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Fault zone processes and fluid history in Austin Chalk; Southwest Texas 期刊论文
AAPG Bulletin, 2020, 卷号: 104, 期号: 2
作者:  Ferrill D.A.;  Evans M.A.;  McGinnis R.N.;  Morris A.P.;  Smart K.J.;  Lehrmann D.;  Gulliver K.D.H.;  Sickmann Z.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Shift Toward Intense and Widespread Precipitation Events Over the United States by Mid-21st Century 期刊论文
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 卷号: 47, 期号: 19
作者:  Rastogi D.;  Touma D.;  Evans K.J.;  Ashfaq M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:214/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/01
Tropical Indian Ocean Mediates ENSO Influence Over Central Southwest Asia During the Wet Season 期刊论文
Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 卷号: 47, 期号: 18
作者:  Abid M.A.;  Ashfaq M.;  Kucharski F.;  Evans K.J.;  Almazroui M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2021/03/01
Identification of major moisture sources across the Mediterranean Basin 期刊论文
Climate Dynamics, 2020, 卷号: 54
作者:  Batibeniz F.;  Ashfaq M.;  Önol B.;  Turuncoglu U.U.;  Mehmood S.;  Evans K.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth's early transformation through land use 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 365, 期号: 6456
作者:  Stephens L.;  Fuller D.;  Boivin N.;  Rick T.;  Gauthier N.;  Kay A.;  Marwick B.;  Armstrong C.G.D.;  Barton C.M.;  Denham T.;  Douglass K.;  Driver J.;  Janz L.;  Roberts P.;  Rogers J.D.;  Thakar H.;  Altaweel M.;  Vattuone M.M.S.;  Aldenderfer M.;  Archila S.;  Artioli G.;  Bale M.T.;  Beach T.;  Borrell F.;  Braje T.;  Buckland P.I.;  Cano N.G.J.;  Capriles J.M.;  Castillo A.D.;  Çilingiroğlu Ç.;  Cleary M.N.;  Conolly J.;  Coutros P.R.;  Covey R.A.;  Cremaschi M.;  Crowther A.;  Der L.;  di Lernia S.;  Doershuk J.F.;  Doolittle W.E.;  Edwards K.J.;  Erlandson J.M.;  Evans D.;  Fairbairn A.;  Faulkner P.;  Feinman G.;  Fernandes R.;  Fitzpatrick S.M.;  Fyfe R.;  Garcea E.;  Goldstein S.;  Goodman R.C.;  Guedes J.D.;  Herrmann J.;  Hiscock P.;  Hommel P.;  Horsburgh K.A.;  Hritz C.;  Ives J.W.;  Junno A.;  Kahn J.G.;  Kaufman B.;  Kearns C.;  Kidder T.R.;  Lanoë F.;  Lawrence D.;  Lee G.-A.;  Levin M.J.;  Lindskoug H.B.;  López-Sáez J.A.;  Macrae S.;  Marchant R.;  Marston J.M.;  McClure S.;  McCoy M.D.;  Miller A.V.;  Morrison M.;  Matuzeviciute G.M.;  Müller J.;  Nayak A.;  Noerwidi S.;  Peres T.M.;  Peterson C.E.;  Proctor L.;  Randall A.R.;  Renette S.;  Schug G.R.;  Ryzewski K.;  Saini R.;  Scheinsohn V.;  Schmidt P.;  Sebillaud P.;  Simpson I.A.;  Seitsonen O.;  Speakman R.J.;  Spengler R.N.;  Steffen M.L.;  Storozum M.J.;  Strickland K.M.;  Thompson J.;  Thurston T.L.;  Ulm S.;  Ustunkaya M.C.;  Welker M.H.;  West C.;  Williams P.R.;  Wright D.K.;  Wright N.;  Zahir M.;  Zerboni A.;  Beaudoin E.;  Garcia S.M.;  Powell J.;  Thornton A.;  Kaplan J.O.;  Gaillard M.-J.;  Goldewijk K.K.;  Ellis E.;  ArchaeoGLOBE Project
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Shift in seasonal climate patterns likely to impact residential energy consumption in the United States 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2019, 卷号: 14, 期号: 7
作者:  Rastogi D.;  Holladay J.S.;  Evans K.J.;  Preston B.L.;  Ashfaq M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
The DOE E3SM Coupled Model Version 1: Overview and Evaluation at Standard Resolution 期刊论文
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2019, 卷号: 11, 期号: 7
作者:  Golaz J.-C.;  Caldwell P.M.;  Van Roekel L.P.;  Petersen M.R.;  Tang Q.;  Wolfe J.D.;  Abeshu G.;  Anantharaj V.;  Asay-Davis X.S.;  Bader D.C.;  Baldwin S.A.;  Bisht G.;  Bogenschutz P.A.;  Branstetter M.;  Brunke M.A.;  Brus S.R.;  Burrows S.M.;  Cameron-Smith P.J.;  Donahue A.S.;  Deakin M.;  Easter R.C.;  Evans K.J.;  Feng Y.;  Flanner M.;  Foucar J.G.;  Fyke J.G.;  Griffin B.M.;  Hannay C.;  Harrop B.E.;  Hoffman M.J.;  Hunke E.C.;  Jacob R.L.;  Jacobsen D.W.;  Jeffery N.;  Jones P.W.;  Keen N.D.;  Klein S.A.;  Larson V.E.;  Leung L.R.;  Li H.-Y.;  Lin W.;  Lipscomb W.H.;  Ma P.-L.;  Mahajan S.;  Maltrud M.E.;  Mametjanov A.;  McClean J.L.;  McCoy R.B.;  Neale R.B.;  Price S.F.;  Qian Y.;  Rasch P.J.;  Reeves Eyre J.E.J.;  Riley W.J.;  Ringler T.D.;  Roberts A.F.;  Roesler E.L.;  Salinger A.G.;  Shaheen Z.;  Shi X.;  Singh B.;  Tang J.;  Taylor M.A.;  Thornton P.E.;  Turner A.K.;  Veneziani M.;  Wan H.;  Wang H.;  Wang S.;  Williams D.N.;  Wolfram P.J.;  Worley P.H.;  Xie S.;  Yang Y.;  Yoon J.-H.;  Zelinka M.D.;  Zender C.S.;  Zeng X.;  Zhang C.;  Zhang K.;  Zhang Y.;  Zheng X.;  Zhou T.;  Zhu Q.
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An Overview of the Atmospheric Component of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model 期刊论文
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2019, 卷号: 11, 期号: 8
作者:  Rasch P.J.;  Xie S.;  Ma P.-L.;  Lin W.;  Wang H.;  Tang Q.;  Burrows S.M.;  Caldwell P.;  Zhang K.;  Easter R.C.;  Cameron-Smith P.;  Singh B.;  Wan H.;  Golaz J.-C.;  Harrop B.E.;  Roesler E.;  Bacmeister J.;  Larson V.E.;  Evans K.J.;  Qian Y.;  Taylor M.;  Leung L.R.;  Zhang Y.;  Brent L.;  Branstetter M.;  Hannay C.;  Mahajan S.;  Mametjanov A.;  Neale R.;  Richter J.H.;  Yoon J.-H.;  Zender C.S.;  Bader D.;  Flanner M.;  Foucar J.G.;  Jacob R.;  Keen N.;  Klein S.A.;  Liu X.;  Salinger A.G.;  Shrivastava M.;  Yang Y.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:54/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08