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Perception of Locals on Multiple Contributions of NTFPs to the Livelihoods of Forest Fringe Communities in Ghana 期刊论文
FORESTS, 2024, 卷号: 15, 期号: 5
作者:  Asamoah, Obed;  Danquah, Jones Abrefa;  Bamwesigye, Dastan;  Boakye, Emmanuel Amoah;  Appiah, Mark;  Pappinen, Ari
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Persistent net release of carbon dioxide and methane from an Alaskan lowland boreal peatland complex 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2024, 卷号: 30, 期号: 1
作者:  Euskirchen, Eugenie S.;  Edgar, Colin W.;  Kane, Evan S.;  Waldrop, Mark P.;  Neumann, Rebecca B.;  Manies, Kristen L.;  Douglas, Thomas A.;  Dieleman, Catherine;  Jones, Miriam C.;  Turetsky, Merritt R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Regional implementation of coastal erosion hazard zones for archaeological applications 期刊论文
作者:  Jones, Benjamin D.;  Collings, Ben;  Dickson, Mark E.;  Ford, Murray;  Hikuroa, Daniel;  Bickler, Simon H.;  Ryan, Emma
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Assimilation of S5P/TROPOMI carbon monoxide data with the global CAMS near-real-time system 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 21, 页码: 22
作者:  Inness, Antje;  Aben, Ilse;  Ades, Melanie;  Borsdorff, Tobias;  Flemming, Johannes;  Jones, Luke;  Landgraf, Jochen;  Langerock, Bavo;  Nedelec, Philippe;  Parrington, Mark;  Ribas, Roberto
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Asymmetric emergence of low-to-no snow in the midlatitudes of the American Cordillera 期刊论文
NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 2022, 卷号: 12, 期号: 12, 页码: 12
作者:  Rhoades, Alan M.;  Hatchett, Benjamin J.;  Risser, Mark D.;  Collins, William D.;  Bambach, Nicolas E.;  Huning, Laurie S.;  McCrary, Rachel;  Siirila-Woodburn, Erica R.;  Ullrich, Paul A.;  Wehner, Michael F.;  Zarzycki, Colin M.;  Jones, Andrew D.
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Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 370, 期号: 6517
作者:  Davidson S.C.;  Bohrer G.;  Gurarie E.;  LaPoint S.;  Mahoney P.J.;  Boelman N.T.;  Eitel J.U.H.;  Prugh L.R.;  Vierling L.A.;  Jennewein J.;  Grier E.;  Couriot O.;  Kelly A.P.;  Meddens A.J.H.;  Oliver R.Y.;  Kays R.;  Wikelski M.;  Aarvak T.;  Ackerman J.T.;  Alves J.A.;  Bayne E.;  Bedrosian B.;  Belant J.L.;  Berdahl A.M.;  Berlin A.M.;  Berteaux D.;  Bêty J.;  Boiko D.;  Booms T.L.;  Borg B.L.;  Boutin S.;  Sean Boyd W.;  Brides K.;  Brown S.;  Bulyuk V.N.;  Burnham K.K.;  Cabot D.;  Casazza M.;  Christie K.;  Craig E.H.;  Davis S.E.;  Davison T.;  Demma D.;  DeSorbo C.R.;  Dixon A.;  Domenech R.;  Eichhorn G.;  Elliott K.;  Evenson J.R.;  Exo K.-M.;  Ferguson S.H.;  Fiedler W.;  Fisk A.;  Fort J.;  Franke A.;  Fuller M.R.;  Garthe S.;  Gauthier G.;  Gilchrist G.;  Glazov P.;  Gray C.E.;  Grémillet D.;  Griffin L.;  Hallworth M.T.;  Harrison A.-L.;  Hennin H.L.;  Mark Hipfner J.;  Hodson J.;  Johnson J.A.;  Joly K.;  Jones K.;  Katzner T.E.;  Kidd J.W.;  Knight E.C.;  Kochert M.N.;  Kölzsch A.;  Kruckenberg H.;  Lagassé B.J.;  Lai S.;  Lamarre J.-F.;  Lanctot R.B.;  Larter N.C.;  Latham D.A.M.;  Latty C.J.;  Lawler J.P.;  Léandri-Breton D.-J.;  Lee H.;  Lewis S.B.;  Love O.P.;  Madsen J.;  Maftei M.;  Mallory M.L.;  Mangipane B.;  Markovets M.Y.;  Marra P.P.;  McGuire R.;  McIntyre C.L.;  McKinnon E.A.;  Miller T.A.;  Moonen S.;  Mu T.;  Müskens G.J.D.M.;  Ng J.;  Nicholson K.L.;  Øien I.J.;  Overton C.;  Owen P.A.;  Patterson A.;  Petersen A.;  Pokrovsky I.;  Powell L.L.;  Prieto R.;  Quillfeldt P.;  Rausch J.;  Russell K.;  Saalfeld S.T.;  Schekkerman H.;  Schmutz J.A.;  Schwemmer P.;  Seip D.R.;  Shreading A.;  Silva M.A.;  Smith B.W.;  Smith F.;  Smith J.P.;  Snell K.R.S.;  Sokolov A.;  Sokolov V.;  Solovyeva D.V.;  Sorum M.S.;  Tertitski G.;  Therrien J.F.;  Thorup K.;  Lee Tibbitts T.;  Tulp I.;  Uher-Koch B.D.;  van Bemmelen R.S.A.;  van Wilgenburg S.;  von Duyke A.L.;  Watson J.L.;  Watts B.D.;  Williams J.A.;  Wilson M.T.;  Wright J.R.;  Yates M.A.;  Yurkowski D.J.;  Žydelis R.;  Hebblewhite M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement 期刊论文
作者:  Nightingale, Andrea Joslyn;  Eriksen, Siri;  Taylor, Marcus;  Forsyth, Timothy;  Pelling, Mark;  Newsham, Andrew;  Boyd, Emily;  Brown, Katrina;  Harvey, Blane;  Jones, Lindsey;  Kerr, Rachel Bezner;  Mehta, Lyla;  Naess, Lars Otto;  Ockwell, David;  Scoones, Ian;  Tanner, Thomas;  Whit
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
climate change  climate science  knowledge  plural ontologies  politics of adaptation  co-production  climate justice  
Land Change Modelling to Inform Strategic Decisions on Forest Cover and CO2 Emissions in Eastern Madagascar 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, 2019, 卷号: 46, 期号: 1, 页码: 25-33
作者:  Hewson, Jennifer;  Razafimanahaka, Julie Hanta;  Wright, Timothy Max;  Mandimbiniaina, Rina;  Mulligan, Mark;  Jones, Julia P. G.;  Van Soesbergen, Arnout;  Andriamananjara, Andry;  Tabor, Karyn;  Rasolohery, Andriambolantsoa;  Razakamanarivo, Herintsitohaina;  Razafindrakoto,
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Madagascar  Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor  land change modelling  deforestation  policy scenarios  rural livelihoods  REDD  carbon dioxide emissions  aboveground biomass  
Developing a decision-support process for landscape conservation design 科技报告
报告编号: 70204613, , 2019
作者:  Bonnot, Thomas W.;  Jones-Farrand, D. Todd;  Thompson III, Frank R.;  Millspaugh, Joshua J.;  Fitzgerald, Jane A.;  Muenks, Nate;  Hanberry, Phillip;  Stroh, Esther;  Heggemann, Larry;  Fowler, Allison;  Howery, Mark;  Hammond, Shea;  Evans, Kristine
收藏  |  浏览/下载:72/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/06
Astronomical pacing of relative sea level during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: Preliminary studies of the expanded SH#1 Core, Utah, USA 期刊论文
GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, 2019, 卷号: 131, 期号: 9-10, 页码: 1702-1722
作者:  Jones, Matthew M.;  Sageman, Bradley B.;  Oakes, Rosie L.;  Parker, Amanda L.;  Leckie, R. Mark;  Bralower, Timothy J.;  Sepulveda, Julio;  Fortiz, Victoria
收藏  |  浏览/下载:43/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07