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Carbon sequestration potential of plantation forests in New Zealand - no single tree species is universally best 期刊论文
作者:  Salekin, Serajis;  Dickinson, Yvette L.;  Bloomberg, Mark;  Meason, Dean F.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western United States 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 45
作者:  Zhuang Y.;  Fu R.;  Santer B.D.;  Dickinson R.E.;  Hall A.
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The long-distance flight behavior of Drosophila supports an agent-based model for wind-assisted dispersal in insects 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 17
作者:  Leitch K.J.;  Ponce F.V.;  Dickson W.B.;  Van Breugel F.;  Dickinson M.H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Time-Lapse Acoustic Imaging of Mesoscale and Fine-Scale Variability within the Faroe-Shetland Channel 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2020, 卷号: 125, 期号: 8
作者:  Dickinson A.;  White N.J.;  Caulfield C.P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2021/07/19
Everybody stacks: Lessons from household energy case studies to inform design principles for clean energy transitions 期刊论文
Energy Policy, 2020, 卷号: 141
作者:  Shankar A.V.;  Quinn A.K.;  Dickinson K.L.;  Williams K.N.;  Masera O.;  Charron D.;  Jack D.;  Hyman J.;  Pillarisetti A.;  Bailis R.;  Kumar P.;  Ruiz-Mercado I.;  Rosenthal J.P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:46/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Adoption  Clean cooking  Cookstoves  Household air pollution  Household energy  
Author Correction: Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness (Nature Geoscience, (2019), 12, 4, (247-252), 10.1038/s41561-019-0330-x) 期刊论文
Nature Geoscience, 2020, 卷号: 13, 期号: 11
作者:  Barnouin O.S.;  Daly M.G.;  Palmer E.E.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Weirich J.R.;  Johnson C.L.;  Al Asad M.M.;  Roberts J.H.;  Perry M.E.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Daly R.T.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Neumann G.A.;  Ernst C.M.;  Boynton W.V.;  Nolan M.C.;  Adam C.D.;  Moreau M.C.;  Rizk B.;  Drouet D’Aubigny C.Y.;  Jawin E.R.;  Walsh K.J.;  Michel P.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Scheeres D.J.;  McMahon J.W.;  Bottke W.F.;  Sugita S.;  Hirata N.;  Hirata N.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Burke K.N.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Bennett C.A.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Highsmith D.E.;  Small J.;  Vokrouhlický D.;  Bowles N.E.;  Brown E.;  Donaldson Hanna K.L.;  Warren T.;  Brunet C.;  Chicoine R.A.;  Desjardins S.;  Gaudreau D.;  Haltigin T.;  Millington-Veloza S.;  Rubi A.;  Aponte J.;  Gorius N.;  Lunsford A.;  Allen B.;  Grindlay J.;  Guevel D.;  Hoak D.;  Hong J.;  Schrader D.L.;  Bayron J.;  Golubov O.;  Sánchez P.;  Stromberg J.;  Hirabayashi M.;  Hartzell C.M.;  Oliver S.;  Rascon M.;  Harch A.;  Joseph J.;  Squyres S.;  Richardson D.;  Emery J.P.;  McGraw L.;  Ghent R.;  Binzel R.P.;  Asad M.M.A.;  Johnson C.L.;  Philpott L.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Cloutis E.A.;  Hanna R.D.;  Connolly H.C.;  Jr.;  Ciceri F.;  Hildebrand A.R.;  Ibrahim E.-M.;  Breitenfeld L.;  Glotch T.;  Rogers A.D.;  Clark B.E.;  Ferrone S.;  Thomas C.A.;  Campins H.;  Fernandez Y.;  Chang W.;  Cheuvront A.;  Trang D.;  Tachibana S.;  Yurimoto H.;  Brucato J.R.;  Poggiali G.;  Pajola M.;  Dotto E.;  Epifani E.M.;  Crombie M.K.;  Lantz C.;  Izawa M.R.M.;  de Leon J.;  Licandro J.;  Garcia J.L.R.;  Clemett S.;  Thomas-Keprta K.;  Van wal S.;  Yoshikawa M.;  Bellerose J.;  Bhaskaran S.;  Boyles C.;  Chesley S.R.;  Elder C.M.;  Farnocchia D.;  Harbison A.;  Kennedy B.;  Knight A.;  Martinez-Vlasoff N.;  Mastrodemos N.;  McElrath T.;  Owen W.;  Park R.;  Rush B.;  Swanson L.;  Takahashi Y.;  Velez D.;  Yetter K.;  Thayer C.;  Adam C.;  Antreasian P.;  Bauman J.;  Bryan C.;  Carcich B.;  Corvin M.;  Geeraert J.;  Hoffman J.;  Leonard J.M.;  Lessac-Chenen E.;  Levine A.;  McAdams J.;  McCarthy L.;  Nelson D.;  Page B.;  Pelgrift J.;  Sahr E.;  Stakkestad K.;  Stanbridge D.;  Wibben D.;  Williams B.;  Williams K.;  Wolff P.;  Hayne P.;  Kubitschek D.;  Barucci M.A.;  Deshapriya J.D.P.;  Fornasier S.;  Fulchignoni M.;  Hasselmann P.;  Merlin F.;  Praet A.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Billett O.;  Boggs A.;  Buck B.;  Carlson-Kelly S.;  Cerna J.;  Chaffin K.;  Church E.;  Coltrin M.;  Daly J.;  Deguzman A.;  Dubisher R.;  Eckart D.;  Ellis D.;  Falkenstern P.;  Fisher A.;  Fisher M.E.;  Fleming P.;  Fortney K.;  Francis S.;  Freund S.;  Gonzales S.;  Haas P.;  Hasten A.;  Hauf D.;  Hilbert A.;  Howell D.;  Jaen F.;  Jayakody N.;  Jenkins M.;  Johnson K.;  Lefevre M.;  Ma H.;  Mario C.;  Martin K.;  May C.;  McGee M.;  Miller B.;  Miller C.;  Miller G.;  Mirfakhrai A.;  Muhle E.;  Norman C.;  Olds R.;  Parish C.;  Ryle M.;  Schmitzer M.;  Sherman P.;  Skeen M.;  Susak M.;  Sutter B.;  Tran Q.;  Welch C.;  Witherspoon R.;  Wood J.;  Zareski J.;  Arvizu-Jakubicki M.;  Asphaug E.;  Audi E.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Bandrowski R.;  Becker K.J.;  Becker T.L.;  Bendall S.;  Bennett C.A.;  Bloomenthal H.;  Blum D.;  Boynton W.V.;  Brodbeck J.;  Burke K.N.;  Chojnacki M.;  Colpo A.;  Contreras J.;  Cutts J.;  d’Aubigny C.Y.D.;  Dean D.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Diallo B.;  Drinnon D.;  Drozd K.;  Enos H.L.;  Enos R.;  Fellows C.;  Ferro T.;  Fisher M.R.;  Fitzgibbon G.;  Fitzgibbon M.;  Forelli J.;  Forrester T.;  Galinsky I.;  Garcia R.;  Gardner A.;  Golish D.R.;  Habib N.;  Hamara D.;  Hammond D.;  Hanley K.;  Harshman K.;  Hergenrother C.W.;  Herzog K.;  Hill D.;  Hoekenga C.;  Hooven S.;  Howell E.S.;  Huettner E.;  Janakus A.;  Jones J.;  Kareta T.R.;  Kidd J.;  Kingsbury K.;  Balram-Knutson S.S.;  Koelbel L.;  Kreiner J.;  Lambert D.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Lewin C.;  Lovelace B.;  Loveridge M.;  Lujan M.;  Maleszewski C.K.;  Malhotra R.;  Marchese K.;  McDonough E.;  Mogk N.;  Morrison V.;  Morton E.;  Munoz R.;  Nelson J.;  Nolan M.C.;  Padilla J.;  Pennington R.;  Polit A.;  Ramos N.;  Reddy V.;  Riehl M.;  Rizk B.;  Roper H.L.;  Salazar S.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Selznick S.;  Shultz N.;  Smith P.H.;  Stewart S.;  Sutton S.;  Swindle T.;  Tang Y.H.;  Westermann M.;  Wolner C.W.V.;  Worden D.;  Zega T.;  Zeszut Z.;  Bjurstrom A.;  Bloomquist L.;  Dickinson C.;  Keates E.;  Liang J.;  Nifo V.;  Taylor A.;  Teti F.;  Caplinger M.;  Bowles H.;  Carter S.;  Dickenshied S.;  Doerres D.;  Fisher T.;  Hagee W.;  Hill J.;  Miner M.;  Noss D.;  Piacentine N.;  Smith M.;  Toland A.;  Wren P.;  Bernacki M.;  Munoz D.P.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Sandford S.A.;  Aqueche A.;  Ashman B.;  Barker M.;  Bartels A.;  Berry K.;  Bos B.;  Burns R.;  Calloway A.;  Carpenter R.;  Castro N.;  Cosentino R.;  Donaldson J.;  Dworkin J.P.;  Cook J.E.;  Emr C.;  Everett D.;  Fennell D.;  Fleshman K.;  Folta D.;  Gallagher D.;  Garvin J.;  Getzandanner K.;  Glavin D.;  Hull S.;  Hyde K.;  Ido H.;  Ingegneri A.;  Jones N.;  Kaotira P.;  Lim L.F.;  Liounis A.;  Lorentson C.;  Lorenz D.;  Lyzhoft J.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Mink R.;  Moore W.;  Moreau M.;  Mullen S.;  Nagy J.;  Neumann G.;  Nuth J.;  Poland D.;  Reuter D.C.;  Rhoads L.;  Rieger S.;  Rowlands D.;  Sallitt D.;  Scroggins A.;  Shaw G.;  Simon A.A.;  Swenson J.;  Vasudeva P.;  Wasser M.;  Zellar R.;  Grossman J.;  Johnston G.;  Morris M.;  Wendel J.;  Burton A.;  Keller L.P.;  McNamara L.;  Messenger S.;  Nakamura-Messenger K.;  Nguyen A.;  Righter K.;  Queen E.;  Bellamy K.;  Dill K.;  Gardner S.;  Giuntini M.;  Key B.;  Kissell J.;  Patterson D.;  Vaughan D.;  Wright B.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Le Corre L.;  Li J.-Y.;  Molaro J.L.;  Palmer E.E.;  Siegler M.A.;  Tricarico P.;  Weirich J.R.;  Zou X.-D.;  Ireland T.;  Tait K.;  Bland P.;  Anwar S.;  Bojorquez-Murphy N.;  Christensen P.R.;  Haberle C.W.;  Mehall G.;  Rios K.;  Franchi I.;  Rozitis B.;  Beddingfield C.B.;  Marshall J.;  Brack D.N.;  French A.S.;  McMahon J.W.;  Scheeres D.J.;  Jawin E.R.;  McCoy T.J.;  Russell S.;  Killgore M.;  Bottke W.F.;  Hamilton V.E.;  Kaplan H.H.;  Walsh K.J.;  Bandfield J.L.;  Clark B.C.;  Chodas M.;  Lambert M.;  Masterson R.A.;  Daly M.G.;  Freemantle J.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Barnouin O.S.;  Craft K.;  Daly R.T.;  Ernst C.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Holdridge M.;  Jones M.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Peachey J.;  Perry M.E.;  Plescia J.;  Roberts J.H.;  Steele R.;  Turner R.;  Backer J.;  Edmundson K.;  Mapel J.;  Milazzo M.;  Sides S.;  Manzoni C.;  May B.;  Delbo’ M.;  Libourel G.;  Michel P.;  Ryan A.;  Thuillet F.;  Marty B.;  The OSIRIS-REx Team
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Risk interdependency, social norms, and wildfire mitigation: a choice experiment 期刊论文
Natural Hazards, 2020, 卷号: 103, 期号: 1
作者:  Dickinson K.L.;  Brenkert-Smith H.;  Madonia G.;  Flores N.E.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Risk mitigation  Social interactions  Social norms  Wildfire  
Seedling and sapling recruitment following novel silvicultural treatments in Great Lakes northern hardwoods 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Hupperts S.F.;  Webster C.R.;  Froese R.E.;  Dickinson Y.L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiversity  Hardwoods  Lakes  Site selection  Soil moisture  Topography  Betula alleghaniensis  Irregular shelterwood  Northern hardwoods  Scarification  Shelterwood  Silviculture  Single tree selection  Reforestation  abundance estimation  basal area  conspecific  deciduous tree  leaf litter  recruitment (population dynamics)  scarification  seedling  selective breeding  silviculture  wood quality  Betula Alleghaniensis  Biodiversity  Hardwoods  Lakes  Scarification  Topography  Great Lakes [North America]  Betula alleghaniensis  
Prescribed burn frequency, vegetation cover, and management legacies influence soil fertility: Implications for restoration of imperiled pine barrens habitat 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 470-471
作者:  Quigley K.M.;  Kolka R.;  Sturtevant B.R.;  Dickinson M.B.;  Kern C.C.;  Donner D.M.;  Miesel J.R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biogeochemistry  Conservation  Ecosystems  Feedback  Fires  Floors  Organic compounds  Plant shutdowns  Reforestation  Restoration  Soil surveys  Vegetation  Deciduous forest  Ecosystem process  Forest floor soils  Land managements  Plant communities  Soil characteristics  Soil organic matters  Specific component  Soils  coniferous tree  deciduous forest  fire management  forest floor  habitat type  plant community  prescribed burning  restoration ecology  soil fertility  soil property  vegetation cover  Conservation  Ecosystems  Feedback  Fires  Floors  Organic Compounds  United States  Wisconsin  
Aminostratigraphical test of the East European Mammal Zonation for the late Neogene and Quaternary 期刊论文
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020, 卷号: 245
作者:  Tesakov A.S.;  Frolov P.D.;  Titov V.V.;  Dickinson M.;  Meijer T.;  Parfitt S.A.;  Preece R.C.;  Penkman K.E.H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23