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Behavioural responses of Sandwich terns following the construction of offshore wind farms 期刊论文
MARINE BIOLOGY, 2024, 卷号: 171, 期号: 2
作者:  Thaxter, Chris B.;  Green, Ros M. W.;  Collier, Mark P.;  Taylor, Rachel C.;  Middelveld, Robert P.;  Scragg, Emily S.;  Wright, Lucy J.;  Cook, Aonghais S. C. P.;  Fijn, Ruben C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Trait-based indicators of resource selection by albacore tuna in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem 期刊论文
作者:  Gleiber, Miram R.;  Hardy, Natasha A.;  Morganson, Caitlin J.;  Nickels, Catherine F.;  Muhling, Barbara A.;  Portner, Elan J.;  Wells, Brian K.;  Brodeur, Richard D.;  Auth, Toby D.;  Santora, Jarrod A.;  Glaser, Sarah M.;  Madigan, Daniel J.;  Hazen, Elliott L.;  Crowder, Larry B.;  Green, Stephanie J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Short-term changes in mental health help-seeking behaviors following exposure to multiple social stressors and a natural disaster 期刊论文
作者:  Ryan, Sophia C.;  Sugg, Margaret M.;  Runkle, Jennifer D.;  Wertis, Luke;  Singh, Devyani;  Green, Shannon
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Safe and just Earth system boundaries 期刊论文
NATURE, 2023, 卷号: 619, 期号: 7968
作者:  Rockstroem, Johan;  Gupta, Joyeeta;  Qin, Dahe;  Lade, Steven J.;  Abrams, Jesse F.;  Andersen, Lauren S.;  Armstrong McKay, David I.;  Bai, Xuemei;  Bala, Govindasamy;  Bunn, Stuart E.;  Ciobanu, Daniel;  DeClerck, Fabrice;  Ebi, Kristie;  Gifford, Lauren;  Gordon, Christopher;  Hasan, Syezlin;  Kanie, Norichika;  Lenton, Timothy M.;  Loriani, Sina;  Liverman, Diana M.;  Mohamed, Awaz;  Nakicenovic, Nebojsa;  Obura, David;  Ospina, Daniel;  Prodani, Klaudia;  Rammelt, Crelis;  Sakschewski, Boris;  Scholtens, Joeri;  Stewart-Koster, Ben;  Tharammal, Thejna;  van Vuuren, Detlef;  Verburg, Peter H.;  Winkelmann, Ricarda;  Zimm, Caroline;  Bennett, Elena M.;  Bringezu, Stefan;  Broadgate, Wendy;  Green, Pamela A.;  Huang, Lei;  Jacobson, Lisa;  Ndehedehe, Christopher;  Pedde, Simona;  Rocha, Juan;  Scheffer, Marten;  Schulte-Uebbing, Lena;  de Vries, Wim;  Xiao, Cunde;  Xu, Chi;  Xu, Xinwu;  Zafra-Calvo, Noelia;  Zhang, Xin
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Stormier mid-Holocene southwest Indian Ocean due to poleward trending tropical cyclones 期刊论文
Nature Geoscience, 2022, 卷号: 15, 期号: 1
作者:  Green A.N.;  Cooper J.A.G.;  Loureiro C.;  Dixon S.;  Hahn A.;  Zabel M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:56/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations 期刊论文
Global Environmental Change, 2022, 卷号: 72
作者:  Chambers J.M.;  Wyborn C.;  Klenk N.L.;  Ryan M.;  Serban A.;  Bennett N.J.;  Brennan R.;  Charli-Joseph L.;  Fernández-Giménez M.E.;  Galvin K.A.;  Goldstein B.E.;  Haller T.;  Hill R.;  Munera C.;  Nel J.L.;  Österblom H.;  Reid R.S.;  Riechers M.;  Spierenburg M.;  Tengö M.;  Bennett E.;  Brandeis A.;  Chatterton P.;  Cockburn J.J.;  Cvitanovic C.;  Dumrongrojwatthana P.;  Paz Durán A.;  Gerber J.-D.;  Green J.M.H.;  Gruby R.;  Guerrero A.M.;  Horcea-Milcu A.-I.;  Montana J.;  Steyaert P.;  Zaehringer J.G.;  Bednarek A.T.;  Curran K.;  Fada S.J.;  Hutton J.;  Leimona B.;  Pickering T.;  Rondeau R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:53/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Co-production  Impact  Power relations  Social-ecological relations  Tensions  Transformative processes  
Biological trade-offs underpin coral reef ecosystem functioning 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2022
作者:  Schiettekatte N.M.D.;  Brandl S.J.;  Casey J.M.;  Graham N.A.J.;  Barneche D.R.;  Burkepile D.E.;  Allgeier J.E.;  Arias-Gonzaléz J.E.;  Edgar G.J.;  Ferreira C.E.L.;  Floeter S.R.;  Friedlander A.M.;  Green A.L.;  Kulbicki M.;  Letourneur Y.;  Luiz O.J.;  Mercière A.;  Morat F.;  Munsterman K.S.;  Rezende E.L.;  Rodríguez‐Zaragoza F.A.;  Stuart-Smith R.D.;  Vigliola L.;  Villéger S.;  Parravicini V.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:46/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13
Serpentinization, Carbonation, and Metasomatism of Ultramafic Sequences in the Northern Apennine Ophiolite (NW Italy) 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 卷号: 126, 期号: 5
作者:  Schwarzenbach E.M.;  Vogel M.;  Früh-Green G.L.;  Boschi C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2021/07/19
Identifying and modelling fugitive nickel dust emissions from a steelworks site in Sheffield, UK 期刊论文
作者:  Bruce J.;  Green A.;  Fowler M.;  Smith J.
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Dust  Dust modelling  Dust monitoring  Fugitive emissions  Nickel  PM10  
Six modes of co-production for sustainability 期刊论文
Nature Sustainability, 2021, 卷号: 4, 期号: 11
作者:  Chambers J.M.;  Wyborn C.;  Ryan M.E.;  Reid R.S.;  Riechers M.;  Serban A.;  Bennett N.J.;  Cvitanovic C.;  Fernández-Giménez M.E.;  Galvin K.A.;  Goldstein B.E.;  Klenk N.L.;  Tengö M.;  Brennan R.;  Cockburn J.J.;  Hill R.;  Munera C.;  Nel J.L.;  Österblom H.;  Bednarek A.T.;  Bennett E.M.;  Brandeis A.;  Charli-Joseph L.;  Chatterton P.;  Curran K.;  Dumrongrojwatthana P.;  Durán A.P.;  Fada S.J.;  Gerber J.-D.;  Green J.M.H.;  Guerrero A.M.;  Haller T.;  Horcea-Milcu A.-I.;  Leimona B.;  Montana J.;  Rondeau R.;  Spierenburg M.;  Steyaert P.;  Zaehringer J.G.;  Gruby R.;  Hutton J.;  Pickering T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:239/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18