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Influence of vegetation on occurrence and time distributions of regional new aerosol particle formation and growth 期刊论文
作者:  Salma I.;  Thén W.;  Aalto P.;  Kerminen V.-M.;  Kern A.;  Barcza Z.;  Petäjä T.;  Kulmala M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:218/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Middle Bronze Age humidity and temperature variations, and societal changes in East-Central Europe 期刊论文
QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 2019, 卷号: 504, 页码: 80-95
作者:  Demeny, A.;  Kern, Z.;  Czuppon, Gy;  Nemeth, A.;  Scholl-Barna, G.;  Siklosy, Z.;  Leel-Ossy, Sz;  Cook, G.;  Serlegi, G.;  Bajnoczi, B.;  Sumegi, P.;  Kiraly, A.;  Kiss, V;  Kulcsar, G.;  Bondar, M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
Middle Bronze Age  Humidity  Speleothem  Stable isotope compositions  Archaeology  
Volcanic mega-eruptions may trigger major cholera outbreaks 期刊论文
Climate Research, 2019, 卷号: 79, 期号: 2
作者:  Pinke Z.;  Pow S.;  Kern Z.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:56/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change since the last glacial 期刊论文
Climate of the Past, 2019, 卷号: 15, 期号: 4
作者:  Comas-Bru L.;  Harrison S.P.;  Werner M.;  Rehfeld K.;  Scroxton N.;  Veiga-Pires C.;  Ahmad S.M.;  Brahim Y.A.;  Mozhdehi S.A.;  Arienzo M.;  Atsawawaranunt K.;  Baker A.;  Braun K.;  Breitenbach S.;  Burstyn Y.;  Chawchai S.;  Columbu A.;  Deininger M.;  Demény A.;  Dixon B.;  Hatvani I.G.;  Hu J.;  Kaushal N.;  Kern Z.;  Labuhn I.;  Lachniet M.S.;  Lechleitner F.A.;  Lorrey A.;  Markowska M.;  Nehme C.;  Novello V.F.;  Oster J.;  Pérez-Mejías C.;  Pickering R.;  Sekhon N.;  Wang X.;  Warken S.;  Atkinson T.;  Ayalon A.;  Baldini J.;  Bar-Matthews M.;  Bernal J.P.;  Boch R.;  Borsato A.;  Boyd M.;  Brierley C.;  Cai Y.;  Carolin S.;  Cheng H.;  Constantin S.;  Couchoud I.;  Cruz F.;  Denniston R.;  Dragusin V.;  Duan W.;  Ersek V.;  Finné M.;  Fleitmann D.;  Fohlmeister J.;  Frappier A.;  Genty D.;  Holzkämper S.;  Hopley P.;  Johnston V.;  Kathayat G.;  Keenan-Jones D.;  Koltai G.;  Li T.-Y.;  Lone M.A.;  Luetscher M.;  Mattey D.;  Moreno A.;  Moseley G.;  Psomiadis D.;  Ruan J.;  Scholz D.;  Sha L.;  Smith A.C.;  Strikis N.;  Treble P.;  Ünal-Imer E.;  Vaks A.;  Vansteenberge S.;  Voarintsoa N.R.G.;  Wong C.;  Wortham B.;  Wurtzel J.;  Zhang H.;  SISAL working group members
收藏  |  浏览/下载:44/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Essential gaps and uncertainties in the understanding of the roles and functions of Arctic sea ice 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2019, 卷号: 14, 期号: 4
作者:  Gerland S.;  Barber D.;  Meier W.;  Mundy C.J.;  Holland M.;  Kern S.;  Li Z.;  Michel C.;  Perovich D.K.;  Tamura T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2017, 卷号: 20, 期号: 12
作者:  Wilcox K.R.;  Tredennick A.T.;  Koerner S.E.;  Grman E.;  Hallett L.M.;  Avolio M.L.;  La Pierre K.J.;  Houseman G.R.;  Isbell F.;  Johnson D.S.;  Alatalo J.M.;  Baldwin A.H.;  Bork E.W.;  Boughton E.H.;  Bowman W.D.;  Britton A.J.;  Cahill J.F.;  Jr.;  Collins S.L.;  Du G.;  Eskelinen A.;  Gough L.;  Jentsch A.;  Kern C.;  Klanderud K.;  Knapp A.K.;  Kreyling J.;  Luo Y.;  McLaren J.R.;  Megonigal P.;  Onipchenko V.;  Prevéy J.;  Price J.N.;  Robinson C.H.;  Sala O.E.;  Smith M.D.;  Soudzilovskaia N.A.;  Souza L.;  Tilman D.;  White S.R.;  Xu Z.;  Yahdjian L.;  Yu Q.;  Zhang P.;  Zhang Y.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:51/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/12