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Estimates of long-term mean daily streamflow and annual nutrient and suspended-sediment loads considered for use in regional SPARROW models of the Conterminous United States, 2012 base year 科技报告
报告编号: 70204349, , 2019
作者:  Saad, David A.;  Schwarz, Gregory E.;  Argue, Denise M.;  Anning, David W.;  Ator, Scott A.;  Hoos, Anne B.;  Preston, Stephen D.;  Robertson, Dale M.;  Wise, Daniel
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Stage-discharge relations and annual nitrogen and phosphorus load estimates for stream sites in the Elk River Basin, 2006–2008 科技报告
报告编号: 70176092, 页数: 20, 2016
作者:  Hoos, Anne B.;  Williams, Shannon D.;  Wolfe, William J.
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