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Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe's alien and native floras 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 22
作者:  Fristoe T.S.;  Chytrý M.;  Dawson W.;  Essl F.;  Heleno R.;  Kreft H.;  Maurel N.;  Pergl J.;  Pyšek P.;  Seebens H.;  Weigelt P.;  Vargas P.;  Yang Q.;  Attorre F.;  Bergmeier E.;  Bernhardt-Römermann M.;  Biurrun I.;  Boch S.;  Bonari G.;  Botta-Dukát Z.;  Bruun H.H.;  Byun C.;  Carni A.;  Carranza M.L.;  Catford J.A.;  Cerabolini B.E.L.;  Chacón-Madrigal E.;  Ciccarelli D.;  Cušterevska R.;  De Ronde I.;  Dengler J.;  Golub V.;  Haveman R.;  Hough-Snee N.;  Jandt U.;  Jansen F.;  Kuzemko A.;  Küzmic F.;  Lenoir J.;  MacAnovic A.;  Marcenò C.;  Martin A.R.;  Michaletz S.T.;  Mori A.S.;  Niinemets U.;  Peterka T.;  Pielech R.;  Rašomavicius V.;  Rusina S.;  Dias A.S.;  Sibíková M.;  Silc U.;  Stanisci A.;  Jansen S.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Swacha G.;  Van Der Plas F.;  Vassilev K.;  Van Kleunen M.
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A review on onshore tsunami deposits along the Atlantic coasts 期刊论文
Earth Science Reviews, 2021, 卷号: 212
作者:  Costa P.J.M.;  Dawson S.;  Ramalho R.S.;  Engel M.;  Dourado F.;  Bosnic I.;  Andrade C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
1755 Lisbon tsunami  Caribbean  North Atlantic  South Atlantic  Storegga  Tsunami hazard  Tsunami sediments  
A review on onshore tsunami deposits along the Atlantic coasts 期刊论文
作者:  Costa P.J.M.;  Dawson S.;  Ramalho R.S.;  Engel M.;  Dourado F.;  Bosnic I.;  Andrade C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/28
Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe's alien and native floras 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 22
作者:  Fristoe T.S.;  Chytrý M.;  Dawson W.;  Essl F.;  Heleno R.;  Kreft H.;  Maurel N.;  Pergl J.;  Pyšek P.;  Seebens H.;  Weigelt P.;  Vargas P.;  Yang Q.;  Attorre F.;  Bergmeier E.;  Bernhardt-Römermann M.;  Biurrun I.;  Boch S.;  Bonari G.;  Botta-Dukát Z.;  Bruun H.H.;  Byun C.;  Carni A.;  Carranza M.L.;  Catford J.A.;  Cerabolini B.E.L.;  Chacón-Madrigal E.;  Ciccarelli D.;  Cušterevska R.;  De Ronde I.;  Dengler J.;  Golub V.;  Haveman R.;  Hough-Snee N.;  Jandt U.;  Jansen F.;  Kuzemko A.;  Küzmic F.;  Lenoir J.;  MacAnovic A.;  Marcenò C.;  Martin A.R.;  Michaletz S.T.;  Mori A.S.;  Niinemets U.;  Peterka T.;  Pielech R.;  Rašomavicius V.;  Rusina S.;  Dias A.S.;  Sibíková M.;  Silc U.;  Stanisci A.;  Jansen S.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Swacha G.;  Van Der Plas F.;  Vassilev K.;  Van Kleunen M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:46/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
The Widened Pipe Model of plant hydraulic evolution 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 22
作者:  Koçillari L.;  Olson M.E.;  Suweis S.;  Rocha R.P.;  Lovison A.;  Cardin F.;  Dawson T.E.;  Echeverría A.;  Fajardo A.;  Lechthaler S.;  Martínez-Pérez C.;  Marcati C.R.;  Chung K.-F.;  Rosell J.A.;  Segovia-Rivas A.;  Williams C.B.;  Petrone-Mendoza E.;  Rinaldo A.;  Anfodillo T.;  Banavar J.R.;  Maritan A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:52/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/25
NAD+ depletion by type I interferon signaling sensitizes pancreatic cancer cells to NAMPT inhibition 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 8
作者:  Moore A.M.;  Zhou L.;  Cui J.;  Li L.;  Wu N.;  Yu A.;  Poddar S.;  Liang K.;  Abt E.R.;  Kim S.;  Ghukasyan R.;  Khachatourian N.;  Pagano K.;  Elliott I.;  Dann A.M.;  Riahi R.;  Le T.;  Dawson D.W.;  Radu C.G.;  Donahue T.R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Evolutionary relationships between drought-related traits and climate shape large hydraulic safety margins in western North American oaks 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 10
作者:  Skelton R.P.;  Anderegg L.D.L.;  Diaz J.;  Kling M.M.;  Papper P.;  Lamarque L.J.;  Delzon S.;  Dawson T.E.;  Ackerly D.D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:37/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
Long-term sea-level rise necessitates a commitment to adaptation: A first order assessment 期刊论文
Climate Risk Management, 2021, 卷号: 34
作者:  Haasnoot M.;  Winter G.;  Brown S.;  Dawson R.J.;  Ward P.J.;  Eilander D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 2
作者:  Goddard M.A.;  Davies Z.G.;  Guenat S.;  Ferguson M.J.;  Fisher J.C.;  Akanni A.;  Ahjokoski T.;  Anderson P.M.L.;  Angeoletto F.;  Antoniou C.;  Bates A.J.;  Barkwith A.;  Berland A.;  Bouch C.J.;  Rega-Brodsky C.C.;  Byrne L.B.;  Cameron D.;  Canavan R.;  Chapman T.;  Connop S.;  Crossland S.;  Dade M.C.;  Dawson D.A.;  Dobbs C.;  Downs C.T.;  Ellis E.C.;  Escobedo F.J.;  Gobster P.;  Gulsrud N.M.;  Guneralp B.;  Hahs A.K.;  Hale J.D.;  Hassall C.;  Hedblom M.;  Hochuli D.F.;  Inkinen T.;  Ioja I.-C.;  Kendal D.;  Knowland T.;  Kowarik I.;  Langdale S.J.;  Lerman S.B.;  MacGregor-Fors I.;  Manning P.;  Massini P.;  McLean S.;  Mkwambisi D.D.;  Ossola A.;  Luque G.P.;  Pérez-Urrestarazu L.;  Perini K.;  Perry G.;  Pett T.J.;  Plummer K.E.;  Radji R.A.;  Roll U.;  Potts S.G.;  Rumble H.;  Sadler J.P.;  de Saille S.;  Sautter S.;  Scott C.E.;  Shwartz A.;  Smith T.;  Snep R.P.H.;  Soulsbury C.D.;  Stanley M.C.;  Van de Voorde T.;  Venn S.J.;  Warren P.H.;  Washbourne C.-L.;  Whitling M.;  Williams N.S.G.;  Yang J.;  Yeshitela K.;  Yocom K.P.;  Dallimer M.
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Towards an end-to-end analysis and prediction system for weather, climate, and Marine applications in the Red Sea 期刊论文
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2021, 卷号: 102, 期号: 1
作者:  Hoteit I.;  Abualnaja Y.;  Afzal S.;  Ait-El-Fquih B.;  Akylas T.;  Antony C.;  Dawson C.;  Asfahani K.;  Brewin R.J.;  Cavaleri L.;  Cerovecki I.;  Cornuelle B.;  Desamsetti S.;  Attada R.;  Dasari H.;  Sanchez-Garrido J.;  Genevier L.;  El Gharamti M.;  Gittings J.A.;  Gokul E.;  Gopalakrishnan G.;  Guo D.;  Hadri B.;  Hadwiger M.;  Hammoud M.A.;  Hendershott M.;  Hittawe M.;  Karumuri A.;  Knio O.;  Köhl A.;  Kortas S.;  Krokos G.;  Kunchala R.;  Issa L.;  Lakkis I.;  Langodan S.;  Lermusiaux P.;  Luong T.;  Ma J.;  Le Maitre O.;  Mazloff M.;  El Mohtar S.;  Papadopoulos V.P.;  Platt T.;  Pratt L.;  Raboudi N.;  Racault M.-F.;  Raitsos D.E.;  Razak S.;  Sanikommu S.;  Sathyendranath S.;  Sofianos S.;  Subramanian A.;  Sun R.;  Titi E.;  Toye H.;  Triantafyllou G.;  Tsiaras K.;  Vasou P.;  Viswanadhapalli Y.;  Wang Y.;  Yao F.;  Zhan P.;  Zodiatis G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/21