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The 2021 room-temperature superconductivity roadmap 期刊论文
作者:  Lilia, Boeri;  Hennig, Richard;  Hirschfeld, Peter;  Profeta, Gianni;  Sanna, Antonio;  Zurek, Eva;  Pickett, Warren E.;  Amsler, Maximilian;  Dias, Ranga;  Eremets, Mikhail, I;  Heil, Christoph;  Hemley, Russell J.;  Liu, Hanyu;  Ma, Yanming;  Pierleoni, Carlo;  Kolmogorov, Aleksey N.;  Rybin, Nikita;  Novoselov, Dmitry;  Anisimov, Vladimir;  Oganov, Artem R.;  Pickard, Chris J.;  Bi, Tiange;  Arita, Ryotaro;  Errea, Ion;  Pellegrini, Camilla;  Requist, Ryan;  Gross, E. K. U.;  Margine, Elena Roxana;  Xie, Stephen R.;  Quan, Yundi;  Hire, Ajinkya;  Fanfarillo, Laura;  Stewart, G. R.;  Hamlin, J. J.;  Stanev, Valentin;  Gonnelli, Renato S.;  Piatti, Erik;  Romanin, Davide;  Daghero, Dario;  Valenti, Roser
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2024/01/31
Unveiling ecological assembly rules from commonalities in trait distributions 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2021, 卷号: 24, 期号: 8
作者:  Gross N.;  Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y.;  Liancourt P.;  Saiz H.;  Violle C.;  Munoz F.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:44/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
community assembly rules  dispersal  environmental filtering  functional diversity  niche differentiation  skewness–kurtosis relationship  stochasticity  trait distributions  
Geomorphological impact of Hurricane Irma on Marco Island, Southwest Florida 期刊论文
Natural Hazards, 2021, 卷号: 106, 期号: 1
作者:  Harvey N.;  Gross A.;  Jose F.;  Savarese M.;  Missimer T.M.
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Hurricane irma  Marco island  Overwash deposit  Shoreline morphology  Storm impacts  Tigertail  
Functional rarity and evenness are key facets of biodiversity to boost multifunctionality 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 7
作者:  Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y.;  Gross N.;  Saiz H.;  Maestre F.T.;  Ruiz S.;  Dacal M.;  Asensio S.;  Ochoa V.;  Gozalo B.;  Cornelissen J.H.C.;  Deschamps L.;  García C.;  Maire V.;  Milla R.;  Salinas N.;  Wang J.;  Singh B.K.;  García-Palacios P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:50/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Twenty years of ground-based NDACC FTIR spectrometry at Izaña Observatory-overview and long-term comparison to other techniques 期刊论文
作者:  García O.E.;  Schneider M.;  Sepúlveda E.;  Hase F.;  Blumenstock T.;  Cuevas E.;  Ramos R.;  Gross J.;  Barthlott S.;  Röhling A.N.;  Sanromá E.;  González Y.;  Gómez-Peláez A.J.;  Navarro-Comas M.;  Puentedura O.;  Yela M.;  Redondas A.;  Carreño V.;  León-Luis S.F.;  Reyes E.;  García R.D.;  Rivas P.P.;  Romero-Campos P.M.;  Torres C.;  Prats N.;  Hernández M.;  López C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:52/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Maintaining momentum for collaborative working groups in a post-pandemic world 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 9
作者:  Srivastava D.S.;  Winter M.;  Gross L.J.;  Metzger J.P.;  Baron J.S.;  Mouquet N.;  Meagher T.R.;  Halpern B.S.;  Pillar V.D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13
Natural cystatin C fragments inhibit GPR15-mediated HIV and SIV infection without interfering with GPR15L signaling 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 3
作者:  Hayn M.;  Blötz A.;  Rodríguez A.;  Vidal S.;  Preising N.;  Ständker L.;  Wiese S.;  Stürzel C.M.;  Harms M.;  Gross R.;  Jung C.;  Kiene M.;  Jacob T.;  Pöhlmann S.;  Forssmann W.-G.;  Münch J.;  Sparrer K.M.J.;  Seuwen K.;  Hahn B.H.;  Kirchhoff F.
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Sunlight exposure exerts immunomodulatory effects to reduce multiple sclerosis severity 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 1
作者:  Ostkamp P.;  Salmen A.;  Pignolet B.;  Görlich D.;  Andlauer T.F.M.;  Schulte-Mecklenbeck A.;  Gonzalez-Escamilla G.;  Bucciarelli F.;  Gennero I.;  Breuer J.;  Antony G.;  Schneider-Hohendorf T.;  Mykicki N.;  Bayas A.;  Bergh F.T.;  Bittner S.;  Hartung H.-P.;  Friese M.A.;  Linker R.A.;  Luessi F.;  Lehmann-Horn K.;  Mühlau M.;  Paul F.;  Stangel M.;  Tackenberg B.;  Tumani H.;  Warnke C.;  Weber F.;  Wildemann B.;  Zettl U.K.;  Ziemann U.;  Müller-Myhsok B.;  Kümpfel T.;  Klotz L.;  Meuth S.G.;  Zipp F.;  Hemmer B.;  Hohlfeld R.;  Brassat D.;  Gold R.;  Gross C.C.;  Lukas C.;  Groppa S.;  Loser K.;  Wiendl H.;  Schwab N.
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Global ecosystem thresholds driven by aridity 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 367, 期号: 6479
作者:  Berdugo M.;  Delgado-Baquerizo M.;  Soliveres S.;  Hernández-Clemente R.;  Zhao Y.;  Gaitán J.J.;  Gross N.;  Saiz H.;  Maire V.;  Lehman A.;  Rillig M.C.;  Solé R.V.;  Maestre F.T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
The Earth has humans; so why don’t our climate models? 期刊论文
Climatic Change, 2020
作者:  Beckage B.;  Lacasse K.;  Winter J.M.;  Gross L.J.;  Fefferman N.;  Hoffman F.M.;  Metcalf S.S.;  Franck T.;  Carr E.;  Zia A.;  Kinzig A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:74/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23