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Echeveria Leaf Morpho-Anatomical Analysis and Its Implications for Environmental Stress Conditions 期刊论文
HORTICULTURAE, 2024, 卷号: 10, 期号: 4
作者:  Tran, My Khanh Thi Ha;  Cabahug-Braza, Raisa Aone M.;  Hwang, Yoon-Jung
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Robust but weak winter atmospheric circulation response to future Arctic sea ice loss 期刊论文
Nature communications, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1
作者:  Smith D.M.;  Eade R.;  Andrews M.B.;  Ayres H.;  Clark A.;  Chripko S.;  Deser C.;  Dunstone N.J.;  García-Serrano J.;  Gastineau G.;  Graff L.S.;  Hardiman S.C.;  He B.;  Hermanson L.;  Jung T.;  Knight J.;  Levine X.;  Magnusdottir G.;  Manzini E.;  Matei D.;  Mori M.;  Msadek R.;  Ortega P.;  Peings Y.;  Scaife A.A.;  Screen J.A.;  Seabrook M.;  Semmler T.;  Sigmond M.;  Streffing J.;  Sun L.;  Walsh A.
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Quantifying Earth system interactions for sustainable food production via expert elicitation 期刊论文
NATURE SUSTAINABILITY, 2022, 卷号: 5, 期号: 10, 页码: 13
作者:  Chrysafi, Anna;  Virkki, Vili;  Jalava, Mika;  Sandstrom, Vilma;  Piipponen, Johannes;  Porkka, Miina;  Lade, Steven J.;  La Mere, Kelsey;  Wang-Erlandsson, Lan;  Scherer, Laura;  Andersen, Lauren S.;  Bennett, Elena;  Brauman, Kate A.;  Cooper, Gregory S.;  De Palma, Adriana;  Doell, Petra;  Downing, Andrea S.;  DuBois, Timothy C.;  Fetzer, Ingo;  Fulton, Elizabeth A.;  Gerten, Dieter;  Jaafar, Hadi;  Jaegermeyr, Jonas;  Jaramillo, Fernando;  Jung, Martin;  Kahiluoto, Helena;  Lassaletta, Luis;  Mackay, Anson W.;  Mason-D'Croz, Daniel;  Mekonnen, Mesfin M.;  Nash, Kirsty L.;  Pastor, Amandine, V;  Ramankutty, Navin;  Ridoutt, Brad;  Siebert, Stefan;  Simmons, Benno, I;  Staal, Arie;  Sun, Zhongxiao;  Tobian, Arne;  Usubiaga-Liano, Arkaitz;  van der Ent, Ruud J.;  van Soesbergen, Arnout;  Verburg, Peter H.;  Wada, Yoshihide;  Zipper, Sam;  Kummu, Matti
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Landscape management strategies for multifunctionality and social equity 期刊论文
作者:  Neyret, Margot;  Peter, Sophie;  Le Provost, Gaetane;  Boch, Steffen;  Boesing, Andrea Larissa;  Bullock, James M.;  Hoelzel, Norbert;  Klaus, Valentin H.;  Kleinebecker, Till;  Krauss, Jochen;  Mueller, Joerg;  Mueller, Sandra;  Ammer, Christian;  Buscot, Francois;  Ehbrecht, Martin;  Fischer, Markus;  Goldmann, Kezia;  Jung, Kirsten;  Mehring, Marion;  Mueller, Thomas;  Renner, Swen C.;  Schall, Peter;  Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael;  Westphal, Catrin;  Wubet, Tesfaye;  Manning, Peter
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Characteristics of HONO and its impact on O3 formation in the Seoul Metropolitan Area during the Korea-US Air Quality study 期刊论文
作者:  Gil J.;  Kim J.;  Lee M.;  Lee G.;  Ahn J.;  Lee D.S.;  Jung J.;  Cho S.;  Whitehill A.;  Szykman J.;  Lee J.
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Artificial neural network  F0AM  Formation mechansim  HONO  QC-TILDAS  
Impairment of the neurotrophic signaling hub B-Raf contributes to motoneuron degeneration in spinal muscular atrophy 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 18
作者:  Hensel N.;  Cieri F.;  Santonicola P.;  Tapken I.;  Schüning T.;  Taiana M.;  Pagliari E.;  Joseph A.;  Fischer S.;  Heidrich N.;  Brinkmann H.;  Kubinski S.;  Bergmann A.K.;  Richter M.F.;  Jung K.;  Corti S.;  Di Schiavi E.;  Claus P.
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Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  Le Provost G.;  Thiele J.;  Westphal C.;  Penone C.;  Allan E.;  Neyret M.;  van der Plas F.;  Ayasse M.;  Bardgett R.D.;  Birkhofer K.;  Boch S.;  Bonkowski M.;  Buscot F.;  Feldhaar H.;  Gaulton R.;  Goldmann K.;  Gossner M.M.;  Klaus V.H.;  Kleinebecker T.;  Krauss J.;  Renner S.;  Scherreiks P.;  Sikorski J.;  Baulechner D.;  Blüthgen N.;  Bolliger R.;  Börschig C.;  Busch V.;  Chisté M.;  Fiore-Donno A.M.;  Fischer M.;  Arndt H.;  Hoelzel N.;  John K.;  Jung K.;  Lange M.;  Marzini C.;  Overmann J.;  Paŝalić E.;  Perović D.J.;  Prati D.;  Schäfer D.;  Schöning I.;  Schrumpf M.;  Sonnemann I.;  Steffan-Dewenter I.;  Tschapka M.;  Türke M.;  Vogt J.;  Wehner K.;  Weiner C.;  Weisser W.;  Wells K.;  Werner M.;  Wolters V.;  Wubet T.;  Wurst S.;  Zaitsev A.S.;  Manning P.
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Midlatitude mixed-phase stratocumulus clouds and their interactions with aerosols: how ice processes affect microphysical, dynamic, and thermodynamic development in those clouds and interactions? 期刊论文
作者:  Lee S.S.;  Ha K.-J.;  Manoj M.G.;  Kamruzzaman M.;  Kim H.;  Utsumi N.;  Zheng Y.;  Kim B.-G.;  Jung C.H.;  Um J.;  Guo J.;  Choi K.O.;  Kim G.-U.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and water 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 11
作者:  Jung M.;  Arnell A.;  de Lamo X.;  García-Rangel S.;  Lewis M.;  Mark J.;  Merow C.;  Miles L.;  Ondo I.;  Pironon S.;  Ravilious C.;  Rivers M.;  Schepaschenko D.;  Tallowin O.;  van Soesbergen A.;  Govaerts R.;  Boyle B.L.;  Enquist B.J.;  Feng X.;  Gallagher R.;  Maitner B.;  Meiri S.;  Mulligan M.;  Ofer G.;  Roll U.;  Hanson J.O.;  Jetz W.;  Di Marco M.;  McGowan J.;  Rinnan D.S.;  Sachs J.D.;  Lesiv M.;  Adams V.M.;  Andrew S.C.;  Burger J.R.;  Hannah L.;  Marquet P.A.;  McCarthy J.K.;  Morueta-Holme N.;  Newman E.A.;  Park D.S.;  Roehrdanz P.R.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Violle C.;  Wieringa J.J.;  Wynne G.;  Fritz S.;  Strassburg B.B.N.;  Obersteiner M.;  Kapos V.;  Burgess N.;  Schmidt-Traub G.;  Visconti P.
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Author Correction: Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and water (Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2021), 5, 11, (1499-1509), 10.1038/s41559-021-01528-7) 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 11
作者:  Jung M.;  Arnell A.;  de Lamo X.;  García-Rangel S.;  Lewis M.;  Mark J.;  Merow C.;  Miles L.;  Ondo I.;  Pironon S.;  Ravilious C.;  Rivers M.;  Schepaschenko D.;  Tallowin O.;  van Soesbergen A.;  Govaerts R.;  Boyle B.L.;  Enquist B.J.;  Feng X.;  Gallagher R.;  Maitner B.;  Meiri S.;  Mulligan M.;  Ofer G.;  Roll U.;  Hanson J.O.;  Jetz W.;  Di Marco M.;  McGowan J.;  Rinnan D.S.;  Sachs J.D.;  Lesiv M.;  Adams V.M.;  Andrew S.C.;  Burger J.R.;  Hannah L.;  Marquet P.A.;  McCarthy J.K.;  Morueta-Holme N.;  Newman E.A.;  Park D.S.;  Roehrdanz P.R.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Violle C.;  Wieringa J.J.;  Wynne G.;  Fritz S.;  Strassburg B.B.N.;  Obersteiner M.;  Kapos V.;  Burgess N.;  Schmidt-Traub G.;  Visconti P.
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