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Inland recreational fisheries contribute nutritional benefits and economic value but are vulnerable to climate change 期刊论文
NATURE FOOD, 2024, 卷号: 5, 期号: 5
作者:  Lynch, Abigail J.;  Embke, Holly S.;  Nyboer, Elizabeth A.;  Wood, Louisa E.;  Thorpe, Andy;  Phang, Sui C.;  Viana, Daniel F.;  Golden, Christopher D.;  Milardi, Marco;  Arlinghaus, Robert;  Baigun, Claudio;  Beard Jr, T. Douglas;  Cooke, Steven J.;  Cowx, Ian G.;  Koehn, John D.;  Lyach, Roman;  Potts, Warren;  Robertson, Ashley M.;  Schmidhuber, Josef;  Weyl, Olaf L. F.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 2
作者:  Goddard M.A.;  Davies Z.G.;  Guenat S.;  Ferguson M.J.;  Fisher J.C.;  Akanni A.;  Ahjokoski T.;  Anderson P.M.L.;  Angeoletto F.;  Antoniou C.;  Bates A.J.;  Barkwith A.;  Berland A.;  Bouch C.J.;  Rega-Brodsky C.C.;  Byrne L.B.;  Cameron D.;  Canavan R.;  Chapman T.;  Connop S.;  Crossland S.;  Dade M.C.;  Dawson D.A.;  Dobbs C.;  Downs C.T.;  Ellis E.C.;  Escobedo F.J.;  Gobster P.;  Gulsrud N.M.;  Guneralp B.;  Hahs A.K.;  Hale J.D.;  Hassall C.;  Hedblom M.;  Hochuli D.F.;  Inkinen T.;  Ioja I.-C.;  Kendal D.;  Knowland T.;  Kowarik I.;  Langdale S.J.;  Lerman S.B.;  MacGregor-Fors I.;  Manning P.;  Massini P.;  McLean S.;  Mkwambisi D.D.;  Ossola A.;  Luque G.P.;  Pérez-Urrestarazu L.;  Perini K.;  Perry G.;  Pett T.J.;  Plummer K.E.;  Radji R.A.;  Roll U.;  Potts S.G.;  Rumble H.;  Sadler J.P.;  de Saille S.;  Sautter S.;  Scott C.E.;  Shwartz A.;  Smith T.;  Snep R.P.H.;  Soulsbury C.D.;  Stanley M.C.;  Van de Voorde T.;  Venn S.J.;  Warren P.H.;  Washbourne C.-L.;  Whitling M.;  Williams N.S.G.;  Yang J.;  Yeshitela K.;  Yocom K.P.;  Dallimer M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13
Observations of the Origin of Downward Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2020, 卷号: 125, 期号: 23
作者:  Belz J.W.;  Krehbiel P.R.;  Remington J.;  Stanley M.A.;  Abbasi R.U.;  LeVon R.;  Rison W.;  Rodeheffer D.;  Abu-Zayyad T.;  Allen M.;  Barcikowski E.;  Bergman D.R.;  Blake S.A.;  Byrne M.;  Cady R.;  Cheon B.G.;  Chikawa M.;  di Matteo A.;  Fujii T.;  Fujita K.;  Fujiwara R.;  Fukushima M.;  Furlich G.;  Hanlon W.;  Hayashi M.;  Hayashi Y.;  Hayashida N.;  Hibino K.;  Honda K.;  Ikeda D.;  Inadomi T.;  Inoue N.;  Ishii T.;  Ito H.;  Ivanov D.;  Iwakura H.;  Jeong H.M.;  Jeong S.;  Jui C.C.H.;  Kadota K.;  Kakimoto F.;  Kalashev O.;  Kasahara K.;  Kasami S.;  Kawai H.;  Kawakami S.;  Kawata K.;  Kido E.;  Kim H.B.;  Kim J.H.;  Kim J.H.;  Kuzmin† V.;  Kuznetsov M.;  Kwon Y.J.;  Lee K.H.;  Lubsandorzhiev B.;  Lundquist J.P.;  Machida K.;  Matsumiya H.;  Matthews J.N.;  Matuyama T.;  Mayta R.;  Minamino M.;  Mukai K.;  Myers I.;  Nagataki S.;  Nakai K.;  Nakamura R.;  Nakamura T.;  Nakamura Y.;  Nonaka T.;  Oda H.;  Ogio S.;  Ohnishi M.;  Ohoka H.;  Oku Y.;  Okuda T.;  Omura Y.;  Ono M.;  Oshima A.;  Ozawa S.;  Park I.H.;  Potts M.;  Pshirkov M.S.;  Rodriguez D.C.;  Rubtsov G.;  Ryu D.;  Sagawa H.;  Sahara R.;  Saito K.;  Saito Y.;  Sakaki N.;  Sako T.;  Sakurai N.;  Sano K.;  Seki T.;  Sekino K.;  Shibata F.;  Shibata T.;  Shimodaira H.;  Shin B.K.;  Shin H.S.;  Smith J.D.;  Sokolsky P.;  Sone N.;  Stokes B.T.;  Stroman T.A.;  Takagi Y.;  Takahashi Y.;  Takeda M.;  Takeishi R.;  Taketa A.;  Takita M.;  Tameda Y.;  Tanaka K.;  Tanaka M.;  Tanoue Y.;  Thomas S.B.;  Thomson G.B.;  Tinyakov P.;  Tkachev I.;  Tokuno H.;  Tomida T.;  Troitsky S.;  Tsunesada Y.;  Uchihori Y.;  Udo S.;  Uehama T.;  Urban F.;  Wallace M.;  Wong T.;  Yamamoto M.;  Yamaoka H.;  Yamazaki K.;  Yashiro K.;  Yosei M.;  Yoshii H.;  Zhezher Y.;  Zundel Z.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:49/0  |  提交时间:2021/07/19
The effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield: a quantitative synthesis 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2020, 卷号: 23, 期号: 10
作者:  Albrecht M.;  Kleijn D.;  Williams N.M.;  Tschumi M.;  Blaauw B.R.;  Bommarco R.;  Campbell A.J.;  Dainese M.;  Drummond F.A.;  Entling M.H.;  Ganser D.;  Arjen de Groot G.;  Goulson D.;  Grab H.;  Hamilton H.;  Herzog F.;  Isaacs R.;  Jacot K.;  Jeanneret P.;  Jonsson M.;  Knop E.;  Kremen C.;  Landis D.A.;  Loeb G.M.;  Marini L.;  McKerchar M.;  Morandin L.;  Pfister S.C.;  Potts S.G.;  Rundlöf M.;  Sardiñas H.;  Sciligo A.;  Thies C.;  Tscharntke T.;  Venturini E.;  Veromann E.;  Vollhardt I.M.G.;  Wäckers F.;  Ward K.;  Wilby A.;  Woltz M.;  Wratten S.;  Sutter L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:57/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
agri-environment schemes  Agroecology  bee pollinators  conservation biological control  ecological intensification  farmland biodiversity  floral enhancements  natural pest regulation  pollination reservoirs  sustainable agriculture  wildflower strips  
The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2019, 卷号: 22, 期号: 7
作者:  Martin E.A.;  Dainese M.;  Clough Y.;  Báldi A.;  Bommarco R.;  Gagic V.;  Garratt M.P.D.;  Holzschuh A.;  Kleijn D.;  Kovács-Hostyánszki A.;  Marini L.;  Potts S.G.;  Smith H.G.;  Al Hassan D.;  Albrecht M.;  Andersson G.K.S.;  Asís J.D.;  Aviron S.;  Balzan M.V.;  Baños-Picón L.;  Bartomeus I.;  Batáry P.;  Burel F.;  Caballero-López B.;  Concepción E.D.;  Coudrain V.;  Dänhardt J.;  Diaz M.;  Diekötter T.;  Dormann C.F.;  Duflot R.;  Entling M.H.;  Farwig N.;  Fischer C.;  Frank T.;  Garibaldi L.A.;  Hermann J.;  Herzog F.;  Inclán D.;  Jacot K.;  Jauker F.;  Jeanneret P.;  Kaiser M.;  Krauss J.;  Le Féon V.;  Marshall J.;  Moonen A.-C.;  Moreno G.;  Riedinger V.;  Rundlöf M.;  Rusch A.;  Scheper J.;  Schneider G.;  Schüepp C.;  Stutz S.;  Sutter L.;  Tamburini G.;  Thies C.;  Tormos J.;  Tscharntke T.;  Tschumi M.;  Uzman D.;  Wagner C.;  Zubair-Anjum M.;  Steffan-Dewenter I.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:51/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/13
Embracing diverse worldviews to share planet Earth 期刊论文
CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 33, 期号: 5, 页码: 1014-1022
作者:  Kohler, F.;  Holland, T. G.;  Kotiaho, J. S.;  Desrousseaux, M.;  Potts, M. D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
Biocultural approaches to pollinator conservation 期刊论文
Nature Sustainability, 2019, 卷号: 2, 期号: 3
作者:  Hill R.;  Nates-Parra G.;  Quezada-Euán J.J.G.;  Buchori D.;  LeBuhn G.;  Maués M.M.;  Pert P.L.;  Kwapong P.K.;  Saeed S.;  Breslow S.J.;  Carneiro da Cunha M.;  Dicks L.V.;  Galetto L.;  Gikungu M.;  Howlett B.G.;  Imperatriz-Fonseca V.L.;  O’B. Lyver P.;  Martín-López B.;  Oteros-Roza E.;  Potts S.G.;  Roué M.
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Author Correction: Biocultural approaches to pollinator conservation (Nature Sustainability; (2019); 2; 3; (214-222); 10.1038/s41893-019-0244-z) 期刊论文
Nature Sustainability, 2019, 卷号: 2, 期号: 4
作者:  Hill R.;  Nates-Parra G.;  Quezada-Euán J.J.G.;  Buchori D.;  LeBuhn G.;  Maués M.M.;  Pert P.L.;  Kwapong P.K.;  Saeed S.;  Breslow S.J.;  da Cunha M.C.;  Dicks L.V.;  Galetto L.;  Gikungu M.;  Howlett B.G.;  Imperatriz-Fonseca V.L.;  Lyver P.O.B.;  Martín-López B.;  Oteros-Rozas E.;  Potts S.G.;  Roué M.
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Mass-flowering crops dilute pollinator abundance in agricultural landscapes across Europe 期刊论文
Ecology letters, 2016, 卷号: 19, 期号: 10
作者:  Holzschuh A.;  Dainese M.;  González-Varo J.P.;  Mudri-Stojnić S.;  Riedinger V.;  Rundlöf M.;  Scheper J.;  Wickens J.B.;  Wickens V.J.;  Bommarco R.;  Kleijn D.;  Potts S.G.;  Roberts S.P.;  Smith H.G.;  Vilà M.;  Vujić A.;  Steffan-Dewenter I.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/12
Exposure To Diesel Particulates During Gestation Heritably Alters Dna Methylation And Innate Immune Responsiveness To Inhaled Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide 期刊论文
作者:  Brass, D. M.;  Wheeler, J. H.;  Li, Z.;  Spencer, J. C.;  Potts-Kant, E.;  Gilmour, I.;  Foster, M.;  Hollingsworth, J. W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2019/05/04