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Re-evaluating soil moisture-based drought criteria for rainfed crops in peninsular India 期刊论文
作者:  Bal, Santanu Kumar;  Shivaramu, Huchahanumegowdanapalya S.;  Vijaya Kumar, Puppala;  Lingaraj, Huggi;  Sandeep, Vadakkemethel M.;  Subba Rao, A. V. M.;  Sarath Chandran, Malamal Alickal;  Manikandan, Narayanan;  Thimmegowda, Matadadoddi N.;  Manjunatha, Melekote H.;  Malleswari, Sadhineni N.;  Tupe, Arvind;  Sudhakar, Gunasekaran;  Dakhore, Kailash K.;  Subbulakshmi, Sundararaj;  Minhas, Paramjit Singh;  Singh, Vinod Kumar;  Singh, Rajbir
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Evaluating different lightning parameterization schemes to simulate lightning flash counts over Maharashtra, India 期刊论文
Atmospheric Research, 2021, 卷号: 255
作者:  Mohan G.M.;  Gayatri Vani K.;  Hazra A.;  Mallick C.;  Chaudhari H.S.;  Pokhrel S.;  Pawar S.D.;  Konwar M.;  Saha S.K.;  Das S.K.;  Deshpande S.;  Ghude S.;  Barth M.C.;  Rao S.A.;  Nanjundiah R.S.;  Rajeevan M.
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Prior activation state shapes the microglia response to antihuman TREM2 in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 3
作者:  Ellwanger D.C.;  Wang S.;  Brioschi S.;  Shao Z.;  Green L.;  Case R.;  Yoo D.;  Weishuhn D.;  Rathanaswami P.;  Bradley J.;  Rao S.;  Cha D.;  Luan P.;  Sambashivan S.;  Gilfillan S.;  Hasson S.A.;  Foltz I.N.;  van Lookeren Campagne M.;  Colonna M.
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A cross-sectional analysis of meteorological factors and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in 409 cities across 26 countries 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  Sera F.;  Armstrong B.;  Abbott S.;  Meakin S.;  O’Reilly K.;  von Borries R.;  Schneider R.;  Royé D.;  Hashizume M.;  Pascal M.;  Tobias A.;  Vicedo-Cabrera A.M.;  Hu W.;  Tong S.;  Lavigne E.;  Correa P.M.;  Meng X.;  Kan H.;  Kynčl J.;  Urban A.;  Orru H.;  Ryti N.R.I.;  Jaakkola J.J.K.;  Cauchemez S.;  Dallavalle M.;  Schneider A.;  Zeka A.;  Honda Y.;  Ng C.F.S.;  Alahmad B.;  Rao S.;  Di Ruscio F.;  Carrasco-Escobar G.;  Seposo X.;  Holobâcă I.H.;  Kim H.;  Lee W.;  Íñiguez C.;  Ragettli M.S.;  Aleman A.;  Colistro V.;  Bell M.L.;  Zanobetti A.;  Schwartz J.;  Dang T.N.;  Scovronick N.;  de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coélho M.;  Diaz M.H.;  Zhang Y.;  Russell T.W.;  Koltai M.;  Kucharski A.J.;  Barnard R.C.;  Quaife M.;  Jarvis C.I.;  Lei J.;  Munday J.D.;  Chan Y.-W.D.;  Quilty B.J.;  Eggo R.M.;  Flasche S.;  Foss A.M.;  Clifford S.;  Tully D.C.;  Edmunds W.J.;  Klepac P.;  Brady O.;  Krauer F.;  Procter S.R.;  Jombart T.;  Rosello A.;  Showering A.;  Funk S.;  Hellewell J.;  Sun F.Y.;  Endo A.;  Williams J.;  Gimma A.;  Waterlow N.R.;  Prem K.;  Bosse N.I.;  Gibbs H.P.;  Atkins K.E.;  Pearson C.A.B.;  Jafari Y.;  Villabona-Arenas C.J.;  Jit M.;  Nightingale E.S.;  Davies N.G.;  van Zandvoort K.;  Liu Y.;  Sandmann F.G.;  Waites W.;  Abbas K.;  Medley G.;  Knight G.M.;  Gasparrini A.;  Lowe R.;  MCC Collaborative Research Network;  CMMID COVID-19 Working Group
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Detection and potential early warning of catastrophic flow events with regional seismic networks 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 374, 期号: 6563
作者:  Cook K.L.;  Rekapalli R.;  Dietze M.;  Pilz M.;  Cesca S.;  Rao N.P.;  Srinagesh D.;  Paul H.;  Metz M.;  Mandal P.;  Suresh G.;  Cotton F.;  Tiwari V.M.;  Hovius N.
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Abating ammonia is more cost-effective than nitrogen oxides for mitigating PM2.5 air pollution 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 374, 期号: 6568
作者:  Gu B.;  Zhang L.;  Dingenen R.V.;  Vieno M.;  Grinsven H.J.M.V.;  Zhang X.;  Zhang S.;  Chen Y.;  Wang S.;  Ren C.;  Rao S.;  Holland M.;  Winiwarter W.;  Chen D.;  Xu J.;  Sutton M.A.
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The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 6
作者:  Vicedo-Cabrera A.M.;  Scovronick N.;  Sera F.;  Royé D.;  Schneider R.;  Tobias A.;  Astrom C.;  Guo Y.;  Honda Y.;  Hondula D.M.;  Abrutzky R.;  Tong S.;  Coelho M.S.Z.S.;  Saldiva P.H.N.;  Lavigne E.;  Correa P.M.;  Ortega N.V.;  Kan H.;  Osorio S.;  Kyselý J.;  Urban A.;  Orru H.;  Indermitte E.;  Jaakkola J.J.K.;  Ryti N.;  Pascal M.;  Schneider A.;  Katsouyanni K.;  Samoli E.;  Mayvaneh F.;  Entezari A.;  Goodman P.;  Zeka A.;  Michelozzi P.;  de’Donato F.;  Hashizume M.;  Alahmad B.;  Diaz M.H.;  Valencia C.D.L.C.;  Overcenco A.;  Houthuijs D.;  Ameling C.;  Rao S.;  Di Ruscio F.;  Carrasco-Escobar G.;  Seposo X.;  Silva S.;  Madureira J.;  Holobaca I.H.;  Fratianni S.;  Acquaotta F.;  Kim H.;  Lee W.;  Iniguez C.;  Forsberg B.;  Ragettli M.S.;  Guo Y.L.L.;  Chen B.Y.;  Li S.;  Armstrong B.;  Aleman A.;  Zanobetti A.;  Schwartz J.;  Dang T.N.;  Dung D.V.;  Gillett N.;  Haines A.;  Mengel M.;  Huber V.;  Gasparrini A.
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Influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on entry stratospheric water vapor in coupled chemistry-ocean CCMI and CMIP6 models 期刊论文
作者:  Garfinkel C.I.;  Harari O.;  Ziskin Ziv S.;  Rao J.;  Morgenstern O.;  Zeng G.;  Tilmes S.;  Kinnison D.;  O'Connor F.M.;  Butchart N.;  Deushi M.;  Jöckel P.;  Pozzer A.;  Davis S.
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Spatio and temporal variations in population abundance and distribution of peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) during future climate change scenarios based on temperature driven phenology model 期刊论文
Climate Risk Management, 2021, 卷号: 32
作者:  Choudhary J.S.;  Mali S.S.;  Naaz N.;  Malik S.;  Das B.;  Singh A.K.;  Srinivasa Rao M.;  Bhatt B.P.
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Mutational signatures impact the evolution of anti-EGFR antibody resistance in colorectal cancer 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 7
作者:  Woolston A.;  Barber L.J.;  Griffiths B.;  Pich O.;  Lopez-Bigas N.;  Matthews N.;  Rao S.;  Watkins D.;  Chau I.;  Starling N.;  Cunningham D.;  Gerlinger M.
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