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The Invisible Flood: The Chemistry, Ecology, and Social Implications of Coastal Saltwater Intrusion 期刊论文
BIOSCIENCE, 2019, 卷号: 69, 期号: 5, 页码: 368-378
作者:  Tully, Kate;  Gedan, Keryn;  Epanchin-Niell, Rebecca;  Strong, Aaron;  Bernhardt, Emily S.;  Bendor, Todd;  Mitchell, Molly;  Kominoski, John;  Jordan, Thomas E.;  Neubauer, Scott C.;  Weston, Nathaniel B.
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climate change  land use management  salinization  saltwater intrusion  sea-level rise  
Integrating adaptive management and ecosystem services concepts to improve natural resource management: Challenges and opportunities 科技报告
报告编号: 70195939, 页数: 72, 2018
作者:  Epanchin-Niell, Rebecca S.;  Boyd, James W.;  Macauley, Molly K.;  Scarlett, Lynn;  Shapiro, Carl D.;  Williams, Byron K.
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