratou, Maria;  Ishak, Nurul Huda Ahmad;  Johns, David;  Lombard, Fabien;  Muxagata, Erik;  Ostle, Clare;  Pitois, Sophie;  Richardson, Anthony J.;  Schmidt, Katrin;  Stemmann, Lars;  Swadling, Kerrie M.;  Yang, Guang;  Yebra, Lidia
收藏  |  浏览/下载:13/0  |  提交时间:2024/01/31
Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2023
作者:  Bennett, Amy C.;  Rodrigues de Sousa, Thaiane;  Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel;  Esquivel-Muelbert, Adriane;  Morandi, Paulo S.;  Coelho de Souza, Fernanda;  Castro, Wendeson;  Duque, Luisa Fernanda;  Flores Llampazo, Gerardo;  Manoel dos Santos, Rubens;  Ramos, Eliana;  Vilanova Torre, Emilio;  Alvarez-Davila, Esteban;  Baker, Timothy R.;  Costa, Flavia R. C.;  Lewis, Simon L.;  Marimon, Beatriz S.;  Schietti, Juliana;  Burban, Benoit;  Berenguer, Erika;  Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro;  Restrepo Correa, Zorayda;  Lopez, Wilmar;  Delgado Santana, Flavia;  Viscarra, Laura Jessica;  Elias, Fernando;  Vasquez Martinez, Rodolfo;  Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur;  Galbraith, David;  Sullivan, Martin J. P.;  Emilio, Thaise;  Prestes, Nayane C. C. S.;  Barlow, Jos;  Alencar Fagundes, Nathalle Cristine;  Almeida de Oliveira, Edmar;  Alvarez Loayza, Patricia;  Alves, Luciana F.;  Aparecida Vieira, Simone;  Andrade Maia, Vinicius;  Aragao, Luiz E. O. C.;  Arets, Eric J. M. M.;  Arroyo, Luzmila;  Banki, Olaf;  Baraloto, Christopher;  Barbosa Camargo, Plinio;  Barroso, Jorcely;  Bento da Silva, Wilder;  Bonal, Damien;  Borges Miranda Santos, Alisson;  Brienen, Roel J. W.;  Brown, Foster;  Castilho, Carolina V.;  Cerruto Ribeiro, Sabina;  Chama Moscoso, Victor;  Chavez, Ezequiel;  Comiskey, James A.;  Cornejo Valverde, Fernando;  Davila Cardozo, Nallarett;  de Aguiar-Campos, Natalia;  de Oliveira Melo, Lia;  del Aguila Pasquel, Jhon;  Derroire, Geraldine;  Disney, Mathias;  do Socorro, Maria;  Dourdain, Aurelie;  Feldpausch, Ted R.;  Ferreira, Joice;  Forni Martins, Valeria;  Gardner, Toby;  Gloor, Emanuel;  Gutierrez Sibauty, Gloria;  Guillen, Rene;  Hase, Eduardo;  Herault, Bruno;  Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.;  Huaraca Huasco, Walter;  Janovec, John P.;  Jimenez-Rojas, Eliana;  Joly, Carlos;  Kalamandeen, Michelle;  Killeen, Timothy J.;  Lais Farrapo, Camila;  Levesley, Aurora;  Lizon Romano, Leon;  Lopez Gonzalez, Gabriela;  Maes dos Santos, Flavio Antonio;  Magnusson, William E.;  Malhi, Yadvinder;  Matias de Almeida Reis, Simone;  Melgaco, Karina;  Melo Cruz, Omar A.;  Mendoza Polo, Irina;  Montanez, Tatiana;  Morel, Jean Daniel;  Nunez Vargas, M. Percy;  Oliveira de Araujo, Raimunda;  Pallqui Camacho, Nadir C.;  Parada Gutierrez, Alexander;  Pennington, Toby;  Pickavance, Georgia C.;  Pipoly, John;  Pitman, Nigel C. A.;  Quesada, Carlos;  Ramirez Arevalo, Freddy;  Ramirez-Angulo, Hirma;  Flora Ramos, Rafael;  Richardson, James E.;  Rodrigo de Souza, Cleber;  Roopsind, Anand;  Schwartz, Gustavo;  Silva, Richarlly C.;  Silva Espejo, Javier;  Silveira, Marcos;  Singh, James;  Soto Shareva, Yhan;  Steininger, Marc;  Stropp, Juliana;  Talbot, Joey;  ter Steege, Hans;  Terborgh, John;  Thomas, Raquel;  Valenzuela Gamarra, Luis;  van der Heijden, Geertje;  van der Hout, Peter;  Zagt, Roderick;  Phillips, Oliver L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2024/03/01
The diverse meteorology ofJezero crater over the first 250 sols of Perseverance on Mars 期刊论文
作者:  Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A.;  de la Torre Juarez, M.;  Sanchez-Lavega, A.;  Hueso, R.;  Martinez, G.;  Lemmon, M. T.;  Newman, C. E.;  Munguira, A.;  Hieta, M.;  Tamppari, L. K.;  Polkko, J.;  Toledo, D.;  Sebastian, E.;  Smith, M. D.;  Jaakonaho, I.;  Genzer, M.;  De Vicente-Retortillo, A.;  Viudez-Moreiras, D.;  Ramos, M.;  Saiz-Lopez, A.;  Lepinette, A.;  Wolff, M.;  Sullivan, R. J.;  Gomez-Elvira, J.;  Apestigue, V.;  Conrad, P. G.;  Del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, T.;  Murdoch, N.;  Arruego, I.;  Banfield, D.;  Boland, J.;  Brown, A. J.;  Ceballos, J.;  Dominguez-Pumar, M.;  Espejo, S.;  Fairen, A. G.;  Ferrandiz, R.;  Fischer, E.;  Garcia-Villadangos, M.;  Gimenez, S.;  Gomez-Gomez, F.;  Guzewich, S. D.;  Harri, A. -m.;  Jimenez, J. J.;  Jimenez, V.;  Makinen, T.;  Marin, M.;  Martin, C.;  Martin-Soler, J.;  Molina, A.;  Mora-Sotomayor, L.;  Navarro, S.;  Peinado, V.;  Perez-Grande, I.;  Pla-Garcia, J.;  Postigo, M.;  Prieto-Ballesteros, O.;  Rafkin, S. C. R.;  Richardson, M. I.;  Romeral, J.;  Romero, C.;  Savijarvi, H.;  Schofield, J. T.;  Torres, J.;  Urqui, R.;  Zurita, S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
Global increase in wildfire potential from compound fire weather and drought 期刊论文
作者:  Richardson, Doug;  Black, Amanda S.;  Irving, Damien;  Matear, Richard J.;  Monselesan, Didier P.;  Risbey, James S.;  Squire, Dougal T.;  Tozer, Carly R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2024/01/31
Sensing the ocean biological carbon pump from space: A review of capabilities, concepts, research gaps and future developments 期刊论文
Earth Science Reviews, 2021, 卷号: 217
作者:  Brewin R.J.W.;  Sathyendranath S.;  Platt T.;  Bouman H.;  Ciavatta S.;  Dall'Olmo G.;  Dingle J.;  Groom S.;  Jönsson B.;  Kostadinov T.S.;  Kulk G.;  Laine M.;  Martínez-Vicente V.;  Psarra S.;  Raitsos D.E.;  Richardson K.;  Rio M.-H.;  Rousseaux C.S.;  Salisbury J.;  Shutler J.D.;  Walker P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:46/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Biology  Carbon cycle  Ocean  Satellite  
Sensing the ocean biological carbon pump from space: A review of capabilities, concepts, research gaps and future developments 期刊论文
作者:  Brewin R.J.W.;  Sathyendranath S.;  Platt T.;  Bouman H.;  Ciavatta S.;  Dall'Olmo G.;  Dingle J.;  Groom S.;  Jönsson B.;  Kostadinov T.S.;  Kulk G.;  Laine M.;  Martínez-Vicente V.;  Psarra S.;  Raitsos D.E.;  Richardson K.;  Rio M.-H.;  Rousseaux C.S.;  Salisbury J.;  Shutler J.D.;  Walker P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:55/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/28
Direct evidence of a prey depletion "halo" surrounding a pelagic predator colony 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 28
作者:  Weber S.B.;  Richardson A.J.;  Brown J.;  Bolton M.;  Clark B.L.;  Godley B.J.;  Leat E.;  Oppel S.;  Shearer L.;  Soetaert K.E.R.;  Weber N.;  Broderick A.C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
Impacts of detritivore diversity loss on instream decomposition are greatest in the tropics 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  Boyero L.;  López-Rojo N.;  Tonin A.M.;  Pérez J.;  Correa-Araneda F.;  Pearson R.G.;  Bosch J.;  Albariño R.J.;  Anbalagan S.;  Barmuta L.A.;  Basaguren A.;  Burdon F.J.;  Caliman A.;  Callisto M.;  Calor A.R.;  Campbell I.C.;  Cardinale B.J.;  Jesús Casas J.;  Chará-Serna A.M.;  Chauvet E.;  Ciapała S.;  Colón-Gaud C.;  Cornejo A.;  Davis A.M.;  Degebrodt M.;  Dias E.S.;  Díaz M.E.;  Douglas M.M.;  Encalada A.C.;  Figueroa R.;  Flecker A.S.;  Fleituch T.;  García E.A.;  García G.;  García P.E.;  Gessner M.O.;  Gómez J.E.;  Gómez S.;  Gonçalves J.F.;  Jr.;  Graça M.A.S.;  Gwinn D.C.;  Hall R.O.;  Jr;  Hamada N.;  Hui C.;  Imazawa D.;  Iwata T.;  Kariuki S.K.;  Landeira-Dabarca A.;  Laymon K.;  Leal M.;  Marchant R.;  Martins R.T.;  Masese F.O.;  Maul M.;  McKie B.G.;  Medeiros A.O.;  Erimba C.M.M.;  Middleton J.A.;  Monroy S.;  Muotka T.;  Negishi J.N.;  Ramírez A.;  Richardson J.S.;  Rincón J.;  Rubio-Ríos J.;  dos Santos G.M.;  Sarremejane R.;  Sheldon F.;  Sitati A.;  Tenkiano N.S.D.;  Tiegs S.D.;  Tolod J.R.;  Venarsky M.;  Watson A.;  Yule C.M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
Climate change drives widespread shifts in lake thermal habitat 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 6
作者:  Kraemer B.M.;  Pilla R.M.;  Woolway R.I.;  Anneville O.;  Ban S.;  Colom-Montero W.;  Devlin S.P.;  Dokulil M.T.;  Gaiser E.E.;  Hambright K.D.;  Hessen D.O.;  Higgins S.N.;  Jöhnk K.D.;  Keller W.;  Knoll L.B.;  Leavitt P.R.;  Lepori F.;  Luger M.S.;  Maberly S.C.;  Müller-Navarra D.C.;  Paterson A.M.;  Pierson D.C.;  Richardson D.C.;  Rogora M.;  Rusak J.A.;  Sadro S.;  Salmaso N.;  Schmid M.;  Silow E.A.;  Sommaruga R.;  Stelzer J.A.A.;  Straile D.;  Thiery W.;  Timofeyev M.A.;  Verburg P.;  Weyhenmeyer G.A.;  Adrian R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:49/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/15
Concurrent variation in oil and gas methane emissions and oil price during the COVID-19 pandemic 期刊论文
作者:  Lyon D.R.;  Hmiel B.;  Gautam R.;  Omara M.;  Roberts K.A.;  Barkley Z.R.;  Davis K.J.;  Miles N.L.;  Monteiro V.C.;  Richardson S.J.;  Conley S.;  Smith M.L.;  Jacob D.J.;  Shen L.;  Varon D.J.;  Deng A.;  Rudelis X.;  Sharma N.;  Story K.T.;  Brandt A.R.;  Kang M.;  Kort E.A.;  Marchese A.J.;  Hamburg S.P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:47/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18