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Effects of compound hydro-meteorological extremes on rice yield in different cultivation practices in India 期刊论文
作者:  Mishra, Anshuman;  Ray, Litan Kumar;  Reddy, V. Manohar
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
The Glycine Max Abscisic Acid-Activated Protein Kinase-Like Kinase 1 (GmAALK1) Modulates Drought Stress Response 期刊论文
作者:  Sah, Saroj Kumar;  Popescu, George V.;  Reddy, K. Raja;  Klink, Vincent P.;  Li, Jiaxu
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PON2 subverts metabolic gatekeeper functions in B cells to promote leukemogenesis 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 7
作者:  Pan L.;  Hong C.;  Chan L.N.;  Xiao G.;  Malvi P.;  Robinson M.E.;  Geng H.;  Reddy S.T.;  Lee J.;  Khairnar V.;  Cosgun K.N.;  Xu L.;  Kume K.;  Sadras T.;  Wang S.;  Wajapeyee N.;  Müschen M.
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High frequency of an otherwise rare phenotype in a small and isolated tiger population 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 39
作者:  Sagar V.;  Kaelin C.B.;  Natesh M.;  Reddy P.A.;  Mohapatra R.K.;  Chhattani H.;  Thatte P.;  Vaidyanathan S.;  Biswas S.;  Bhatt S.;  Paul S.;  Jhala Y.V.;  Verma M.M.;  Pandav B.;  Mondol S.;  Barsh G.S.;  Swain D.;  Ramakrishnan U.
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The biogeographic differentiation of algal microbiomes in the upper ocean from pole to pole 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  Martin K.;  Schmidt K.;  Toseland A.;  Boulton C.A.;  Barry K.;  Beszteri B.;  Brussaard C.P.D.;  Clum A.;  Daum C.G.;  Eloe-Fadrosh E.;  Fong A.;  Foster B.;  Foster B.;  Ginzburg M.;  Huntemann M.;  Ivanova N.N.;  Kyrpides N.C.;  Lindquist E.;  Mukherjee S.;  Palaniappan K.;  Reddy T.B.K.;  Rizkallah M.R.;  Roux S.;  Timmermans K.;  Tringe S.G.;  van de Poll W.H.;  Varghese N.;  Valentin K.U.;  Lenton T.M.;  Grigoriev I.V.;  Leggett R.M.;  Moulton V.;  Mock T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
Coupled model of surface runoff and surface-subsurface water movement 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 137
作者:  Wang Z.;  Timlin D.;  Kouznetsov M.;  Fleisher D.;  Li S.;  Tully K.;  Reddy V.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Agricultural runoff  Agriculture  Boundary conditions  Budget control  Finite element method  Flow of water  Function evaluation  Hydraulics  Numerical methods  Runoff  Soil moisture  Statistical tests  Topography  Water conservation  Water management  Agricultural water management  Design and evaluations  Heaviside step function  Numerical implementation  Saint Venant equation  Surface runoff modeling  Water harvesting  Water mass balances  Infiltration  equation  finite element method  infiltration  runoff  soil surface  surface water  water budget  water flow  
Author Correction: Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness (Nature Geoscience, (2019), 12, 4, (247-252), 10.1038/s41561-019-0330-x) 期刊论文
Nature Geoscience, 2020, 卷号: 13, 期号: 11
作者:  Barnouin O.S.;  Daly M.G.;  Palmer E.E.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Weirich J.R.;  Johnson C.L.;  Al Asad M.M.;  Roberts J.H.;  Perry M.E.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Daly R.T.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Neumann G.A.;  Ernst C.M.;  Boynton W.V.;  Nolan M.C.;  Adam C.D.;  Moreau M.C.;  Rizk B.;  Drouet D’Aubigny C.Y.;  Jawin E.R.;  Walsh K.J.;  Michel P.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Scheeres D.J.;  McMahon J.W.;  Bottke W.F.;  Sugita S.;  Hirata N.;  Hirata N.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Burke K.N.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Bennett C.A.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Highsmith D.E.;  Small J.;  Vokrouhlický D.;  Bowles N.E.;  Brown E.;  Donaldson Hanna K.L.;  Warren T.;  Brunet C.;  Chicoine R.A.;  Desjardins S.;  Gaudreau D.;  Haltigin T.;  Millington-Veloza S.;  Rubi A.;  Aponte J.;  Gorius N.;  Lunsford A.;  Allen B.;  Grindlay J.;  Guevel D.;  Hoak D.;  Hong J.;  Schrader D.L.;  Bayron J.;  Golubov O.;  Sánchez P.;  Stromberg J.;  Hirabayashi M.;  Hartzell C.M.;  Oliver S.;  Rascon M.;  Harch A.;  Joseph J.;  Squyres S.;  Richardson D.;  Emery J.P.;  McGraw L.;  Ghent R.;  Binzel R.P.;  Asad M.M.A.;  Johnson C.L.;  Philpott L.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Cloutis E.A.;  Hanna R.D.;  Connolly H.C.;  Jr.;  Ciceri F.;  Hildebrand A.R.;  Ibrahim E.-M.;  Breitenfeld L.;  Glotch T.;  Rogers A.D.;  Clark B.E.;  Ferrone S.;  Thomas C.A.;  Campins H.;  Fernandez Y.;  Chang W.;  Cheuvront A.;  Trang D.;  Tachibana S.;  Yurimoto H.;  Brucato J.R.;  Poggiali G.;  Pajola M.;  Dotto E.;  Epifani E.M.;  Crombie M.K.;  Lantz C.;  Izawa M.R.M.;  de Leon J.;  Licandro J.;  Garcia J.L.R.;  Clemett S.;  Thomas-Keprta K.;  Van wal S.;  Yoshikawa M.;  Bellerose J.;  Bhaskaran S.;  Boyles C.;  Chesley S.R.;  Elder C.M.;  Farnocchia D.;  Harbison A.;  Kennedy B.;  Knight A.;  Martinez-Vlasoff N.;  Mastrodemos N.;  McElrath T.;  Owen W.;  Park R.;  Rush B.;  Swanson L.;  Takahashi Y.;  Velez D.;  Yetter K.;  Thayer C.;  Adam C.;  Antreasian P.;  Bauman J.;  Bryan C.;  Carcich B.;  Corvin M.;  Geeraert J.;  Hoffman J.;  Leonard J.M.;  Lessac-Chenen E.;  Levine A.;  McAdams J.;  McCarthy L.;  Nelson D.;  Page B.;  Pelgrift J.;  Sahr E.;  Stakkestad K.;  Stanbridge D.;  Wibben D.;  Williams B.;  Williams K.;  Wolff P.;  Hayne P.;  Kubitschek D.;  Barucci M.A.;  Deshapriya J.D.P.;  Fornasier S.;  Fulchignoni M.;  Hasselmann P.;  Merlin F.;  Praet A.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Billett O.;  Boggs A.;  Buck B.;  Carlson-Kelly S.;  Cerna J.;  Chaffin K.;  Church E.;  Coltrin M.;  Daly J.;  Deguzman A.;  Dubisher R.;  Eckart D.;  Ellis D.;  Falkenstern P.;  Fisher A.;  Fisher M.E.;  Fleming P.;  Fortney K.;  Francis S.;  Freund S.;  Gonzales S.;  Haas P.;  Hasten A.;  Hauf D.;  Hilbert A.;  Howell D.;  Jaen F.;  Jayakody N.;  Jenkins M.;  Johnson K.;  Lefevre M.;  Ma H.;  Mario C.;  Martin K.;  May C.;  McGee M.;  Miller B.;  Miller C.;  Miller G.;  Mirfakhrai A.;  Muhle E.;  Norman C.;  Olds R.;  Parish C.;  Ryle M.;  Schmitzer M.;  Sherman P.;  Skeen M.;  Susak M.;  Sutter B.;  Tran Q.;  Welch C.;  Witherspoon R.;  Wood J.;  Zareski J.;  Arvizu-Jakubicki M.;  Asphaug E.;  Audi E.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Bandrowski R.;  Becker K.J.;  Becker T.L.;  Bendall S.;  Bennett C.A.;  Bloomenthal H.;  Blum D.;  Boynton W.V.;  Brodbeck J.;  Burke K.N.;  Chojnacki M.;  Colpo A.;  Contreras J.;  Cutts J.;  d’Aubigny C.Y.D.;  Dean D.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Diallo B.;  Drinnon D.;  Drozd K.;  Enos H.L.;  Enos R.;  Fellows C.;  Ferro T.;  Fisher M.R.;  Fitzgibbon G.;  Fitzgibbon M.;  Forelli J.;  Forrester T.;  Galinsky I.;  Garcia R.;  Gardner A.;  Golish D.R.;  Habib N.;  Hamara D.;  Hammond D.;  Hanley K.;  Harshman K.;  Hergenrother C.W.;  Herzog K.;  Hill D.;  Hoekenga C.;  Hooven S.;  Howell E.S.;  Huettner E.;  Janakus A.;  Jones J.;  Kareta T.R.;  Kidd J.;  Kingsbury K.;  Balram-Knutson S.S.;  Koelbel L.;  Kreiner J.;  Lambert D.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Lewin C.;  Lovelace B.;  Loveridge M.;  Lujan M.;  Maleszewski C.K.;  Malhotra R.;  Marchese K.;  McDonough E.;  Mogk N.;  Morrison V.;  Morton E.;  Munoz R.;  Nelson J.;  Nolan M.C.;  Padilla J.;  Pennington R.;  Polit A.;  Ramos N.;  Reddy V.;  Riehl M.;  Rizk B.;  Roper H.L.;  Salazar S.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Selznick S.;  Shultz N.;  Smith P.H.;  Stewart S.;  Sutton S.;  Swindle T.;  Tang Y.H.;  Westermann M.;  Wolner C.W.V.;  Worden D.;  Zega T.;  Zeszut Z.;  Bjurstrom A.;  Bloomquist L.;  Dickinson C.;  Keates E.;  Liang J.;  Nifo V.;  Taylor A.;  Teti F.;  Caplinger M.;  Bowles H.;  Carter S.;  Dickenshied S.;  Doerres D.;  Fisher T.;  Hagee W.;  Hill J.;  Miner M.;  Noss D.;  Piacentine N.;  Smith M.;  Toland A.;  Wren P.;  Bernacki M.;  Munoz D.P.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Sandford S.A.;  Aqueche A.;  Ashman B.;  Barker M.;  Bartels A.;  Berry K.;  Bos B.;  Burns R.;  Calloway A.;  Carpenter R.;  Castro N.;  Cosentino R.;  Donaldson J.;  Dworkin J.P.;  Cook J.E.;  Emr C.;  Everett D.;  Fennell D.;  Fleshman K.;  Folta D.;  Gallagher D.;  Garvin J.;  Getzandanner K.;  Glavin D.;  Hull S.;  Hyde K.;  Ido H.;  Ingegneri A.;  Jones N.;  Kaotira P.;  Lim L.F.;  Liounis A.;  Lorentson C.;  Lorenz D.;  Lyzhoft J.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Mink R.;  Moore W.;  Moreau M.;  Mullen S.;  Nagy J.;  Neumann G.;  Nuth J.;  Poland D.;  Reuter D.C.;  Rhoads L.;  Rieger S.;  Rowlands D.;  Sallitt D.;  Scroggins A.;  Shaw G.;  Simon A.A.;  Swenson J.;  Vasudeva P.;  Wasser M.;  Zellar R.;  Grossman J.;  Johnston G.;  Morris M.;  Wendel J.;  Burton A.;  Keller L.P.;  McNamara L.;  Messenger S.;  Nakamura-Messenger K.;  Nguyen A.;  Righter K.;  Queen E.;  Bellamy K.;  Dill K.;  Gardner S.;  Giuntini M.;  Key B.;  Kissell J.;  Patterson D.;  Vaughan D.;  Wright B.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Le Corre L.;  Li J.-Y.;  Molaro J.L.;  Palmer E.E.;  Siegler M.A.;  Tricarico P.;  Weirich J.R.;  Zou X.-D.;  Ireland T.;  Tait K.;  Bland P.;  Anwar S.;  Bojorquez-Murphy N.;  Christensen P.R.;  Haberle C.W.;  Mehall G.;  Rios K.;  Franchi I.;  Rozitis B.;  Beddingfield C.B.;  Marshall J.;  Brack D.N.;  French A.S.;  McMahon J.W.;  Scheeres D.J.;  Jawin E.R.;  McCoy T.J.;  Russell S.;  Killgore M.;  Bottke W.F.;  Hamilton V.E.;  Kaplan H.H.;  Walsh K.J.;  Bandfield J.L.;  Clark B.C.;  Chodas M.;  Lambert M.;  Masterson R.A.;  Daly M.G.;  Freemantle J.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Barnouin O.S.;  Craft K.;  Daly R.T.;  Ernst C.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Holdridge M.;  Jones M.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Peachey J.;  Perry M.E.;  Plescia J.;  Roberts J.H.;  Steele R.;  Turner R.;  Backer J.;  Edmundson K.;  Mapel J.;  Milazzo M.;  Sides S.;  Manzoni C.;  May B.;  Delbo’ M.;  Libourel G.;  Michel P.;  Ryan A.;  Thuillet F.;  Marty B.;  The OSIRIS-REx Team
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Warming limits daytime but not nighttime activity of epigeic microarthropods in Songnen grasslands 期刊论文
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 141, 页码: 79-83
作者:  Chang, Liang;  Wang, Baifeng;  Yan, Xiumin;  Ma, Linna;  Reddy, Gadi V. P.;  Wu, Donghui
收藏  |  浏览/下载:50/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
Warming  Nitrogen addition  Diel variation  Microarthropods  Temperate grassland  
Constraints to the capacity of smallholder farming households to adapt to climate change in South and Southeast Asia 期刊论文
CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT, 2019, 卷号: 11, 期号: 5, 页码: 383-400
作者:  Brown, Peter R.;  Afroz, Sharmin;  Chialue, Lytoua;  Chiranjeevi, T.;  El, Sotheary;  Grunbuhel, Clemens M.;  Khan, Iqbal;  Pitkin, Cathy;  Reddy, V. Ratna;  Roth, Christian H.;  Sacklokham, Silinthone;  Williams, Liana J.
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Bangladesh  Cambodia  community  focus group discussions  India  Lao PDR  rural livelihood analysis  self-assessment  smallholder farmers  
Identification of environment friendly tillage implement as a strategy for energy efficiency and mitigation of climate change in semiarid rainfed agro ecosystems 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2019, 卷号: 214, 页码: 524-535
作者:  Pratibha, G.;  Srinivas, I;  Rao, V. K.;  Raju, M. K. B.;  Shanker, Arun K.;  Jha, Anamika;  Kumar, Uday M.;  Rao, Srinivasa K.;  Reddy, Sammi K.
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Greenhouse gas emissions  Primary tillage  Global warming potential  Energy use  Climate smart implement  Clean environment  Cleaner production