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Geology and paleontology of the late Miocene Wilson Grove Formation at Bloomfield Quarry, Sonoma County, California 科技报告
报告编号: 70202776, 页数: 88, 2019
作者:  Powell, Charles L.;  Boessenecker, Robert W.;  Smith, N. Adam;  Fleck, Robert J.;  Carlson, Sandra J.;  Allen, James R.;  Long, Douglas J.;  Sarna-Wojcicki, Andrei M.;  Guruswami-Naidu, Raj B.
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Evaluation of hypotheses for right-lateral displacement of Neogene strata along the San Andreas Fault between Parkfield and Maricopa, California 科技报告
报告编号: 70192144, 页数: 36, 2017
作者:  Stanley, Richard G.;  Barron, John A.;  Powell, Charles L. II
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APOM and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol are associated with lung function and per cent emphysema 期刊论文
EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, 2014, 卷号: 43, 期号: 4, 页码: 1003-1017
作者:  Burkart, Kristin M.;  Manichaikul, Ani;  Wilk, Jemma B.;  Ahmed, Firas S.;  Burke, Gregory L.;  Enright, Paul;  Hansel, Nadia N.;  Haynes, Demondes;  Heckbert, Susan R.;  Hoffman, Eric A.;  Kaufman, Joel D.;  Kurai, Jun;  Loehr, Laura;  London, Stephanie J.;  Meng, Yang;  O';  Connor, George T.;  Oelsner, Elizabeth;  Petrini, Marcy;  Pottinger, Tess D.;  Powell, Charles A.;  Redline, Susan;  Rotter, Jerome I.;  Smith, Lewis J.;  Artigas, Maria Soler;  Tobin, Martin D.;  Tsai, Michael Y.;  Watson, Karol;  White, Wendy;  Young, Taylor R.;  Rich, Stephen S.;  Barr, R. Graham
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