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15 priorities for wind-waves research: An Australian perspective 期刊论文
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2020, 卷号: 101, 期号: 4
作者:  Greenslade D.;  Hemer M.;  Babanin A.;  Lowe R.;  Turner I.;  Power H.;  Young I.;  Ierodiaconou D.;  Hibbert G.;  Williams G.;  Aijaz S.;  Albuquerque J.;  Allen S.;  Banner M.;  Branson P.;  Buchan S.;  Burton A.;  Bye J.;  Cartwright N.;  Chabchoub A.;  Colberg F.;  Contardo S.;  Dufois F.;  Earl-Spurr C.;  Farr D.;  Goodwin I.;  Gunson J.;  Hansen J.;  Hanslow D.;  Harley M.;  Hetzel Y.;  Hoeke R.;  Jones N.;  Kinsela M.;  Liu Q.;  Makarynskyy O.;  Marcollo H.;  Mazaheri S.;  McConochie J.;  Millar G.;  Moltmann T.;  Moodie N.;  Morim J.;  Morison R.;  Orszaghova J.;  Pattiaratchi C.;  Pomeroy A.;  Proctor R.;  Provis D.;  Reef R.;  Rijnsdorp D.;  Rutherford M.;  Schulz E.;  Shayer J.;  Splinter K.;  Steinberg C.;  Strauss D.;  Stuart G.;  Symonds G.;  Tarbath K.;  Taylor D.;  Taylor J.;  Thotagamuwage D.;  Toffoli A.;  Valizadeh A.;  Van Hazel J.;  Da Silva G.V.;  Wandres M.;  Whittaker C.;  Williams D.;  Winter G.;  Xu J.;  Zhong A.;  Zieger S.
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Tectonic summaries of magnitude 7 and greater earthquakes from 2000 to 2015 科技报告
报告编号: 70178188, , 2017
作者:  Hayes, Gavin P.;  Meyers, Emma K.;  Dewey, James W.;  Briggs, Richard W.;  Earle, Paul S.;  Benz, Harley M.;  Smoczyk, Gregory M.;  Flamme, Hanna E.;  Barnhart, William D.;  Gold, Ryan D.;  Furlong, Kevin P.
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Hydra—The National Earthquake Information Center’s 24/7 seismic monitoring, analysis, catalog production, quality analysis, and special studies tool suite 科技报告
报告编号: 70175271, , 2016
作者:  Patton, John M.;  Guy, Michelle R.;  Benz, Harley M.;  Buland, Raymond P.;  Erickson, Brian K.;  Kragness, David S.
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Ecosystem-scale volatile organic compound fluxes during an extreme drought in a broadleaf temperate forest of the Missouri Ozarks (central USA) 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 21, 期号: 10, 页码: 3657-3674
作者:  Seco, Roger;  Karl, Thomas;  Guenther, Alex;  Hosman, Kevin P.;  Pallardy, Stephen G.;  Gu, Lianhong;  Geron, Chris;  Harley, Peter;  Kim, Saewung
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Emissions of organic carbon and methane from petroleum and dairy operations in California's San Joaquin Valley 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2014, 卷号: 14, 期号: 10, 页码: 4955-4978
作者:  Gentner, D. R.;  Ford, T. B.;  Guha, A.;  Boulanger, K.;  Brioude, J.;  Angevine, W. M.;  de Gouw, J. A.;  Warneke, C.;  Gilman, J. B.;  Ryerson, T. B.;  Peischl, J.;  Meinardi, S.;  Blake, D. R.;  Atlas, E.;  Lonneman, W. A.;  Kleindienst, T. E.;  Beaver, M. R.;  St Clair, J. M.;  Wennberg, P. O.;  VandenBoer, T. C.;  Markovic, M. Z.;  Murphy, J. G.;  Harley, R. A.;  Goldstein, A. H.
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Overview of the Manitou Experimental Forest Observatory: site description and selected science results from 2008 to 2013 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2014, 卷号: 14, 期号: 12, 页码: 6345-6367
作者:  Ortega, J.;  Turnipseed, A.;  Guenther, A. B.;  Karl, T. G.;  Day, D. A.;  Gochis, D.;  Huffman, J. A.;  Prenni, A. J.;  Levin, E. J. T.;  Kreidenweis, S. M.;  DeMott, P. J.;  Tobo, Y.;  Patton, E. G.;  Hodzic, A.;  Cui, Y. Y.;  Harley, P. C.;  Hornbrook, R. S.;  Apel, E. C.;  Monson, R. K.;  Eller, A. S. D.;  Greenberg, J. P.;  Barth, M. C.;  Campuzano-Jost, P.;  Palm, B. B.;  Jimenez, J. L.;  Aiken, A. C.;  Dubey, M. K.;  Geron, C.;  Offenberg, J.;  Ryan, M. G.;  Fornwalt, P. J.;  Pryor, S. C.;  Keutsch, F. N.;  DiGangi, J. P.;  Chan, A. W. H.;  Goldstein, A. H.;  Wolfe, G. M.;  Kim, S.;  Kaser, L.;  Schnitzhofer, R.;  Hansel, A.;  Cantrell, C. A.;  Mauldin, R. L.;  Smith, J. N.
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Intensive measurements of gas, water, and energy exchange between vegetation and troposphere during the MONTES campaign in a vegetation gradient from short semi-desertic shrublands to tall wet temperate forests in the NW Mediterranean Basin 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2013, 卷号: 75, 页码: 348-364
作者:  Penuelas, J.;  Guenther, A.;  Rapparini, F.;  Llusia, J.;  Filella, I.;  Seco, R.;  Estiarte, M.;  Mejia-Chang, M.;  Ogaya, R.;  Ibanez, J.;  Sardans, J.;  Castano, L. M.;  Turnipseed, A.;  Duhl, T.;  Harley, P.;  Vila, J.;  Estavillo, J. M.;  Menendez, S.;  Facini, O.;  Baraldi, R.;  Geron, C.;  Mak, J.;  Patton, E. G.;  Jiang, X.;  Greenberg, J.
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Efficient atmospheric cleansing of oxidized organic trace gases by vegetation 期刊论文
Science, 2010, 卷号: 330, 期号: 6005
作者:  Karl T.;  Harley P.;  Emmons L.;  Thornton B.;  Guenther A.;  Basu C.;  Turnipseed A.;  Jardine K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14