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Isoprene emission response to drought and the impact on global atmospheric chemistry (vol 183, pg 69, 2018) 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2018, 卷号: 185, 页码: 272-273
作者:  Jiang, Xiaoyan;  Guenther, Alex;  Potosnak, Mark;  Geron, Chris;  Seco, Roger;  Karl, Thomas;  Kim, Saewung;  Gu, Lianhong;  Pallardy, Stephen
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Isoprene emission response to drought and the impact on global atmospheric chemistry 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2018, 卷号: 183, 页码: 69-83
作者:  Jiang, Xiaoyan;  Guenther, Alex;  Potosnak, Mark;  Geron, Chris;  Seco, Roger;  Karl, Thomas;  Kim, Saewung;  Gu, Lianhong;  Pallardy, Stephen
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Ecosystem-scale volatile organic compound fluxes during an extreme drought in a broadleaf temperate forest of the Missouri Ozarks (central USA) 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 21, 期号: 10, 页码: 3657-3674
作者:  Seco, Roger;  Karl, Thomas;  Guenther, Alex;  Hosman, Kevin P.;  Pallardy, Stephen G.;  Gu, Lianhong;  Geron, Chris;  Harley, Peter;  Kim, Saewung
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Observed and modeled ecosystem isoprene fluxes from an oakdominated temperate forest and the influence of drought stress 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2014, 卷号: 84, 页码: 314-322
作者:  Potosnak, Mark J.;  LeStourgeon, Lauren;  Pallardy, Stephen G.;  Hosman, Kevin P.;  Gu, Lianhong;  Karl, Thomas;  Geron, Chris;  Guenther, Alex B.
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New Particle Formation and Growth in an Isoprene-Dominated Ozark Forest: From Sub-5 nm to CCN-Active Sizes 期刊论文
AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 48, 期号: 12, 页码: 1285-1298
作者:  Yu, Huan;  Ortega, John;  Smith, James N.;  Guenther, Alex B.;  Kanawade, V. P.;  You, Yi;  Liu, Yiying;  Hosman, Kevin;  Karl, Thomas;  Seco, Roger;  Geron, Chris;  Pallardy, Stephen G.;  Gu, Lianhong;  Mikkila, Jyri;  Lee, Shan-Hu
收藏  |  浏览/下载:48/0  |  提交时间:2019/05/04