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Climate change, human health, and resilience in the Holocene 期刊论文
作者:  Schug, Gwen Robbins;  Buikstra, Jane E.;  DeWitte, Sharon N.;  Baker, Brenda J.;  Berger, Elizabeth;  Buzon, Michele R.;  Davies-Barrett, Anna M.;  Goldstein, Lynne;  Grauer, Anne L.;  Gregoricka, Lesley A.;  Halcrow, Sian E.;  Knudson, Kelly J.;  Larsen, Clark Spencer;  Martin, Debra L.;  Nystrom, Kenneth C.;  Perry, Megan A.;  Roberts, Charlotte A.;  Santos, Ana Luisa;  Stojanowski, Christopher M.;  Suby, Jorge A.;  Temple, Daniel H.;  Tung, Tiffiny A.;  Vlok, Melandri;  Watson-Glen, Tatyana;  Zakrzewski, Sonia R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:37/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
The Earth BioGenome Project 2020: Starting the clock 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 卷号: 119, 期号: 4
作者:  Lewin H.A.;  Richards S.;  Aiden E.L.;  Allende M.L.;  Archibald J.M.;  Bálint M.;  Barker K.B.;  Baumgartner B.;  Belov K.;  Bertorelle G.;  Blaxter M.L.;  Cai J.;  Caperello N.D.;  Carlson K.;  Castilla-Rubio J.C.;  Chaw S.-M.;  Chen L.;  Childers A.K.;  Coddington J.A.;  Conde D.A.;  Corominas M.;  Crandall K.A.;  Crawford A.J.;  DiPalma F.;  Durbin R.;  Ebenezer T.E.;  Edwards S.V.;  Fedrigo O.;  Flicek P.;  Formenti G.;  Gibbs R.A.;  Gilbert M.T.;  Goldstein M.M.;  Graves J.M.;  Greely H.T.;  Grigoriev I.V.;  Hackett K.J.;  Hall N.;  Haussler D.;  Helgen K.M.;  Hogg C.J.;  Isobe S.;  Jakobsen K.S.;  Janke A.;  Jarvis E.D.;  Johnson W.E.;  Jones S.J.M.;  Karlsson E.K.;  Kersey P.J.;  Kim J.-H.;  Kress W.J.;  Kuraku S.;  Lawniczak M.K.N.;  Leebens-Mack J.H.;  Li X.;  Lindblad-Toh K.;  Lopez J.V.;  Marques-Bonet T.;  Liu X.;  Mazard S.;  Mazet J.A.K.;  Mazzoni C.J.;  Myers E.W.;  O’Neill R.J.;  Paez S.;  Park H.;  Robinson G.E.;  Roquet C.;  Ryder O.A.;  Sabir J.S.M.;  Shaffer H.B.;  Shank T.M.;  Sherkow J.S.;  Soltis P.S.;  Tang B.;  Tedersoo L.;  Uliano-Silva M.;  Wang K.;  Wei X.;  Wetzer R.;  Wilson J.L.;  Xu X.;  Yang H.;  Yoder A.D.;  Zhang G.
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Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations 期刊论文
Global Environmental Change, 2022, 卷号: 72
作者:  Chambers J.M.;  Wyborn C.;  Klenk N.L.;  Ryan M.;  Serban A.;  Bennett N.J.;  Brennan R.;  Charli-Joseph L.;  Fernández-Giménez M.E.;  Galvin K.A.;  Goldstein B.E.;  Haller T.;  Hill R.;  Munera C.;  Nel J.L.;  Österblom H.;  Reid R.S.;  Riechers M.;  Spierenburg M.;  Tengö M.;  Bennett E.;  Brandeis A.;  Chatterton P.;  Cockburn J.J.;  Cvitanovic C.;  Dumrongrojwatthana P.;  Paz Durán A.;  Gerber J.-D.;  Green J.M.H.;  Gruby R.;  Guerrero A.M.;  Horcea-Milcu A.-I.;  Montana J.;  Steyaert P.;  Zaehringer J.G.;  Bednarek A.T.;  Curran K.;  Fada S.J.;  Hutton J.;  Leimona B.;  Pickering T.;  Rondeau R.
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Co-production  Impact  Power relations  Social-ecological relations  Tensions  Transformative processes  
Source apportionment of VOCs, IVOCs and SVOCs by positive matrixfactorization in suburban Livermore, California 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 22, 页码: 33
作者:  Wernis, Rebecca A.;  Kreisberg, Nathan M.;  Weber, Robert J.;  Drozd, Greg T.;  Goldstein, Allen H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:25/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
Marine gas-phase sulfur emissions during an induced phytoplankton bloom 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 2, 页码: 13
作者:  Kilgour, Delaney B.;  Novak, Gordon A.;  Sauer, Jon S.;  Moore, Alexia N.;  Dinasquet, Julie;  Amiri, Sarah;  Franklin, Emily B.;  Mayer, Kathryn;  Winter, Margaux;  Morris, Clare K.;  Price, Tyler;  Malfatti, Francesca;  Crocker, Daniel R.;  Lee, Christopher;  Cappa, Christopher D.;  Goldstein, Allen H.;  Prather, Kimberly A.;  Bertram, Timothy H.
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Ground-based investigation of HOx and ozone chemistry in biomass burning plumes in rural Idaho 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 7, 页码: 20
作者:  Lindsay, Andrew J.;  Anderson, Daniel C.;  Wernis, Rebecca A.;  Liang, Yutong;  Goldstein, Allen H.;  Herndon, Scott C.;  Roscioli, Joseph R.;  Dyroff, Christoph;  Fortner, Ed C.;  Croteau, Philip L.;  Majluf, Francesca;  Krechmer, Jordan E.;  Yacovitch, Tara I.;  Knighton, Walter B.;  Wood, Ezra C.
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Emissions of organic compounds from western US wildfires and their near-fire transformations 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 15, 页码: 17
作者:  Liang, Yutong;  Stamatis, Christos;  Fortner, Edward C.;  Wernis, Rebecca A.;  Van Rooy, Paul;  Majluf, Francesca;  Yacovitch, Tara, I;  Daube, Conner;  Herndon, Scott C.;  Kreisberg, Nathan M.;  Barsanti, Kelley C.;  Goldstein, Allen H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:43/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
Kleine-Levin syndrome is associated with birth difficulties and genetic variants in the TRANK1 gene loci 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 12
作者:  Ambati A.;  Hillary R.;  Leu-Semenescu S.;  Ollila H.M.;  Lin L.;  During E.H.;  Farber N.;  Rico T.J.;  Faraco J.;  Leary E.;  Goldstein-Piekarski A.N.;  Huang Y.-S.;  Han F.;  Sivan Y.;  Lecendreux M.;  Dodet P.;  Honda M.;  Gadoth N.;  Nevsimalova S.;  Pizza F.;  Kanbayashi T.;  Peraita-Adrados R.;  Leschziner G.D.;  Hasan R.;  Canellas F.;  Kume K.;  Daniilidou M.;  Bourgin P.;  Rye D.;  Vicario J.L.;  Hogl B.;  Hong S.C.;  Plazzi G.;  Mayer G.;  Landtblom A.M.;  Dauvilliers Y.;  Arnulf I.;  Mignot E.J.-M.
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Evidence for a Northern Hemispheric trigger of the 100,000-y glacial cyclicity 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 46
作者:  Yehudai M.;  Kim J.;  Pena L.D.;  Jaume-Segui M.;  Knudson K.P.;  Bolge L.;  Malinverno A.;  Bickert T.;  Goldstein S.L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:43/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/25
Six modes of co-production for sustainability 期刊论文
Nature Sustainability, 2021, 卷号: 4, 期号: 11
作者:  Chambers J.M.;  Wyborn C.;  Ryan M.E.;  Reid R.S.;  Riechers M.;  Serban A.;  Bennett N.J.;  Cvitanovic C.;  Fernández-Giménez M.E.;  Galvin K.A.;  Goldstein B.E.;  Klenk N.L.;  Tengö M.;  Brennan R.;  Cockburn J.J.;  Hill R.;  Munera C.;  Nel J.L.;  Österblom H.;  Bednarek A.T.;  Bennett E.M.;  Brandeis A.;  Charli-Joseph L.;  Chatterton P.;  Curran K.;  Dumrongrojwatthana P.;  Durán A.P.;  Fada S.J.;  Gerber J.-D.;  Green J.M.H.;  Guerrero A.M.;  Haller T.;  Horcea-Milcu A.-I.;  Leimona B.;  Montana J.;  Rondeau R.;  Spierenburg M.;  Steyaert P.;  Zaehringer J.G.;  Gruby R.;  Hutton J.;  Pickering T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:239/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18