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Impacts of uncertainties in emissions on aerosol data assimilation and short-term PM2.5 predictions over Northeast Asia 期刊论文
作者:  Lee S.;  Song C.H.;  Han K.M.;  Henze D.K.;  Lee K.;  Yu J.;  Woo J.-H.;  Jung J.;  Choi Y.;  Saide P.E.;  Carmichael G.R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
3DVAR  Background error  CMAQ  Covariance  Emission uncertainty  PM2.5 predictions  
The number of tree species on Earth 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 卷号: 119, 期号: 6
作者:  Gatti R.C.;  Reich P.B.;  Gamarra J.G.P.;  Crowther T.;  Hui C.;  Morera A.;  Bastin J.-F.;  de-Miguel S.;  Nabuurs G.-J.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Serra-Diaz J.M.;  Merow C.;  Enquist B.;  Kamenetsky M.;  Lee J.;  Zhu J.;  Fang J.;  Jacobs D.F.;  Pijanowski B.;  Banerjee A.;  Giaquinto R.A.;  Alberti G.;  Zambrano A.M.A.;  Alvarez-Davila E.;  Araujo-Murakami A.;  Avitabile V.;  Aymard G.A.;  Balazy R.;  Baraloto C.;  Barroso J.G.;  Bastian M.L.;  Birnbaum P.;  Bitariho R.;  Bogaert J.;  Bongers F.;  Bouriaud O.;  Brancalion P.H.S.;  Brearley F.Q.;  Broadbent E.N.;  Bussotti F.;  da Silva W.C.;  César R.G.;  Češljar G.;  Moscoso V.C.;  Chen H.Y.H.;  Cienciala E.;  Clark C.J.;  Coomes D.A.;  Dayanandan S.;  Decuyper M.;  Dee L.E.;  Del Aguila Pasquel J.;  Derroire G.;  Djuikouo M.N.K.;  van Do T.;  Dolezal J.;  Đorđevic I.Đ.;  Engel J.;  Fayle T.M.;  Feldpausch T.R.;  Fridman J.K.;  Harris D.J.;  Hemp A.;  Hengeveld G.;  Herault B.;  Herold M.;  Ibanez T.;  Jagodzinski A.M.;  Jaroszewicz B.;  Jeffery K.J.;  Johannsen V.K.;  Jucker T.;  Kangur A.;  Karminov V.N.;  Kartawinata K.;  Kennard D.K.;  Kepfer-Rojas S.;  Keppel G.;  Khan M.L.;  Khare P.K.;  Kileen T.J.;  Kim H.S.;  Korjus H.;  Kumar A.;  Kumar A.;  Laarmann D.;  Labrière N.;  Lang M.;  Lewis S.L.;  Lukina N.;  Maitner B.S.;  Malhi Y.;  Marshall A.R.;  Martynenko O.V.;  Monteagudo Mendoza A.L.;  Ontikov P.V.;  Ortiz-Malavasi E.;  Pallqui Camacho N.C.;  Paquette A.;  Park M.;  Parthasarathy N.;  Peri P.L.;  Petronelli P.;  Pfautsch S.;  Phillips O.L.;  Picard N.;  Piotto D.;  Poorter L.;  Poulsen J.R.;  Pretzsch H.;  Ramírez-Angulo H.;  Correa Z.R.;  Rodeghiero M.;  Del Pilar Rojas Gonzáles R.;  Rolim S.G.;  Rovero F.;  Rutishauser E.;  Saikia P.;  Salas-Eljatib C.;  Schepaschenko D.;  Scherer-Lorenzen M.;  Šebeň V.;  Silveira M.;  Slik F.;  Sonké B.;  Souza A.F.;  Stereńczak K.J.;  Svoboda M.;  Taedoumg H.;  Tchebakova N.;  Terborgh J.;  Tikhonova E.;  Torres-Lezama A.;  van der Plas F.;  Vásquez R.;  Viana H.;  Vibrans A.C.;  Vilanova E.;  Vos V.A.;  Wang H.-F.;  Westerlund B.;  White L.J.T.;  Wiser S.K.;  Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T.;  Zemagho L.;  Zhu Z.-X.;  Zo-Bi I.C.;  Liang J.
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Acidity across the interface from the ocean surface to sea spray aerosol 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 2
作者:  Angle K.J.;  Crocker D.R.;  Simpson R.M.C.;  Mayer K.J.;  Garofalo L.A.;  Moore A.N.;  Mora Garcia S.L.;  Or V.W.;  Srinivasan S.;  Farhan M.;  Sauer J.S.;  Lee C.;  Pothier M.A.;  Farmer D.K.;  Martz T.R.;  Bertram T.H.;  Cappa C.D.;  Prather K.A.;  Grassian V.H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:41/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Regulation of neonatal IgA production by the maternal microbiota 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 9
作者:  Mu Q.;  Swartwout B.K.;  Edwards M.;  Zhu J.;  Lee G.;  Eden K.;  Cabana-Puig X.;  McDaniel D.K.;  Mao J.;  Abdelhamid L.;  Brock R.M.;  Allen I.C.;  Reilly C.M.;  Luo X.M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:51/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Long-term observational constraints of organic aerosol dependence on inorganic species in the southeast US 期刊论文
作者:  Zheng Y.;  Thornton J.A.;  Lee Ng N.;  Cao H.;  Henze D.K.;  McDuffie E.E.;  Hu W.;  Jimenez J.L.;  Marais E.A.;  Edgerton E.;  Mao J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Open space networks can guide urban renewal in a megacity 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 卷号: 15, 期号: 9
作者:  Thorne J.H.;  Choe H.;  Boynton R.M.;  Lee D.K.
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Long-term observational constraints of organic aerosol dependence on inorganic species in the southeast US 期刊论文
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 卷号: 20, 期号: 21
作者:  Zheng Y.;  Thornton J.A.;  Lee Ng N.;  Cao H.;  Henze D.K.;  McDuffie E.E.;  Hu W.;  Jimenez J.L.;  Marais E.A.;  Edgerton E.;  Mao J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:38/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Quantification of organic aerosol and brown carbon evolution in fresh wildfire plumes 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 卷号: 117, 期号: 47
作者:  Palm B.B.;  Peng Q.;  Fredrickson C.D.;  Lee B.H.;  Garofalo L.A.;  Pothier M.A.;  Kreidenweis S.M.;  Farmer D.K.;  Pokhrel R.P.;  Shen Y.;  Murphy S.M.;  Permar W.;  Hu L.;  Campos T.L.;  Hall S.R.;  Ullmann K.;  Zhang X.;  Flocke F.;  Fischer E.V.;  Thornton J.A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/06
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth's early transformation through land use 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 365, 期号: 6456
作者:  Stephens L.;  Fuller D.;  Boivin N.;  Rick T.;  Gauthier N.;  Kay A.;  Marwick B.;  Armstrong C.G.D.;  Barton C.M.;  Denham T.;  Douglass K.;  Driver J.;  Janz L.;  Roberts P.;  Rogers J.D.;  Thakar H.;  Altaweel M.;  Vattuone M.M.S.;  Aldenderfer M.;  Archila S.;  Artioli G.;  Bale M.T.;  Beach T.;  Borrell F.;  Braje T.;  Buckland P.I.;  Cano N.G.J.;  Capriles J.M.;  Castillo A.D.;  Çilingiroğlu Ç.;  Cleary M.N.;  Conolly J.;  Coutros P.R.;  Covey R.A.;  Cremaschi M.;  Crowther A.;  Der L.;  di Lernia S.;  Doershuk J.F.;  Doolittle W.E.;  Edwards K.J.;  Erlandson J.M.;  Evans D.;  Fairbairn A.;  Faulkner P.;  Feinman G.;  Fernandes R.;  Fitzpatrick S.M.;  Fyfe R.;  Garcea E.;  Goldstein S.;  Goodman R.C.;  Guedes J.D.;  Herrmann J.;  Hiscock P.;  Hommel P.;  Horsburgh K.A.;  Hritz C.;  Ives J.W.;  Junno A.;  Kahn J.G.;  Kaufman B.;  Kearns C.;  Kidder T.R.;  Lanoë F.;  Lawrence D.;  Lee G.-A.;  Levin M.J.;  Lindskoug H.B.;  López-Sáez J.A.;  Macrae S.;  Marchant R.;  Marston J.M.;  McClure S.;  McCoy M.D.;  Miller A.V.;  Morrison M.;  Matuzeviciute G.M.;  Müller J.;  Nayak A.;  Noerwidi S.;  Peres T.M.;  Peterson C.E.;  Proctor L.;  Randall A.R.;  Renette S.;  Schug G.R.;  Ryzewski K.;  Saini R.;  Scheinsohn V.;  Schmidt P.;  Sebillaud P.;  Simpson I.A.;  Seitsonen O.;  Speakman R.J.;  Spengler R.N.;  Steffen M.L.;  Storozum M.J.;  Strickland K.M.;  Thompson J.;  Thurston T.L.;  Ulm S.;  Ustunkaya M.C.;  Welker M.H.;  West C.;  Williams P.R.;  Wright D.K.;  Wright N.;  Zahir M.;  Zerboni A.;  Beaudoin E.;  Garcia S.M.;  Powell J.;  Thornton A.;  Kaplan J.O.;  Gaillard M.-J.;  Goldewijk K.K.;  Ellis E.;  ArchaeoGLOBE Project
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Modeling spatial climate change landuse adaptation with multi-objective genetic algorithms to improve resilience for rice yield and species richness and to mitigate disaster risk 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2019, 卷号: 14, 期号: 2
作者:  Yoon E.J.;  Thorne J.H.;  Park C.;  Lee D.K.;  Kim K.S.;  Yoon H.;  Seo C.;  Lim C.-H.;  Kim H.;  Song Y.-I.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08